How to Treat a Cat Paw Callus
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Cat owners may worry more about their cats because it’s harder to tell when something is wrong, unlike their canine counterparts. Since many cats are aloof and only have subtle personality changes, you may wonder if something is going on and how to best tackle the situation. However, other times it’s much easier to see something is wrong if you take a look at your feline’s precious toe beans and notice what you think may be a callus.
About calluses
Several things can cause calluses on the feline’s paws. Typically, this is from constant friction or rubbing. You probably won’t notice them at first since it takes quite a while for them to form.
These calluses don’t have blood vessels, so it’s ok to trim them. Preventive maintenance may be another good thing. Keep your cat’s nails trimmed. If you have difficulty doing this, pet grooming places will cut them for a small fee.
An upside is that when your cat kneads on your lap, you won’t feel like needles on your legs. If your cat has long hair, it’s a good practice to trim the hair around its paws since matting can often occur and contribute to calluses.
Seeing something wrong
Unlike humans, cats rely on their feet and hope they don’t step on something unexpected when walking around the house. However, there are many things indoors and outdoors that can lead to infections.
Although these may be difficult to see, especially if your cat doesn’t like their paws messed with, you may notice right away, including excessive licking or biting on a specific paw or a tendency to favor other paws.
There are a few things you can look for to determine if your cat may be suffering. According to Pet Well Being, swelling of the paws is one common symptom. It may be on the entire paw or centralized to another location.
Compare the foot to her others and see if it looks larger. Another thing you may notice is redness. The inflammation is your feline trying to fight off infection. If you don’t see any of these things but still suspect something is wrong, determine if the cat’s paw feels warmer to the touch.
Some more severe symptoms include lumps or bumps; these could be callouses, but take your cat to the vet if you have any questions.
Even more distressing signs include a yellow, green, white, or bloody discharge, meaning an excess of white blood cells ruptured because of infection. If you see these or smell a foul odor, it’s time to take your cat to the vet.
Is it a callus?
Although you may think it’s a callus, there may be another explanation. According to Catty Box, you may hear a clicking sound when your cat walks. The next step is to examine your cat’s paw. If you see strange horn-like sections, these are cutaneous horn cat paws or an excessive amount of keratin buildup.
If your cat is typically healthy, it may not be cause for concern. However, you still want to take a look for other problems and potentially call your vet. Since this is keratin, you may be able to trim the area.
However, be careful you are not getting skin because you may cause even more issues. Another thing to watch is if your cat is limping or seems like the overgrowth is preventing them from daily activities. If this happens, let your vet take a look and determine if any additional course of action is necessary.
First steps
Before you make a call to a veterinarian, there are several things you can do to ease your cat’s pain. First, look at the paw and see if you notice a foreign object. If it’s close enough to the surface, you can try to remove it. Afterward, wash the foot with soap and mild water to try to eliminate some of the bacteria. Besides helping your cat feel more comfortable, and will give you an idea of what you need to tell your vet.
Vet time
Paw infections can be dangerous and generally caused by bacteria or fungi trapped in the skin after a cat wounded their paw. If your cat has been bitten or scratched by an animal, an infected wound may cause distress.
Additionally, it may be an overgrown toenail. If this happens, you may want to encourage your cat to scratch more, but certainly, look for other signs. Another distressing thing is the cat found a glass shard or another object that imbedded in their paw. If you see symptoms that the cat is hurting and something may be wrong, it’s best not to hesitate and call your vet.
After the vet
Depending on what is wrong with your cat and your vet’s diagnosis, you may have medication as well as special instructions. Aside from these, if your cat is sent home with a bandage, you should constantly monitor it and change it if needed.
Additionally, you’ll need to keep your cat from licking or biting the paw, perhaps putting on a cat cone. Another thing you can do is move their food and litter boxes to more accessible locations to help them walk less. If you follow these steps, chances are your cat will be ship-shape in no time.
Final Words
Kristin Cast once said, “cats choose us; we don’t own them.” Even though our felines tend to put us in our place and let their owners know that they tolerate us as they choose, cats still depend on us.
Animal owners tend to be conscientious and want the best for their companions. When they notice something is wrong, it can be troublesome. Even though it may turn out to be something simple, it’s always best to get your cat checked out if you suspect something is wrong.
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image sources
- Cat,Sleeping,With,Paw,Cover,Its,Face,On,White,Blanket,: © Shutterstock