Five Car Traveling Tips for Your Kitten
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Road trip! At least that’s what we’d like to say. It would be nice if we all felt comfortable leaving our new furry friends at home, getting our sights on the road, and just taking off for a few days for a nice quiet vacation. However, like any other cat owner we’re a little apprehensive when it comes to leaving them alone. So often times when it’s time for the family to go away we want to take our buddies with us. However, there are some tips you should know first before taking your new kitten with you on the road…..
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Provide Comfort – We as humans like to be comfortable when we’re driving. Why would our cats or kittens be any different? They’re not. They want to be in the safest and most comfy environment possible. Especially if they sense they are moving. If you are driving with someone you can allow your kitty to lie on you. If you are alone you must use a carrier. Make sure the carrier is soft and has netting so your kitty can see through. Keep your car clean, air fresh, and as smooth a ride as possible. We know it’s easier said than done.
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Cats Need Breaks like we Do – When your kitty is taking a nap while driving then you obviously don’t need to stop. However, know that when you do make pit stops you should be prepared to make these stops a little bit longer. Your cat will likely need to be fed. He or she is most likely thirsty and they may need to go to the bathroom. And one important note here. Patience. Give your kitty time to do everything and provide as much comfort as you can. Park in a spot that has some shade. Give your cat all the time they need to do what they need to do.
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Weather is an Important Factor – It’s best if your cat isn’t too hot or cold so try to make your trip during the milder months when it comes to weather. Cats like to see the sites just like we do but they don’t like to do it while sweating or shivering. You want to enjoy the time outside with them.
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Your accommodations – Is your hotel pet friendly? If so how much? What are the costs? Is it safe for your pet? Make sure to do your research before you leave. Then, when you get there make sure you check the room for anything on the floor or beds that might be unsafe for your pet. Also make sure if you ever have to leave the room, put your kitty in the carrier. The last thing you need is kitty going wild in your hotel room.
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Use a carrier at all times when they get older- When they are younger kittens can be held in the car if there is more than one person. However as they get older, stronger, and more “risk taking” it’s just not worth the hassle of constantly trying to pin them down. Not to mention it’s simply not safe. When they are no longer kittens, use a carrier at all times in the car.
Thanks to Petmd for these suggestions
image sources
- pet-cat-driving: © Shutterstock
- 5a9edb8e31c5e4c79e84099beb2c858e: © Shutterstock
- reststop_r620x349: © Shutterstock
- outdoor-cat: © Shutterstock
- cat-hotel (2)[2]: © Shutterstock
- column_cat-carriers: © Shutterstock