Why Does My Cat’s Poop Smell So Bad?

Cat Litter BoxSource: © Shutterstock

As much as you might love cats, cleaning their litter pans is hardly at the pinnacle of your to-do list or that of any cat enthusiast whatsoever. If your cat’s poop begins to smell worse than normal, this task could be even more difficult! So, ‘why does my cat’s poop smell so bad?’ Typically, foul-smelling excrement could indicate that something is awry with your cat’s litter or diet. Besides, it could also point out health concerns that might necessitate veterinary assistance. Either way, it is vital to get to the root of the issue. This post discusses some of the common reasons your cat might have a stinking stool and potential solutions to this concern. Read on to find out more.

What Are The 6 Common Reasons For Foul-Smelling Cat Poop?

Typical cat excrement should be so light that you do not notice it. Similarly, a foul odor is not always a cause for concern and does not necessarily necessitate additional examination. Nonetheless, stinking poop could highlight an issue if it lingers or develops in conjunction with other symptoms such as a change in consistency or color. Some cat owners may even sense a metallic odor emanating from the excrement. This odor results from the blood that has been digested and found its way into the feces. Therefore, this is something to keep an eye out for. More often than not, persistent stinky bowel motions signal more serious health problems originating in the intestines or stomach, resulting from persistently feeding an unsuitable or low-quality diet. As such, one of the first places to look into is your diet. You might even discover that most of your problems disappear once you make a change. However, as with anything health-related, you should always consult your veterinarian. These experts can examine your cat and determine whether the odors indicate something more serious like gastrointestinal difficulties, infectious illnesses, swelling, or even cancer. Whereas it is vital to mention them here, this is not always the case. Here’s an in-depth look into the six primary reasons why your cat’s poop stinks:

1. Unsuitable Diet

Humans often recognize they have eaten something that their body does not concur with when they end up in the washroom. The same may be said about cats! Cats are also highly sensitive to certain foods that you might not expect to create problems. Some cats, for instance, may have an adverse reaction to high-vitamin meals. Other cats are not fond of grains. Sometimes, it could be even certain food brands that are not going down well with your cat. Therefore, you should always try to source higher-quality alternatives to the extent that your budget can allow. The abundance and balance of nutrients essential for good intestinal health can be found in quality cat food. Additionally, a high-protein diet could trigger bad-smelling feces. Whereas cats are carnivores and necessitate a particular amount of protein, too much of it can be harmful. Unfortunately, cats tend to overindulge in protein, especially when they search for and obtain their food outside. You will quickly notice if your diet is overly high in protein, and a simple diet change is generally the remedy. Moreover, a diet elimination plan is a great approach to figure out which foods are triggering the digestive problems resulting in filthy feces.

2. Digestive Disturbances

According to Pet Educate, digestive diseases are probably the second-leading cause of stinky feces, and cats may suffer from various them. Issues with the digestive tract frequently arise over time due to poor starch and fat digestion and absorption. Likewise, incorrect foods are frequently to blame, but these concerns could as well develop gradually as the cat ages.

3. Bacteria

Cats have a natural prey drive and frequently pursue rodents such as mice and rats. They are also really good at capturing them, and if your cat spends a lot of time outside, they are more likely to eat them. Although this would ordinarily not be a concern, the issue emerges based on what they capture and, in turn, what their prey carries. Infection with Salmonella or Ecoli in your cat might result in intestinal pain, swelling, diarrhea, and stinky feces.

4. Hormonal/Medication Changes

If your cat has a specific health issue or sickness, your vet could prescribe drugs. Some pain relievers, particularly those that target hormones, can disrupt a cat’s normal chemical balance, resulting in foul-smelling feces. If you have recently observed the change in the odor of your cat’s excrement following their switch in prescriptions, you should talk to your vet about it. Your vet can swap the drug for one that is not as troublesome for your cat.

5. Parasites

Parasitic infections could lead to serious diarrhea and disturb your cat’s stomach, culminating in foul-smelling excrement. These infections could be acquired in various ways, but they are most commonly taken up from the environment by cats who already have the disease. Coccidian and Trichomonas are two parasites that could cause serious problems in cats, and these parasites are particularly prevalent in kittens from multi-cat households. Veterinary intervention and medications may help identify and cure parasitic problems and should be the first line of defense for any owner who suspects them.

6. Infections of the Anal Gland

Anal glands are found in all mammals and drain through gland ducts. These ducts might become blocked, necessitating manual draining. If these glands become infected, your cat will generate a highly runny and stinky discharge. Thus, you will undeniably be aware if your cat is struggling with an anal gland infection. As per Excited cats, you should seek quick therapy to relieve your cat’s discomfort and pain.


Foul-smelling poop could be aggravating. However, it could be a symptom of a significant health problem with your cat. While it may take some time and effort to figure out what is causing the strong odors, it is worth keeping your cat happy and healthy. Take them to the veterinarian for a checkup so that if anything is amiss, they can recover quickly. Once recovered, their stinking cat feces should be gone! Nevertheless, you can try new air fresheners, air purifiers, and new litters for an extra burst of freshness in your house.

image sources

  • Tabby,Cat,Sitting,In,A,Litter,Box,And,Look,To: © Shutterstock

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