Analyzing What Different Types of Cat Poop Means

Litter BoxSource: © Shutterstock

The characteristic of a cat’s poop can indicate many health conditions, including constipation, liver problems, diarrhea, parasites, and other problems. This means that analyzing your cat’s poop will indicate if your cat is healthy or unhealthy in which you should take it to a vet for a checkup. For a better understanding of your cat’s poop and the best step to take if your cat’s poop is abnormal, here is an exclusive analysis of what different types of cat poop mean.

What Does a Normal Cat Poop Look Like?

A normal cat stool is dark brown or brown, compact and consistent, and has the shape of a log or sausage. The poop should be consistently firm but not too firm, oscillating between shades of brown based on the food they consume. It should be malleable, like modeling clay. It should be segmented and only leave little to no residue on the ground when you pick it up. Also, the cat’s poop should not have any mucus or blood in the poop. It is essential to keep a check on your cat’s poop because it can indicate whether your feline pet is healthy or not. According to Meowtel, a normal cat poop shows that your cat has overall good health and is feeding on the right amount of food for their breed, age, and activity level. Regarding the frequency of cats’ pooping, most do it once daily, sometimes skipping a day.

When Should You Be Concerned About Your Cat’s Poop?

The poop is the first thing you notice when cleaning your cat’s litter box. Therefore, when the poop looks abnormal, you will most likely notice it. The texture of the poop can range from hard pebbles to watery pools, and each indicates a different health problem. If the cat has diarrhea, its poop will be watery and often get outside the litter box. On the other hand, if your feline has constipation, it will excrete dry and hard pellet poop. As stated earlier, a normal cat’s poop is brown or dark brown and relatively firm.

So, if the poop becomes watery or has a green, yellow, black, orange, or red hue, something is wrong. Also, you should get concerned if your cat has difficulty passing stool or can’t pass the poop completely. It is always recommendable to clean your cat’s litter box at least once a day. Therefore, if your cat’s poop looks different, you will probably notice it quickly. There is a likelihood that your cat’s poop will look different at some point. The change in the poop can indicate health problems timely. It is essential to understand the different types of cat poop and what they mean so you can get your cat the proper treatment they require.

Different Types of Cat Poop and Their Meaning

Let’s look at the different types of cat poop in terms of consistency, color, materials, etc., and what they mean.

Mushy poop

If you notice the cat’s poop is mushy with a bit of shape, it is primarily a sign that the cat has a somewhat upset stomach. This may be due to sudden diet changes. If your cat’s poop doesn’t return to normal texture within a day or two, or the cat develops other symptoms, you should contact your veterinarian as soon as possible.

Watery poop

If your cat’s poop is watery, this means the cat has diarrhea. Cat diarrhea can result from food intolerances, intestinal parasites, Inflammatory bowel disease, or bacterial and viral infections. Diarrhea can also be a symptom of skin allergies on your cat, which food sensitivities or airborne allergens might trigger. Consult your vet if diarrhea does not disappear in a day or two.

Red Poop

If your cat’s poop has some red hue, it means they suffer from bleeding in its rectum or anus. Bacterial infections or infectious illnesses can lead to bleeding in the anus. If the red hue poop does not stop on its own in a few days or is accompanied by other symptoms, it’s recommendable to contact your vet.

Black Poop

If you notice the poop of your feline friend has black or very dark brown poop, this might mean the cat’s GI tract has bleeding issues. The black residue is a sign of digested blood. This may also go together with extra symptoms, including; poor appetite, weakness, chronic vomiting, and weight loss. The treatment for bleeding in a cat’s GI tract varies based on its primary cause. According to PETMD, the leading causes of bleeding in the GT tract are inflammatory bowel disease and intestinal parasites. Treating parasites involves deworming your feline friend, while inflammatory bowel disease is usually treated with anti-inflammatory medication. To keep on the safe side, contact your veterinarian immediately if you notice your cat’s poop is black.

Green Poop

Sometimes, you might notice your cat’s poop has a green hue. A green hue in your cat’s stool might signify a parasitic or bacterial infection. However, it could also mean your cat has eaten grass. Bacterial infections on a cat result from a cat consuming dairy, water, undercooked meat, or feces. When you consult your vet, they will prescribe antibiotic drugs to treat bacterial infections. If your cat’s stool has a green hue, monitor it and if it continues looking different than usual, contact your vet.

Yellow Poop

If your cat’s stool has a yellow hue, it might be a sign of gallbladder or liver issues. But according to PURINA, in some cases of yellow poop, your cat might still be perfectly normal. You should consult your vet if your cat’s poop has a new yellow hue that does not disintegrate.

Orange Poop

If you find your cat’s poop to have an orange hue, they have liver or gallbladder problems. A bacterial infection typically causes the problem in the intestines, which spreads to the blood or moves up to the bile duct. Other possible causes of liver or gallbladder problems include; abdominal trauma, tumors, or obstruction of the bile duct. This is why it’s recommendable to contact your vet immediately if you see your cat’s poop is orange in color. The treatment of liver and gallbladder problems in cats includes; supportive fluid treatment, vitamin supplements, antibiotics, and other prescription drugs recommended by the vet.

White Poop

Although white poop is rare in cats, high consumption of bones can result in the poop being expelled to be white and hard. Pancreases or biliary issues can also cause white and grey pop. Consult your vet for the appropriate diagnosis and prescription.

Diarrhea Or Loose Stools in Cats

Among the different types of cats, poop is loose stools. Loose poop can be caused by different issues ranging from feline parasites, gastrointestinal conditions, dietary issues, and stress. If your cat’s poop is loose than normal for one day, you don’t have to worry about it. However, if your cat has diarrhea for more than a day, this is cause for alarm. If the stool becomes completely liquid, the issue is acute. In most cases, soft stools resulting from the digestive disorder will go together with other digestive symptoms such as; dehydration, vomiting, poor coat quality, apathy, and anorexia. Intestinal parasites in cats might also cause diarrhea or soft stools in cats. This is common in kittens because their immune system is still developing. According to FETCH by WebMD, the parasites can also be transmitted from infected mothers through breastfeeding or litter.

An inadequate diet or sudden feeding changes might also disrupt your cat’s digestive system. According to PetWave, diarrhea in cats might also show other pathologies, such as liver issues. Regardless of the possible cause, your vet will be the one to do the examination, do the proper tests to diagnose the primary cause, and then administer the right treatment. Don’t administer at-home remedies for diarrhea because over-the-counter medications can be dangerous and toxic for your cat.

Struggling to defecate

If your cat is straining to poop pebble-like, hard stool, this is a symptom of constipation. Constipation usually results from underlying problems like anxiety and stress, dehydration, allergies, nerve issues, or inflammatory bowel disease. If your cat is struggling to excrete hard stool, consult with your vet as soon as possible. Your veterinarian will likely recommend feeding your cat a fiber-rich diet to enhance the movement of the dietary food in the digestive tract.

Inability to pass stool

If your cat cannot defecate completely, this is a sign of severe constipation. In cats, severe constipation is often caused by hairballs, pelvic injuries, ingestion of foreign bodies such as bones, diabetes, and obesity. Severe constipation in cats is a serious health problem, so consult with your veterinarian immediately.

Materials In the Cat Poop

Additionally, within the different types of cat feces and their meaning, you might notice plant remains or other elements within your cat’s stool. If you notice this, the food elements were indigestible through the cat’s digestive system. More so, it’s common that we observe cat’s poop with other materials such as:

Cat poop with mucus

This type of stool often has a softer consistency than usual. The mucus can also be bloody, usually caused by parasites or infections in the digestive system.

Cat poop with white spots

Although this mainly occurs with kittens, cat poop with worms happens when a cat suffers from parasite infestation. The parasites can look like grains of rice or be shaped like spaghetti based on the species. If you notice such signs on your cat’s poop, you should deworm the cat immediately.

What Should You Do When Concerned About Your Cat’s Poop

Abnormal cat poop is not something you should take lightly. Cleaning the litter box only to see bloody poop or loose green stool is alarming. The cat’s poop can reveal important details about their health which is why you need to know what to do if you have any concerns about your cat’s poop. To start with, you should never administer home remedies to treat your cat’s poop abnormalities. Always consult your vet before using any remedy, and ensure your cat’s water and food are clean and fresh. Veterinarians recommend feeding the cat canned foods, more fiber, increasing water intake, and engaging in more exercise. However, if the stool has blood, the cat is likely suffering from health problems such as parasites or infections and will need additional medical treatment.

Ultimately, the best treatment for your cat depends on the primary cause of its poop abnormalities. Prescription medicines such as prednisolone or metronidazole treat inflammation in cats. The vet might recommend a special diet for intolerance, allergy, inflammatory bowel disease, or deworming medications for intestinal parasites. This is why it’s highly recommended to contact your vet if you have concerns about your cat’s poop. Your vet will do the appropriate tests and diagnose the primary cause of their defecation problems. This will give the correct prescription so your cat can improve quickly.

How Can You Prevent Poop Abnormalities

While there are effective treatments for poop abnormalities, there are also various ways you can prevent poop abnormalities and keep them healthy. To start with, avoid feeding your cat dairy products because most cats cannot digest dairy well, making them more susceptible to diarrhea. Also, if you plan to change your cat’s food, you should do it slowly over several days instead of a sudden switch. This will give them sufficient time to adjust to new food and lower the probability of them causing a stomach upset.

Bottom Line

Hopefully, you now understand what the different types of cat poop mean. So, while you are tempted to dispose of your cat’s poop immediately, you lift it from the litter box; it’s a perfect idea to take some time and observe it. Your cat’s poop can inform you about its overall health. If the stool looks abnormal, it probably means your feline friend is sick. Any abnormality in your cat’s poop can indicate health conditions such as constipation, diarrhea, and even severe conditions such as GIT bleeding. With this stool guide, you understand what to look for in the stool, so you know when to consult a vet and seek medical attention.

image sources

  • Cat,Litter,Box,With,Scoop,On,Wooden,Floor: © Shutterstock

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