10 Things You Didn’t Know About The Arabian Mau

Source: © Shutterstock

Jim Davis said that cats rule the world, and in the “The Aristocats,” the cats sing that everybody wants to be a cat. So, given a choice “to rule the world,” which particular breed would you like to be? With so many to choose from, each with its set of unique features, let’s tell you a little bit about the Arabian Mau cat. Some people mistake it for the Egyptian Mau cat, but these traits you probably didn’t know will help you distinguish the two breeds.

1. They Do Not Have an Undercoat

Except for hairless cat breeds such as the Sphinx cats, most of the other breeds have a lower layer of soft hairs. It is fine and closest to the skin hence the name “undercoat.” These soft hairs provide extra insulation, which is essential for the felines that live in cold places. However, the Arabian Mau is well-adapted to the hot climate found in the Arabian countries; hence no need for additional insulation.

2. Minimal Health Issues

When you adopt a cat, it becomes part of your family, and as such, you want the best for it. Unfortunately, some breeds are predisposed to genetic illnesses such as diabetes, urinary tract infections, among many more. Treating such diseases can put a strain on your finances, but with the Arabian Mau, there is no cause for concern. After years of natural selection, the breed barely has any health issues.

3. They are Sociable Cats

According to Kitty Wise, the Arabian Mau cats are incredibly social. They quickly form strong bonds with their owners and are likely to follow their masters around. Their friendliness makes them ideal in a home with children since they also like to play and are very energetic. Their friendly nature would make them a very poor guard cat because although they are wary of unfamiliar faces at first, they easily become comfortable around them. Some cats even walk up to strangers to welcome them to your home.

4. They can be Clingy

If you are the type of person who appreciates some breathing space, you might want to reconsider getting an Arabian Mau cat. Besides following you around wherever you go, these cats like to hear you talk to them all the time. They can be a bit demanding because they will keep making their feline noises until you acknowledge them, but one owner said that the cat stops meowing as soon as she talks to her. Their vocalization also means that they want something. If you lack the patience but still insist on getting this bred, always give the cat what it wants when it asks for it the first time; otherwise, be ready for constant meows.

5. Males are Very Territorial

We live in a man-eat-man society, while in the animal kingdom, it is survival for the fittest. Surviving essentially means keeping competition away, and the best way that animals do that is by marking their territories. Males are especially fond of these since they have to compete with others to attract female attention. Besides, controlling a particular area is a show of dominance; hence according to Cat Breed Selector, the Arabian Mau male cats are extremely territorial.

6. They Prefer Active Playtime

Arabian Mau cats are almost always on the move; they do not even like to sit on your lap and prefer to move with you wherever you go. This trait is thought to result from their time in the desert, where they had to roam searching for shade, water, and food. Now that they are a domesticated breed, you have to ensure that you maintain their mental stimulation and keep them active. Having toys, trees, and playtime that encourages them to sharpen their hunting skills is recommended.

7. Who Named them “Arabian Cats?”

Petra Muller, the director of “Middle East Cat Society,” was among the World Cat Federation (WCF) officials who visited Dubai and was captivated by the cat. She, therefore, started a program to breed the cats selectively. As she had been documenting the breed’s behavioral traits, she found the “Arabian Mau” cat name to be appropriate.

8. It Took a Long time for them to be Recognized

Petra Muller was determined to have the cats she had fallen in love with recognized. Her wish was partially granted in 2008 when the World Cat Federation gave the cat a provisional recognition as a pedigree breed during the Annual General Meeting held in Germany. However, although the cats come in different coat colors, the WCF only recognized three coats: white, tabby, and bicolor. It took the breed another year to be allowed to participate in cat shows, but there has been progress because even the Middle East Cats Society finally recognized the cats as a formal breed.

9. Grooming is Easy

Due to their lack of an undercoat, the cats have been termed as hypoallergenic. Their short-haired coat also makes it easy to maintain them because brushing does not have to be often; Cattime advises that once or twice weekly is enough. Bathing is not recommended unless the cat is quite filthy. Instead, wiping the eyes with a wet cloth once a week and cleaning the ears with cotton balls soaked in apple cider vinegar and warm water will do. You should consult your vet on the best brushing routine to prevent periodontal diseases while scratching posts keep the nails in ideal condition.

10. They have Their Roots in Africa

No one knows the precise genealogy of this breed, but it has been studied and concluded to be among the African wild cat’s descendants. For over 1,000 years, the cats lived in the arid areas of Qatar, Bahrain, and other countries in the Arabian Peninsula. Unfortunately, people began developing the deserts, and as their natural habitat was encroached, the cats moved to human-inhabited places seeking shelter and food.

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image sources

  • Arabian Mau: © Shutterstock

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