Couple Creates Incredible Indiana Jones Bridge for Their Cat
Source: © Shutterstock
Two of a cat’s favorite pastimes is snoozing, and climbing up into high spaces, a tree, a counter, a bookshelf, fish tanks, anywhere that’s up, really. Put the two together, and your cat is in heaven. They love to find anywhere they can get that gives them a higher-up view, and catch a cat nap there. Ickle the cat, has a unique higher-up place to go, however. He’s had a whole Indian Jones-like bridge that was personally built for him; built specifically to lounge on.
The bridge was created by Mike and Megan, who together, are the owners of Together they came up with this unique design idea after being ‘discouraged’ about the lack of imagination put into cat furniture. They were interviewed as saying that when they brought Ickle home, they began looking for the perfect cat furniture to put in their home. They looked all over the internet and all they found were generic looking cat trees, so they put their heads together and decided to build something themselves, for Ickle. Neither one had prior woodworking experience (not even as much as 8th grade woodshop), yet they hand-built Ickle this very unique cat bridge that looks like something straight out of Indiana Jones, and as you can see in the photos, he digs it.
Once the bridge was built, the two of them again went to work. This time, they created an entire cat wall that their furry feline could use to get up to the bridge. The couple could see how much he loved it, so they decided they’d start building more of them, right out of their third-story apartment as a part-time gig, and sell them on Etsy.
The couple began receiving a flood of responses from their Etsy customers, and since they started, they’ve improved on their original ideas and have expanded their furniture line quite a bit. They have kept their focus on building unconventional cat furniture ideas, and in the four years they’ve been doing this, they have managed to turn their side project into a full-fledged, really cool business. And what’s the most amazing part is, Mike is actually very allergic to cats.
This has all come about with thanks to Megan, who couldn’t imagine a home without a cat, and that is why Ickle has all that he has. Mike said, “Although I never knew this was my dream, and often wake up at night sneezing, I love our three cats dearly and would’ve never had the opportunity to be doing what I love for a living without them.” Ickle is one pampered puss.
image sources
- We Created An Indiana Jones Bridge For Our Cat: © Shutterstock