How a Cat Cafe Is Symbolizing Dayton’s Economic Revival
American manufacturers are producing more products in the present than ever before, but the trend towards greater and greater automation that started in the 1980s resulted in fewer and fewer people in said sector. As a result, cities throughout the United States suffered massive economic losses from said trend as well as all of its associated consequences, with the city of Dayton in the state of Ohio being no exception to this rule. In fact, it suffered more than most of its counterparts, as shown by how it suffered the third greatest loss of its population in the state when measured by percentage.
However, cities have been making efforts to add other sectors to their economies, with the city of Dayton once again being no exception to this rule. As a result, it has been seeing something of an economic revival in recent times, as shown by the opening of numerous new businesses in its downtown core. One such example is the Gem City Catfe.
In brief, Gem City Catfe is a place meant to encourage positive interactions between cats and humans with no obligations expected of the people who choose to visit, working in partnership with the Humane Society of Greater Dayton. As a result, it is meant to benefit cats by providing them with plenty of opportunities for socialization as well as the chance to enter someone’s home as a new pet. At the same time, it is meant to benefit humans by providing them with a chance to interact with some of the most lovable animals on the planet while having convenient access to all of the food and beverages that they could want. Furthermore, it is interesting to note that Gem City Catfe is planning to host cat-related activities, cat-related educational seminars, and other events aimed towards its target audience, meaning that chances are good that it will become a hub for cat lovers in the city of Dayton once it opens up in July of 2017.
Gem City Catfe is not the first business of its kind in the United States and will not be the last. Likewise, it is not the first new business to open in the city of Dayton and will not be the last. Both of events should come as welcome news to cat lovers who are looking for reasons to remain ever optimistic about the future.