Fire Fighters Rescue 21 Kittens, 2 Cats Abandoned In Boxes

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Close to two dozen kittens got a second chance at life after being rescued by a couple of firefighters from a box where they got abandoned. The firefighters rescued 23 cats that were left in the wilderness in northern Michigan. The cats were found in battered boxes in the woods in Crawford County. Lieutenant Kurt Nitschike and Captain David Pratt of the Frederic fire department found the animals just before the temperatures dropped lower. The duo brought the poor cats to the Crawford county animal control. The department gave the two officers a shout out on their Facebook page, praising them of their kind act towards the feline friends. Staff and volunteers at the AuSable Valley Animal Shelter have been finding various homes for the kittens.

According to M Live, four of the older cats are in foster care while the two mother cats are taking care of the rest of the kittens temporarily. Several people have called the shelter to inquire whether or not they can adopt the kittens. The AuSable Animal Shelter is calling on any volunteers and individuals who are willing to help with the cats and provide other donations. The shelter can be reached via their toll line (989) 348-4117.

Other Firefighter Animal Rescues..

The West Midlands Fire Service received a call about a fire and immediately ran to action. The incident, however, wasn’t like their usual fire routine as they got a pleasant or unpleasant surprise depending on how you look at it. The firefighters arrived at the scene, and while trying to put out the flames, they discovered four kittens in the kitchen of the burning house. The firefighters immediately put oxygen masks over the faces of the kittens to try and save their lives after the smoke almost chocked them. The terrified animals got transported to the local animal rescues, and the firefighters were seen posing with the recovered kittens.

In another almost similar situation, a firefighter in Wembley celebrated her 21st birthday and her two months on the job after she rescued a terrified kitten. Jessica New had been on the job for only two months when she responded to her first house fire incident. Jessica and fellow firefighter Liam Cronin had already gotten to the top floor and came back out when they noticed that a cat had been trapped inside. The two went back into the home and discovered the kitten cowering under a bed terrified so much. According to London News, the firefighters had been informed that everyone had vacated the building, so their only job was to put out the fire. However, upon coming out of the building, they were informed that there was another occupant still missing, a kitten.

So the two went back for it, and Jessica admitted that she wasn’t sure that she would be able to get the cat out quickly. She stated that she knelt beside the bed and called out to the kitten, and to her surprise, it walked over to her. She stated that she felt satisfied having seen the owners of the cat’s reaction upon getting back their furry baby. Jessica stated that she developed an interest in joining the firefighting force two years before the incident, and she didn’t regret the decision since she loved being on the job and added that she has fun doing what she loves most. New advised young women that were thinking of pursuing a job in the fire service that they should go ahead and do so. She stated that she had a passion for joining a workforce that helped people or had a positive impact on people’s lives.

How Do You Know if a Cat Needs to be Rescued Or Not?

According to Pets on Broadway, the most common way to know if a cat needs your help or not is to check their physical behavior. If the cat is shy and you are unable to tell its physical state by merely looking at it, then here are some other things to consider:

  • The Cat’s Temperament -If the cat seems stressed nervous or even ill, then that might be a red flag that the kitty urgently requires your help.
  • Appearance- If a cat has matted or dirty fur, then that cat most likely needs a lot of grooming and is most likely homeless. Additional appearances that are red flags include gunky noses and eyes, scared faces, or noses. Most of the cats with scars usually have hard a hard life
  • Location- If a cat seems to have no physical location or is always roaming around the neighborhood it is most likely a homeless feline.
  • Following- If a cat follows you anxiously or meows when it sees you with something, especially food could be a sign that it needs help.

Having determined that the cat needs help, the next step would be to take him or her to the nearest vet or animal control shelter to get scanned for a microchip. Always do a little research before taking the cat to a shelter since sometimes the shelters are usually full. If the organization can’t take the cat in, they may provide you with advice on where you can find help for the cat. Additionally, you may also get information on how to foster the cat after they conduct the necessary screens and tests. Always ensure that you get the cat tested before you think of bringing it home with you. This is because, in the likelihood that it has a virus, it could expose other pets you may have to the disease.

If the cat is feral and has no desire to be helped, then the next best alternative is to take it a vet to be spayed and neutered. Additionally, you can offer them food, water and provide them with some make-shift shelter. You can also agree with the shelter organizations that contract farmers to take the cats and feed them in exchange for their rodent control.

image sources

  • MLive: © Shutterstock

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