What is Triaditis in Cats and How is It Treated?
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Even with so many advancements in veterinarian medicine, there are still a lot of animal afflictions and illnesses that elude veterinary professionals and scientists everywhere. It also doesn’t help how the same diseases affect different animals in a particular way. You’d have to have extensive knowledge to truly be successful and useful as a veterinary professional. That’s not really great news for pet owners who are looking to provide their animals with the best care. However, owners always have something going for them; it’s the fact that no one else know their pets better than they do, and that’s very important if you’re trying to figure out if something is actually wrong with your cat or not.
What is triaditis?
There’s a cat disease that’s a little more confusing than the rest. In fact, triaditis is so confusing that even its very definition won’t bring much clarity to the layperson at all. That said, if we were to define what triaditis is, we’d say that it’s a syndrome brought on by the concurrence of cholangitis, inflammatory bowel disease, and pancreatitis. If your cat is suffering from all these illnesses at the same time, you can say that your cat is suffering from triaditis.
Symptoms of triaditis
Given that the triaditis syndrome is a collection of three other illnesses, you can probably guess that the symptoms of triaditis are also a collection of symptoms of all the illnesses combined. If that might seem like a lot of symptoms, it truly is. But your cat may not experience everything all at the same time. Your cat’s symptoms could be a combination of two or three symptoms from any of the concurrent sickness. The most common symptom is vomiting, but not all experience this. Some other symptoms include weight loss, poor appetite, abdominal pain, lethargy, abnormal stools, and more.
Triaditis causes
Here is the conundrum of this syndrome. No one really knows what causes triaditis. There are many theories today, but that’s all they really are. Some say that it’s largely hereditary; others say that it could involve dietary allergens. Still, others claim that it could be bacterial infections that travel from the intestines into the bile duct. The traveling explains why three different gastric systems are ultimately affected. There are also those who believe that bacterial infections could possibly begin in the bile duct, which could inflame the pancreas and the intestines all at the same time.
Diagnosis of triaditis
The most challenging part of this syndrome involves the diagnosis. Since so many systems are involved, it takes a lot of testing to determine what’s really going on. A biopsy is necessary in order to have a definitive diagnosis, but in reality only a few cats undergo biopsies. Blood tests and various types of imaging are typical testing performed when a vet suspects triaditis. X-rays and ultrasounds give different views and help to rule out various causes of the symptoms. Without having to perform an invasive procedure such as a biopsy, most cats are diagnosed by a proficient vet through a series of ultrasound tests.
Triaditis treatments
Treatment of triaditis is varied depending on the symptoms that are involved. Most vets aim to treat any symptoms that have presented itself in order to treat the cause. If blood tests reveal that there’s a bacterial infection present, then the vet will prescribe medication to eliminate the infection. Gastrointestinal protectants are common meds prescribed as well. If the cat is nauseous, anti-nausea medications usually help. There are also painkillers, appetite stimulants, steroids, and other medications that offer relief from various symptoms caused by traiditis.
Unfortunately, once triaditis has been diagnosed, it can never be cured. However, there’s a way for cats to live with triaditis under control. It will require a lifetime of medication and possibly a lifetime change for the cat. The cat may have to change the way it eats or even some of the activities that it normally participates in. This prognosis is fair, but once the symptoms are under control, most cats fare just fine. The important thing is that triaditis is diagnosed as soon as possible in order for a cat to start treatment right away. The longer that cats suffer without medications, the harder it will be for the cat to cope.
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- kitty-2948404_1280: © Shutterstock