Experts Reveal the Five Different Personality Types For Your Cat
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Everyone who’s ever met a cat or two knows that every feline is different. But are they as different as they seem? According to the latest research, all cats fall into one of five distinct personality types. If you want to keep your feline friend as happy as possible, the key is recognizing which type they are and tailoring your behavior accordingly. The research, which was conducted by the UK-based cat litter company Natusa, studied the data from 3,700 cat owners before coming to conclusions. Understanding your cat’s personality traits is essential to maintaining their well-being and facilitating a healthy relationship. “Even in the same household, and from the same litter, our furry friends can be like chalk and cheese when it comes to their individual behaviors and preferences,” he says. So, what are the types, how do you recognize which one best describes your cat, and what changes should you make to your routine to keep them as happy and contented as possible? Let’s take a look.
According to the Express Digest, 36 percent of owners say their cats give them a verbal welcome when they come home, are extroverted, and get very vocal when they feel their needs aren’t being met. If this sounds familiar, you’re probably dealing with an outgoing cat. This kind of cat is loud, opinionated, and likely to get up to all kinds of mischief thanks to their fearless nature. This is a cat that likes to be active and at the center of attention at all times – if they’re not, they can easily become bored and even destructive.
To keep your outgoing chum happy, be sure to:
- Avoid scolding or punishing them for undesirable behavior. It won’t curb the behavior; it’ll simply make them less inclined to approach you.
- Use distractions: an outgoing cat has energy to spare. Keep plenty of scratching posts and climbing centers around to stop them from using your furniture as an outlet.
- Make time for play: aim to introduce plenty of short, sweet play sessions into your day, using a wide variety of toys and games to keep them entertained.
- Encourage good behavior with plenty of positive reinforcement and treats.
- Outgoing cats are curious and prone to going where they shouldn’t; safeguard household products and other dangerous goods by investing in kid-proof stoopers.
- Be patient – outgoing cats can be demanding. Stay patient, keep your cool, use distractions where possible, and you’ll soon be looking at a happier cat… and a happier you.
According to Meowingtons, nervous cats display traits such as insecurity, fear of people, anxiety, suspicion, and shyness. If your cats runs for cover whenever a visitor comes over, you’re very likely to have a nervous nelly on your hands. Once they know they’re safe, these nervous, reserved cats will soon start to feel more confident. This is how to treat them:
- Neurotic cats love a safe place to retreat to: indulge their need for comfort with plenty of hideaways like cat tunnels or even a few strategically placed cardboard boxes.
- Nervous cats prefer to view the world from a safe vantage point: add plenty of cat trees and climbing centers to let them escape the chaos of what’s happening on ground level.
- Nervous cats need plenty of patience: initiate affection, and they may take flight. Always wait for them to come to you, and never try to force attention on them.
- Stick to a routine: nervous cats always like to know what’s happening, when. Create a routine around mealtimes and playtime to help them feel more secure.
Control their environment: nervous cats can get anxious around loud noises, unexpected guests, or anything else that shakes up their routine. Try to control their triggers as much as possible, even if that means taking them into another room before you switch on the vacuum cleaner or a guest arrives.
Bossy cats rule the roost. They’re assertive, controlling, and know exactly how to work a situation to their best advantage. If you live in a multi-cat household, their forceful, domineering attitude can sometimes be problematic. To help control it, try these top tips. Neutering or spaying: if your cat’s domineering behavior is driven by hormones, a permanent fix like neutering or spaying can work wonders. Move slowly: if you’re introducing a new cat into the household, use the ‘two-door method’ to keep your cats apart while they gradually get to know each other. This will avoid the hostile behavior bossy cats are prone to showing new members of the family. Provide separate feeding areas to reduce the risk of your bossy cat stealing food from the other cats.
22 percent of the cat owners surveyed by Natusa described their cats as spontaneous. Spontaneous cats are impulsive, full of energy, and prone to displaying youthful displays of exuberance whether it’s 1 am in the morning or 1 pm in the afternoon. To keep your spontaneous cat happy and content, remember to…
- Provide plenty of short play sessions during the day to encourage them to sleep at night
- Consider taking indoor cats for walks outside on a secure leash to burn off energy
- Favor positive reinforcement over punishment: scolding your cat for undesirable behavior will simply encourage erratic behavior. Reward good behavior instead for the best results
- Make a routine: create specific times for play, sleep, and food – the more consistent you are, the calmer your cat will be
The last category is ‘agreeable.’ As the Daily Mail notes, agreeable cats are characterized by a super chilled, sociable personality that’s usually the result of proper socialization as a kitten. These laid-back kitties have a laissez-faire attitude to life and can act as great role models to other pets in a multi-pet household. To get the most out of your agreeable cat, consider. Expanding the family: if you’ve ever wanted to turn your household in to a two or even three-cat home, having an agreeable cat on board will help you do it. They’ll take younger cats under their wing, instill good habits, and won’t present any kind of problem when it comes to new additions. Providing love whenever and wherever you need it: unlike certain other cats, agreeable cats don’t mind when, where, or how often you need a little love. The more affection you provide, the happier they (and you) will be.
image sources
- Cute,Grey,Tabby,Cat,In,Cardboard,Box,On,Floor,At: © Shutterstock