Does Your Cat Sploot? What is Splooting?

Source: © Shutterstock

You love your kitty to the moon and back, and so does he; he even tries to learn your language to communicate effectively with you through different vocalizations. You also can’t wait for those moments he sits on your lap so you can pet him, but sometimes he probably prefers lying on the couch in different positions.

To show him off to your friends on social media, you wait until he strikes a particular pose you like, where his hind legs are spread out backward as he lays on his belly. You even don’t know what that position is until you see people comment that they like your cat’s sploot. Now that you have learned what splooting is let’s tell you why your cat likes it and the different kinds of sploots your feline friend might display once in a while.

Types of Sploots

Gilbertsville Veterinary Hospital explains that although dog owners are more likely to notice splooting, even cat owners can spot their pets exhibiting the behavior. The Corgi made the sploot famous, but it is not exclusive to that dog breed, as many dog owners can testify. The most popular type of sploot is where the pet spreads out one leg behind while the other is tucked underneath.

This kind is referred to as the classic sploot. However, it all depends on the flexibility of an animal; hence there are two more types of sploots. The other is called the side sploot, and as the name suggests, the animal lays on his hip( it can be the right or left hip) instead of the belly and kicks one leg outside while the other is tucked beneath. The last type of sploot is the full sploot, whereby instead of tucking one leg under the body and kicking out the other, the animal kicks out both legs, thus looks like a frog ready to jump.

Why Do Cats Sploot?

Although Animal Wised gives a few reasons why dogs sploot, they still apply to cats, and here are some of the reasons highlighted:

Stretching – The same way we do yoga and other types of exercises to stretch our muscles, pets know that, without occasional stretches, their muscles might develop cramps. Therefore, whenever they get a chance, they will stretch their legs. Of course, the full sploot is the best type to serve this purpose.

Cooling Off – Dogs pant, and so do cats when the temperatures begin to soar. Since felines do not like drinking water, they will search for other ways to lower the body heat, and one method is lying on cold surfaces. So during hot weather, you most likely will spot your furry friend splooting on cement or tiles.

Relaxing – According to one comment on Reddit, cats also sploot when they feel they are in a safe environment. Since that position does not permit them to spring into action when the need arises, splooting indicates that the animal is comfortable and wants to relax. You should note that kittens are much more prone to stretching than senior cats because when younger, the flexibility is much higher, especially around the hips. However, regardless of age, splooting has its benefits for your furry friends. Thus, you need not worry about the frequency unless it is accompanied by other behavior like limping.

Other Terms You Should Learn Regarding Cat Behavior

Loafing – The term “loafing” refers to how cats look like loaves of bread when they sit with their paws tucked underneath their bodies. It is usually a common sitting position during cold weather because it enables the kitty to preserve body heat. Additionally, the loafing position indicates that your cat feels safe and relaxed; tucking the paws means they do not see the need to keep their claws out to defend themselves.

Airplane Ears – It refers to when your cat’s ears are spread out like the wings of a plane, and it usually is warning you that the cat is angry and at any moment could claw at you.

Baffing – Baffing is assumed to originate from “bathing” because it refers to a cat grooming themselves.

Kneading Dough – Also, sometimes referred to as “making biscuits,” this behavior is typical in domestic cats. It resembles kneading dough hence the name; the cat pushes in and out using its front paws. They usually do it on soft surfaces like pillows, and nursing kittens are the main culprits. They knead their mother’s teats to stimulate lactation as they suckle.

Meaning of Cat Positions

According to Mom, each cat position has a meaning. When they are relaxed, cats like to lay on their side and stretch out; most cats prefer this sleeping position. When in hunting mode, the kitty’s body will be low to the ground with his front paws out, ready to pounce on whatever catches his interests. In this focused position, the hind legs are tucked underneath with the tail raised.

A cat that lies on its back is often mistaken for inviting some belly rubs, but the position displays it is feeling confident about the environment’s safety. With the legs up in the air, a kitty is ready to spring into action if their safety is threatened. If you insist on rubbing them, then you are at risk of being bitten or scratched because you will make them feel anxious or defensive.

A cat sleeping in a curled up position shows that it is feeling cold and wants to preserve heat. Since the belly is hidden, the cats are protecting themselves against imminent danger, although they do not sense any. Any position that makes the cat look bigger than it is is because they are scared and want to ward off danger. Therefore this is no time to play; instead, you should be keen looking out for whatever is causing the reaction.

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  • hi, my name is copycat, i love to sleep like a dog: © Shutterstock

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