Is There Such A Thing As Cat Sanitizer?

Source: © Shutterstock

Diseases such as the new COVID-19 virus has caused a lot of panic, and everyone is looking for ways to prevent the highly infectious disease from spreading. Animal owners haven’t been left behind either as they also are taking the necessary precautions to ensure their furry babes are protected. While it is advisable to pull all the necessary steps to ensure the disease is contained, health experts have assured pet owners that dogs and cats are impervious to catching such diseases. However, cat owners feel they can never be too sure. This, therefore, begs the question, is there such a thing as cat sanitizer? While most sources claim that hand sanitizer is lethal for cats since it contains the same ingredients as antifreeze, this piece of information has been disputed and found to be false. However, exposure of cats to large amounts of ethanol contained in pure hand sanitizers can be fatal for cats.

What Is Ethanol Poisoning In Cats?

According to PetMD, ethanol poisoning in cats occurs when cats are overexposed to inks, dyes, disinfectants, sanitizers, gasoline, and other products including but not limited to certain beverages. An exposed cat usually displays drowsiness, loss of coordinated muscle control, and unconsciousness. Ethanol poisoning effects may include heart attack, slowed heart rate, and damage to the cells.

What Are The Symptoms Of Ethanol Toxicosis In Cats?

Your cat will display symptoms of ethanol poisoning with the amount of ethanol they’ve been exposed to either orally or ingested. The signs will also vary depending on whether, at the time of ingestion, your cat was full or had an empty stomach. The main symptom of ethanol poisoning in cats is a depressed central nervous system, which may develop close to 30 minutes of ingestion on an empty stomach and close to two hours when ingested on a full stomach. Other noticeable symptoms include overexcitement or depression, hypothermia, flatulence, and slow reflexes. Advanced ethanol poisoning symptoms may include slowed breathing and heart rate, depression, metabolic acidosis, and heart attack. If these are left untreated, they may result in your cat’s death.

So Is It Safe To Pet Your Cat After Using Hand Sanitizer?

According to Barkley and Paws, if you like using hand sanitizer before getting in contact with your cat, then it is advisable to ensure that the liquid dries off entirely on your hands before petting the cats. This is because hand sanitizer has large amounts of alcohol in it, which, as aforementioned, can be fatal to cats.

What To Use As A Disinfectant For Your Cat Instead Of Sanitizer

There are various ways to keep your furry baby healthy and safe from germs and disease-causing viruses. Below are some of the things you can use instead of using sanitizer on your cat:


The importance of vaccinating your cat can never be emphasized enough. It is always advisable to ensure your cat is vaccinated against feline herpes, and calicivirus, among others. Always check with your vet for various vaccination methods.

Discover Where The Germs Are At Home

Before anything, always conduct thorough checks and identify where the germs are coming from. It may be your cat’s sleeping area or the corners in the house. Your cat’s favorite toy is also a haven for germs. Ensure you make a list of all the places your cat has been and where he or she has been drinking from or eating from

Thoroughly Disinfect

Use the right disinfectant to deep clean the areas you identified where your cat likes hanging out. Deep clean their favorite toys and hard surfaces with the appropriate disinfectant to kill germs. Always consult with your veterinarian on the most effective and most appropriate deep cleaning disinfectant. Another pointer to note is that you should avoid feeding your cat on the floor or a carpet. Not only is this a tiresome chore when it comes to cleaning, but it is also unhygienic for your cat. Ensure your cat has a clean worktop to eat from. Note that the worktop shouldn’t be from your kitchen surfaces but a bowl on a designated utility area where your cat will get accustomed to. Grooming is also essential for your cat. It is advisable to groom them outdoors. Grooming outdoors prevents airborne skin particles such as cat fur, which can cause allergies. The best most effective way to get the hair off a molting cat is rubbing the cat while wearing a damp glove. The wet gloves are quicker and easier to use and clean as opposed to traditional brushes. Use hot water and dishwashing liquid to clean their feeding bowls and dry them thoroughly using a paper towel.

Stay Informed

It is always important to be in the know. Keep in mind that germs can exist in any environment for a long time. Before dropping your cat at the vet for a checkup, ensure you inquire about the steps they take in keeping surfaces and the cats clean and implement them at your home.

Create A Routine

Just as you undergo checkups frequently to be in topnotch health, your cat also deserves the same. Make it a routine to always vaccinate your kitten and conduct regular deep cleans in their favorite spots and toys. Ensure your kitten undergoes regular teeth cleaning to get rid of the germs living in their mouths. Give your cat monthly heartworm medications to keep their little hearts healthy.

Final Thoughts

It is said that prevention is better than cure, and this statement proves to be true for pets. Taking care of your pet goes a long way in ensuring that they live long enough to melt your heart on and on. Additionally, as a pet owner, ensure to keep your hands clean. Sanitize your hands and let the alcohol dry off completely. Also, practice good hygiene and, whenever possible, opt for hand washing as opposed to sanitizing as hand washing has been proven to be more effective than hand sanitization alone.

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  • photo-1494256997604-768d1f608cac: © Shutterstock

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