Everything You Need to Know About Cat Hemorrhoids
Anyone who has lived through the experience of hemorrhoids understands the pain and agony they cause. Here is something that pet owners need to know. Cats can also develop this painful condition. It’s not a topic widely discussed, but cat owners need to know that it can happen to cats from kittens through all stages of their adult lives. Some cases are mild but uncomfortable, while cat ‘roids can advance to life-threatening levels of severity. It’s essential to understand the causes, symptoms, and treatment options. Here is everything you need to know about cat hemorrhoids.
What are cat hemorrhoids?
Catster confirms that cat hemorrhoids can happen. It’s a painful medical condition characterized by swollen bulging veins in the anus of a cat. These blood vessels become fleshy and may also turn purple. The condition is not the same that humans experience, but it is similar. Inflammation around the rectal area is classified as hemorrhoids in cats. They’re caused by various medical conditions, not usually called hemorrhoids, but they’re classified as other afflictions we will get to in a few moments. While it might be uncomfortable to look at your cat’s rear end, it is sometimes necessary just to take a peek if his behaviors suggest he is having problems.
Are all hemorrhoids obvious?
You can’t always tell that a cat is having problems with hemorrhoids just by looking. Sometimes the swelling and irritation are internal. There may be no sign of a problem from a visual inspection except for his obvious discomfort or changes in his stool. Sometimes you can see the evidence of cat hemorrhoids at a glance. This is a good indication that the condition has advanced and that your cat is in a fair amount of pain and discomfort. It’s not a good idea to try to touch the area. It may cause your cat more pain and he may bite or scratch you as a natural response. It’s best to leave the heavy-duty investigation to the experts.
Your cat is depending on you for help
The main difference between cats and people is that a cat cannot describe his pain or tell you what the problem is. Instead, he indicates there is a problem with his behaviors. As responsible pet owners, we must be on guard for any health problems that arise with our pets. If your cat’s behavior changes there is probably something going on that needs your attention.
Conditions in cats similar to hemorrhoids
Feline health conditions similar to hemorrhoids include anal prolapse, anal sac infections, abscesses, impactions, or proctitis. These are all medical terms that your veterinarian may use to describe your cat’s medical issues. They are painful problems that must be medically addressed or they may worsen.
What is a prolapse?
Most cat owners do not make a habit of checking their cats’ private parts. Sometimes you don’t need to look hard to realize there is a problem. In the case of prolapse, the anus may hang outside, looking as though it is turned inside out. It may appear red and swollen and it may bleed. Irritation, burning, and itching are all symptoms that your cat likely experiences, but he can’t describe these with words. When the anus or intestines are so strained that they’re coming out of your cat’s butt, he needs to be seen by his doctor as soon as possible. The likelihood of infection is high for prolapse if it is left untreated.
What are the causes of rectal/anal prolapse?
If your cat becomes constipated and strains to have a bowel movement, the pressure that he exerts may cause damage to the delicate lining of the rectum. Frequent straining can cause the tissue to push through the opening of the anus and protrude. Sometimes intestines can hang out of the anus. This is a serious medical problem that requires immediate attention from a professional pet health care provider. The most common cause of constipation in cats is a change in diet. The new food might not agree with his digestive system. Another possible cause is a large hairball or an object that he has swallowed that may have become lodged. Any of these causes are reasons for concern because they may become life-threatening for your cat. It’s best to get a checkup at the first sign of a problem to address the issue early while it is easier to treat.
How is an anal prolapse treated?
One of the scariest diagnoses for pet owners is rectal prolapse. If this is the case, in mild cases the vet can manipulate the protruding tissue and put it back into place. He will prescribe cream you can apply to reduce itch, swelling, and pain. If the prolapse is severe, the vet may attempt to manipulate the tissue back inside your cat, then suture it in place so your cat can begin having bowel movements again. He may also recommend a colopexy, which is a form of surgery that is a bit more involved and requires him to push the rectum inside and tack it to the body from the inside. The best treatment depends on the diagnosis and the severity of your cat’s condition. Some mild cases may resolve with simple medication but it’s impossible to know without a visit to your pet’s doctor.
Symptoms of cat hemorrhoids
According to Cuteness, if you notice that there is blood in your cat’s litter box, or if your cat cries when he tries to use the litter box, it’s a sign that something is going on. Even constipation can be a serious issue if it continues for long periods. Cats who suffer the pain of feline hemorrhoids tend to groom the area more than usual. If you see your cat licking his privates more than usual, it might be worth further investigation to make sure there isn’t a problem.
Another sign of rectal problems in cats is when the animal drags his butt across the carpet. This could mean that he has worms, but it could also be a sign of itching and irritation from cat hemorrhoids. It may be his attempt to scratch the itch, so to speak. Your cat may also develop a fever with any of these terrible health conditions.
When the area becomes infected, his body naturally responds with a fever. There may also be pus in the stool or around the hair that surrounds the rectal area. You may also notice redness or swelling. Another condition that can occur is an infection around the anal sac. There are quite a few different medical conditions that can happen to cause cat hemorrhoids, and they are different and may require specific treatments, but the outcomes for your cat are the same. He is in pain and uncomfortable and it’s hard for him to go to the bathroom. Let’s look at another common cat issue called proctitis, which can also be the cause of cat hemorrhoids.
What is proctitis?
Wag Walking describes proctitis as a painful inflammation of the rectum or anus of a cat. It is characterized by red blood in the feces, straining, and crying when your cat tries to defecate. There are several possible causes for this condition. One of the most common is food allergies, followed by intestinal blockages, infections, or even internal parasites.
It’s essential to take your cat to the vet for an accurate diagnosis and to identify the cause of the problem. Getting a medical assessment is the only way to ensure that your cat receives the proper treatment to heal the condition. Your vet may run tests on your cat to determine the cause. He will first rule out any parasitic infestations.
If parasites are not the cause, he may order x-rays or other imaging diagnostic tests to see if your cat ingested something causing an intestinal blockage. If neither is the cause, your vet may deduce that a change in his diet caused the condition. The vet may recommend that you change the cat food formula. He might even put your cat on a special diet until the problem gets resolved.
Cat hemorrhoids are treatable. Whether the condition is mild or severe, he needs to see a doctor. Fast and accurate treatment will help him get on the road to recovery. It’s inhumane to allow a cat to continue feeling these uncomfortable symptoms. Delaying treatment means more suffering that is unnecessary.
What your cat experiences with hemorrhoids
Cats with hemorrhoids often have trouble sitting on their haunches. The pain, burning, and itch may become unbearable. Cats do not have access to the same sources of relief as humans unless they have watchful owners who take them in for treatment. While a mild case of irritation can resolve on its own, the chances of that are slim.
The underlying cause of the condition, although it may be simple, needs to be identified. For example, a food allergy is something you may not think about. You may inadvertently continue feeding your cat foods that make him sick. The more he eats, the worse he will get. Mealtime will exacerbate the problem. If your cat has internal parasites, he will need treatment to get them out of his body. He may have an infection, but there is no way to know unless he gets tested. Infections in the anal area can be serious. They could be fatal if not treated immediately.
Can young kittens have hemorrhoids?
Young kittens are more prone to developing a condition in which the rectum protrudes. The protrusion happens most often in kittens under six months, according to Wag Walking. The most common cause of this problem in kittens is parasitic infections that cause the cat to strain when they try to defecate. When the condition happens in older cats, it is more likely to be from an injury or tumors in the rectum.
What to do for hemorrhoids in young kittens?
When rectal tissue becomes so swollen that it is either too painful to pass waste, or impossible, the condition needs to be dealt with swiftly. It’s cause for an emergency visit to the veterinarian. The best thing that you can do if your kitten has a prolapse/protrusion is to keep the area moist until you arrive at the vet’s office. It only takes a few days of not being able to evacuate until death will occur. When the condition has reached this severity, there isn’t much you can do from home to save your pet.
He needs medical attention that includes antibiotics and possibly a surgical procedure, and something to reduce the swelling. Mother cats can also develop hemorrhoids as a result of pregnancy and giving birth. Although it’s rare, having kittens can trigger the reaction. Other potential causes of protrusion in older cats are ingestion of foreign objects, injuries, tumors in the rectum, parasites, hernias or constipation, and straining. Viral or bacterial infections can also cause a prolapse.
What is the treatment for cat hemorrhoids?
Furzly outlines the most common treatments for cat hemorrhoids. The course of treatment that your vet recommends depends on the precise diagnosis and the cause of the problem. After a thorough examination, which may or might not include testing, your vet will assess the situation and make treatment recommendations.
When caught in the early stages, cat hemorrhoids are easier to treat. The best thing to do is to address the problems before they become too severe. Your vet might prescribe medications and offer a topical cream that takes down the swelling and inflammation. He will probably give your cat something to help control the pain and itching. Your vet may also recommend changing your cat’s diet if he believes the food your cat is eating caused the issue. Sometimes a fibrous and soft diet is necessary until the problem clears up. Your vet will know how to help, and a visit to check things out is always the best course of action.
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