20 Things Your Cat Wishes You Knew

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Cats have a unique way of looking at their owners, and sometimes it seems as if they are willing you to understand something. I don’t know, being that I’m not a cat or anything, but it just seems to me that so many cats have so much they’d like to convey to us. But without the verbal skills to do so, we’re left clueless, talking to them like they’re little babies and petting them on the head in a way they have got to view as condescending. Either way, however, cats definitely wish that we knew more than we do. Sometimes my cat seems a bit smarter than me. And there are times I can see it in his eyes that he is willing me to understand him without the verbal communication skills to make it easier on me. So, being that we are not cats, we’ve decided we know all about these little sweethearts and what they’re thinking, so we’ve provided you with a list of the 20 things we are just certain your cats with you knew.

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You will live longer with me

Did you know that with a cat in your life, you will live longer? It’s a proven fact by both medical researchers and scientists that people who live with cats and dogs or one or the other typically live longer than those who live in homes without pets? It’s something that you might not really realize since you just love your pet as a whole, but it’s the overall truth. Pet owners live a lot longer, on average, than those without pets at home.

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I’ll make you happy

Cats are really good about making you feel happy. Even though they’re never good at making you feel as happy to see you as they really are, they’re good for you. Petting cats relieves stress and makes you feel good as a whole, and that can make your life a lot easier and a lot more enjoyable. You will find that you suffer less from depression and bouts of unhappiness with a pet in the house.

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I’m good for your overall health

As a whole, pets can make your life healthier. Cats, too. They can make you feel happier and less stressed, relieve your anxiety and even brighten a less than fantastic day. It’s a nice concept when you stop and think about it. All you need is a cat and you’ll end up healthier than you ever thought possible, which is something worth bragging about as a whole.

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I’m not hurting your babies

Many people make the mistake of assuming that cats are not good for those with children, but it’s not true. So many people are afraid of allergies, but it’s been proven that children exposed to animals and certain foods when they are small are less likely to develop allergies to these animals and items. Prevent allergies; get a cat and let it hang out with your babies.

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Being outside is nice

So many people assume that cats should be indoor animals only, especially since they are so small. But that’s just not the case. Cats love to be outside, and if your cat can handle it, let him be out there. Our cat was an inside cat for years before we moved into our new home and he decided to escape regularly. He never leaves the porch. He just likes to sit outside in the sun and enjoy a few hours before heading back inside for the rest of the day and night.

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You’ll never keep me off the counter

It’s just the truth. They might stay off when you are around so that you don’t get mad and spray them with water, but they’re not going to stick to the floor when you’re not around. In fact, they’re going to do whatever they can to get back on the counter whenever they possibly can so that they can enjoy their time up there when you are not home. Sorry, but that’s just how they roll.

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Sometimes I can’t help my mistake

Cats aren’t always to blame for their mistakes. Our cat once peed on our bed and we were so upset we found ourselves considering getting rid of him. Turns out that while we were gone, our house and pet sitter did not take the time to clean out his litter box and it was full and disgusting. He had to go, and cats won’t get in there if it’s not clean.

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Please stop yelling at me for things I cannot handle

Sometimes cats cannot handle something, like the fact that they shed a little here and there. And yelling at them to stop getting their hair and fur all over your house is really not going to make any sort of difference. In fact, your cat is not even going to understand or care what you mean or have to say, and that’s just a fact. Our cat can’t help shedding, but we can help getting mad at him about it.

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I do need you to groom me

Cats are much more like dogs than people like to give them credit for, and they do need to be groomed. This might mean nothing more than taking the brush to the cat once or twice a week in an effort to keep his coat feeling and looking good, and also to remove dead hair and keep it off your rugs and furniture. You can do it, but you have to remember to do it.

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Baths aren’t my favorite, but I sometimes need them

Not all cats hate taking a bath. But even if they do, they still need one on occasion. Yes, cats do clean themselves, however, they’re not as good at is as you might think, so they do need you to do your job and keep them clean from time to time. Trust me when I say that you will feel much better about your cat when you do this.

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Water isn’t the worst, you know

Not all cats hate the water. In fact, some breeds love the water and actually love to swim. If you have a cat that seems to enjoy being in the water, let him or her do it. Don’t worry that it’s not ‘normal’ since not everyone or everything feels the same about things. Let it go and let the cat enjoy a nice swim.

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I do love you even though I’m not excited to see you

Cats aren’t always the kind of creatures that will show up at the door to greet you with a wagging tale and obvious excitement, but that does not mean they’re not excited to see you at the end of a long day. They are, they can just contain themselves in a way that dogs do not bother with.

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I don’t love being alone for long periods of time

Cats seem like the kind of animal that are just fine being away from their owners for long periods of time, but that is not necessarily true. They do miss you. Sure, they’re able to care for themselves a lot longer than dogs are, but that does not mean that they are okay with you being away all the time.

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I get bored

Cats do need some stimulation from time to time. This means that they require your attention and something to do. They like to play fetch and catch and chase things around, so make sure you have some games that are good for them so that they can see things and do things that make them feel good about themselves. They will really appreciate this in a way that might not seem too obvious at first, but it actually is.

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Please give me toys

Cats do need toys. It seems like something that only dogs require and cats will enjoy if they have them, but they really do need them. Cats do love to have toys to play with, and it’s something you should make sure they have. Hey, they might leave your hair ties and other items alone if only they have something to play with at home. Give them toys; they need them.

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Can I have my own blanket, please?

It’s just a nice little gift to give your cat, a blanket of his or her own. Cats love things like this since they do appreciate to have something warm and soft to spend time on. This is going to go a long way toward making your cat feel good. And it also provides them their own place to lie down that does not involve getting your blanket all disgusting and covered with hair and fur.

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I don’t want to come out and play with your guests

The simple truth is this; not all cats are social. They do not all love to spend time playing with people that they don’t know. Not all cats are comfortable in public with other people, and that’s just how it goes. Cats need to have some sort of privacy at times, and they aren’t always interested in being the center of attention at dinner parties. And they do not always love kids that are not their own. Keep that in mind and you should be good to go.

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Not all cats are shy

Some cats aren’t fond of many people that they don’t know; but some cats are. Some cats love to have people around them. Some cats love to be the center of attention at a party or gatherings. Some cats will love to come out and interact, socialize and let complete strangers pet them and ooh and ahh over them. And some won’t. You won’t know until you bring your cat home, so just go with the flow.

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I do require some attention, you know

Many people forget that cats do need some attention. They’re such independent animals that differ so much from dogs, but this does not really mean anything. They still need people in their lives to pet them, love them and pay attention to them. Try to block out a few minutes at least once or twice a day to spend some quality time with your cat. You will be very glad you did so, and you will find that it’s much easier for you to bond with your cat this way.

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Sorry about pawing you in your sensitive parts….just kidding

You know how the cat likes to climb into your lap on the couch and stretch its paws out on you? Or how it likes to climb into your bed in the mornings and do the same right on your chest? This is not an attempt to hurt you. This is something that cats love to do, so get over it. They’re not trying to hurt you, but they do enjoy this and there is very little you can do to actually stop them from doing this. It’s really not anything personal.

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  • cat: © Shutterstock
  • cat: © Shutterstock
  • cat: © Shutterstock
  • cat: © Shutterstock
  • cat: © Shutterstock
  • cat: © Shutterstock
  • cat: © Shutterstock
  • Cat: © Shutterstock
  • cat: © Shutterstock
  • cat: © Shutterstock
  • cat: © Shutterstock
  • cat: © Shutterstock
  • Cat: © Shutterstock
  • cat: © Shutterstock
  • cat: © Shutterstock
  • cat: © Shutterstock
  • cat: © Shutterstock
  • cat: © Shutterstock
  • cat: © Shutterstock
  • Napping_Kittens_13: © Shutterstock
  • cat: © Shutterstock

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