What is Miralax for Cats and Is it Safe?
Source: © Shutterstock
Like with humans, kitties can have tummy trouble too. And although talking about them may not be one of the most pleasant things to have to talk about, it needs to be, because if your cat starts to have problems going to the bathroom, it can become a dangerous situations. The basics of a cat’s litterbox habits are that they should be urinating about twice a day, and defecating at least once a day. If you start to notice that they are unable to poop, there is a way to help them go, and it is with a medication that humans take for the same problem – Miralax. You may have heard of it, and yes, it works for felines, too.
Miralax is safe for cats, but only in doses suited for their small size. When the colon gets all bound up and things aren’t able to move smoothly, Miralax works by drawing water and fluids into the colon to relieve the tightness and bounding by adding moisture to get things moving again. It simply replaces fluids in the digestive system by way of osmosis, and it can help to start producing more regularity for your cat. It is considered to be the safest form of treatment for kitty constipation, with the least amount of side effects.
Miralax is intended to be a short-term treatment and remedy for your cat’s constipation. If your cat does not have any results within a week of the treatment, it needs to be reported to your vet right away because this could be a sign of a bigger, more serious problem. Other things to consider when giving your cat Miralax are that you should avoid giving your cat high doses of the medication, or too frequently. High doses can cause diarrhea and ultimately, dehydration. You should also avoid giving your cat Miralax if your cat has been diagnosed with Chronic Renal Insufficiency (CRS). As a matter-of-fact, you shouldn’t give a cat any type of medication for constipation if they have this disease.
The typical dose of Miralax for a cat is 1/8 of a teaspoon, given in the afternoon, after they have had a meal in the morning, and before their next meal. This helps prevent tummy upset from taking it on an empty stomach. After giving your Miralax, you need to monitor their litter box throughout the day to make sure they are producing stool and that it looks normal, with no discoloration and no blood. You should also keep an eye on your cat for any side effects from the medicine, such as vomiting or lethargy. If your cat has any symptoms, especially the two mentioned, stop giving your cat the medicine and call your vet right away. If you are unable to monitor your cat after the medicine, have a neighbor, friend or family member check in on your cat and notify you as to how they’re doing.
Making sure your cat stays regular is pertinent to a healthy and happy kitty, and Miralax can be the answer to one problem that has the potential to plague anyone, even felines.
image sources
- kitten-with-yarn: © Shutterstock