What Does White Poop in Cats Mean?

Cat in litter boxSource: © Shutterstock

Cats are amazing creatures and entertaining companions that easily steal our hearts. Responsible pet owners maintain a vigilant eye on their animals to ensure that they’re healthy and happy, but occasionally, things happen. Problems arise that sometimes cause concern. When cleaning the litter box, you may notice a change in the color of your cat’s feces. Unusual symptoms can be a cause for concern. If you see a difference in The color of your cat’s litter box waste, it’s something to keep your eye on and investigate further if The problem persists. Feces can indicate that your cat’s overall health is in jeopardy. When it takes on a white appearance, here are some possible reasons why it happens and what you should do about it.

What is The normal color of cat feces?

Cat feces can range in color from light to dark brown. Black stools are always a reason to consult your veterinarian as it could indicate blood in your cat’s digestive tract, but what does white poop mean? Ask my Cats explains that there are several reasons for a cat’s feces to look white. It depends on whether The entire stool is white or if there are white flecks that look like rice grains in The excrement. Light brown poop is okay. There is no danger if The color is still brownish. It may have to do with your cat’s diet.

Worm infestations

Cat poop with white flecks or strands might be a sign that your cat has an infestation of intestinal parasites or worms. Your vet can diagnose The type of parasite to distinguish whether it is tapeworms or roundworms. Most cats that go outside have contact with The highly contagious parasites from other animals or The waste they may have left in your yard. It’s wise to consult with a vet for The proper treatment to rid your cat of worm infestations. They’re contagious, and people can become infected with them as well.

Abnormal liver function

Fur Wings and Scaly Things advises that Cats with a clay-like stool with white coloring may have more potentially serious issues. A lack of bile in your cat’s system can cause The cat’s stool to turn white. It’s a lack of essential digestive fluid. Your cat may be experiencing either gallbladder or liver problems. Your cat’s vet can test The animal to learn whether this is The cause of white stools. It’s often done through blood testing and testing a stool sample.

Fungal toxicosis

Learn about pets describes another condition in Cats that can cause white poop in cats. It is a bacterial imbalance that has become severe or a bowel infection. When caught early, most of these conditions are treatable. Left unchecked these things may become intensely harmful or even fatal. In addition to involving The gallbladder or liver, The pancreas can also become involved. A condition called Fungal toxicosis can cause cat poop to turn white. Wagwalking explains that Fungal toxicosis is caused by molds and fungi that create toxins in his system. Your cat may have inhaled or ingested spores of The fungus. The spores cause mycotoxins which can cause damage to his internal systems. It’s more common to see this condition in warm climates. The spores may grow in bedding materials, grains, and some foods.

The Symptoms of Fungal toxicosis can range from mild to deadly.

Fungal toxicosis is a disease caused by toxins that are created by fungi and molds. The condition occurs when fungus or spores enter The body, usually through inhalation or ingestion, and create mycotoxins, which damage internal systems. The range is from GI Symptoms to neurological problems including lack of appetite, diarrhea, dehydration, vomiting, and weight loss. Your cat may experience blood in The feces, abdominal bloating, a fever, rapid breathing, discharge from The nose, sneezing, or problems breathing. Other Symptoms may include incoordination, confusion or other abnormal behaviors, weakness, lethargy, slow growth, and problems walking. Your cat may experience tremors or seizures that result in coma or death. Liver toxicity is another sign of Fungal toxicosis. The condition can be caused by various types of fungus such as mushrooms, molds, aspergillus mold, fusarium fungi, penicillium fungi, manzanita muscaria, also known as Fly Agaric mushroom, and Panther Cap mushroom. It’s essential to keep all types of mushrooms away from your cat and resist The urge to share any foods that contain mushrooms of any kind with your cat. Cats can be exposed to these deadly toxins if you have wild mushrooms or toadstools growing in your backyard.

Is white poop always a sign that something is wrong?

In some cases, your cat may have white poop because he ingested grass or some other food that caused him to pass The foods rapidly through his system. If it happens once then goes away with no other signs or symptoms your cat is probably healthy with no reason for concern. If your cat has white poop with any of The aforementioned symptoms or other symptoms, or if there are white flecks in his poop, it’s an indication that it’s time to schedule an appointment with your local pet health clinic for an examination. Even if your cat appears healthy, when the condition persists for more than a couple of days there is a reason for concern. Your cat may have the beginnings of a problem that can be easily corrected by fast action and medical intervention. It’s not worth taking The risk.

Final thoughts

White poop in cats is not always a sign that he is sick, but it’s something to keep your eye on. If it resolves in a day or two and doesn’t return, you probably have no worries. if you notice it happening more, or if your cat has other symptoms of poor health, it’s time to see your pet’s healthcare professional and find out what’s going on. There are many reasons for white poop in cats, and it’s essential to know when it’s time to seek an expert medical opinion.

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  • Cute,Little,Cat,In,The,Sandbox: © Shutterstock

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