Can Cats Eat Pomegranate?

pomegranateSource: © Shutterstock

Cats are beloved pets that we enjoy sharing good times with. It includes occasional snacks, but it’s essential to ensure that the foods you share with kitties are safe for them. Some human foods that are healthy for people are toxic to cats and dogs. It’s too easy to offer your pet a treat without knowing that the food can make him sick. Some human foods are healthy for cats while others posted great health risks. One question that recently came up was about pomegranates. While it’s not a fruit that cats are likely to enjoy, some cats will give it a try, but is it safe for them to eat? Here is everything you need to know about the risks and benefits of pomegranates for cats.

Can cats eat Pomegranate?

Pomegranate is a healthy fruit that is loaded with antioxidants and vitamin C for humans, but is it safe for cats to eat? Pet Keen explains that pomegranate does not contain anything toxic for cats. In small amounts, it offers health benefits, but it should only be given as an occasional snack if your cat enjoys the flavor and texture. It’s a snack that you can feel good about sharing with your cat as long as it’s not a daily ritual or fed in large amounts.

What are the health benefits of pomegranate for cats?

Pet Cube explains that pomegranate can help to boost the immune system of your cat. It’s filled with healthy antioxidants that are good for people and cats. Pomegranates also contain natural vitamin C, which is also an antioxidant. The value of antioxidants is their work in the body to help it repair and rebuild healthy cells, and prevent oxidative damage to your body at a cellular level. This means that it’s good for every part of your body. In small amounts, pomegranate is not only safe but also nutritious. Pomegranates are low in calories and they contain no fats or cholesterol.

Do cats need vitamin C?

A dose of natural vitamin C from foods is never a bad thing for cats, but adding additional vitamin C to their diet is not necessary. Cats are unique creatures that are equipped with livers that synthesize vitamin C. It’s fine to obtain this nutrient from foods, but there is no need to provide other supplements.

Other benefits of pomegranate for cats

Pomegranate also contains fiber. Cats need fiber to help their digestive systems operate at the full potential for good health. The seeds are hard and the underlying part of the kernels provides a solid supply of natural fiber to promote good gut health. Additionally, the seeds contain juice that is mostly water. They also provide hydration from the liquid part. The fruit also contains folic acid, potassium, and vitamin K, which help promote healthy blood, build muscles, and aid in the growth and development of the body and its systems. Pomegranate is one of the safest fruits to share with your cat now and then.

What are the risks of feeding cats pomegranate?

Hepper warns that there are a few downsides to feeding pomegranates to cats. Since cats synthesize vitamin C through their livers, it’s wise not to overdo foods that contain high amounts of the nutrient to avoid causing harm. It’s a major difference in how the internal workings of a cat’s body differ from humans. It’s also worth noting that cats by nature are carnivores. Fruits are not a regular part of their diet. Eating too much fruit can cause an upset in the system of a feline. Too much of any healthy fruit can cause stomach aches, diarrhea, gas, or bloating. The digestive system of a cat is not made for digesting fruits. If fed in large amounts, your cat will likely experience some digestive discomfort. Not only will the cat suffer, but you won’t appreciate the mess when you go to clean the litter box. The seeds of pomegranate are small and hard. They can present a potential choking hazard for cats. If you do share pomegranate seeds with your kitty, supervise him until he has chewed and swallowed them to make sure he doesn’t need intervention. The risk is slight but it is worth noting. Finally, pomegranates contain high amounts of natural sugar. Every 100 grams of pomegranate contain 14 grams of sugar, which is high and unhealthy for cats. Too much sugar for cats can lead to the development of diabetes. Pomegranates should not be used as a supplement to your cat’s diet, even though it does offer some health benefits. It is best when fed as an occasional snack and in small amounts because the risks of long-term health issues are too high to make it a part of the kitty’s diet.

Final thoughts

Pomegranate is a fruit that is not toxic to cats. If you want to share a few kernels with your cat as a snack, it’s perfectly okay. In small amounts, pomegranate can give your cat an extra boost of healthy antioxidants that help strengthen immune system function. It offers fiber, hydration, and a few other healthy nutrients that make it a safe treat for your cat as long as you don’t overdo it. Pomegranate can cause digestive upsets if fed in large amounts. It’s not a food that cats can easily digest. If you keep that in mind, there is no reason why you can’t offer your cat a few bites now and then to bond over a shared snack. Most cats are not naturally drawn to fruits, but similar to the behaviors of people, they’re all individuals with personal preferences and tastes. You’ll never know until you try. If your cat is curious, he might give it a try to see if he likes it.

image sources

  • Several,Ripe,Pomegranate,Fruits,And,An,Open,Pomegranate,With,Pomegranate: © Shutterstock

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