20 of The Most Bizarre Cat Breeds
Source: © Shutterstock Cats are one of the two most popular pets in homes around the world. There are so many breeds of cats to choose from, all with their own unique features, characteristics and…
Source: © Shutterstock Cats are one of the two most popular pets in homes around the world. There are so many breeds of cats to choose from, all with their own unique features, characteristics and…
Source: © Shutterstock When it comes to fires, firefighters are amazing people, risking their own lives to rescue anyone and everyone who is in need, this often includes pets. Many times when it comes to getting…
Source: © Shutterstock Animals have always played a role in the military. Whether they were around for specific training and missions, or just to be a pal to the troops while they were out on…
Source: © Shutterstock Cats are one of those animals who always seem to be sleeping off and on during the day. They can be playing one minute, and lazing on the couch the next, with…
Source: © Shutterstock People get dandruff, and so do pets. Dandruff in cats is fairly common and it is actually the symptom of another underlying condition, as opposed to being a condition itself. It is…
Source: © Shutterstock Cat lovers have a tendency to pamper and spoil their beloved pets. Although you may take your pet for regular health checkups and do all of the right things, there is still…
Source: © Shutterstock Cats are notorious for playing with things like string and yarn. They love to bat at it, chase it and chew on it. Because of these behaviors, they are known to actually…
Source: © Shutterstock Keeping your pet supplied with fresh water is one of the most important things you should do as a responsible pet owner. Cats and dogs are different in their eating and drinking…
Source: © Shutterstock Have you ever seen a cat grooming a human? We know that cats are instinctively well groomed and like to keep themselves clean, but why would they care about grooming their human?…