Why Your Family Should invest in a Munchkin Cat

7435_1209557431859_1016400110_660775_7168314_nSource: © Shutterstock

When you take one look at the Munchkin cat, you can’t help but to smile. These adorable cats resemble a cross between a feline and a dachshund, but it’s a genetic mutation that gives them their short stature. These cute, compact felines are becoming a sensation for cat lovers around the world, especially families with young children. While some cats can be standoffish and skittish, the Munchkin cat is docile and people oriented. If your family is looking to adopt a pet in the near future, here are a few reasons why you should choose a Munchkin cat.

Unique and Affordable

There was a 15 year genetics study before Munchkins were accepted as a breed, making them very unique and rare with a great genetic diversity. Any pet lover knows that you cannot put a price on happiness and companionship, but a Munchkin cat is very affordable when compared to other popular cat breeds that can range anywhere from $500-$100,000. Munchkin cats cost around $850 for a standard, and $250 for a non-standard.


When choosing any pet for a family with children, temperament should be a top priority. Munchkin cats love to be held and handled. They are known to be outgoing, playful, and get along well with other cats and dogs. Munchkin cats are also energetic, making them tons of fun for young children. Notorious for being very intelligent, the Munchkin cat will enjoy learning new tricks while being rewarded with love and affection for their actions.

Body Characteristics and Health

We all know that children love things that are their own size, making the Munchkin cat a perfect choice for a pet. This medium size cat weighs anywhere from 5-9 pounds, and is very agile despite its short legs. Munchkin cats are not known to have any major health concerns, despite their unique genetic make-up. With the more flexible spine of cats, they don’t have the back issues like their canine versions, Corgi’s and Daschunds. If cared for properly, Munchkin cats are  known to have a lifespan of anywhere from 12-14 years. This allows a family to enjoy the love and company of their feline companion for a very long time.

Grooming and Maintenance

Munchkin cats are independent and very low maintenance. An owner would only need to spend a small amount of time each month brushing and bathing the Munchkin cat. A short haired Munchkin cat can get by with a brush a week, while a long haired Munchkin cat may need grooming twice a week to prevent matting and tangling of the coat. This great for a family with small children because grooming can become part of a weekly chore or routine, giving the cat the care it needs, while providing a child with a sense of responsibility and ownership. When adding a pet to your family, it’s also very important to think about the work involved cleaning up after an animal, especially its fur. Munchkin cats do not shed much, making it easy to keep the home clean while having a pet live indoors.

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  • 7435_1209557431859_1016400110_660775_7168314_n: © Shutterstock

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    1. People argue this point way too much. Adopting from shelters is awesome, too, but buying cats is the same as rescuing… Oftentimes, cats you can BUY come from breeding farms. People argue that adopting/rescuing from shelters are better, but it’s not. It’s all the same, honestly, as they all suffer the same risks.

          1. Have you ever seen a puppy mill or where some of these breeders keep these poor animals? There are good people breeding animals because they love them but with all the animals put down in kill shelters I’d rather adopt than pay big money to a breeder.

          2. Sigh. You can continue to annoy me with your typical neurotypical language, but it won’t work. I was secretary of the Girls Awareness Program in Euless, which is a program that rescued animals/worked closely with the local animal shelter. I then went on to actually become an animal rescuer. I’ve seen the ins and outs of various places and methods. If you would stop thinking emotionally for one minute and think logically, you would realise both are evils needing some kind of fix. I also lived on a farm, wherein I continued to take in rescued animals. I’m not an idiot. I understand where you’re coming from, but you are blatantly ignoring all the logic I’m responding with.

            Therefore, I digress. I can explain and explain, but you simple will not understand because, again, you’re thinking only emotionally—you’re not working in the logic and accepting a perspective that, in the end, is the exact same one I am giving, merely in a slightly brighter, wider path.

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