Ten Cats Who Sleep in Strange Places


Catster did a great piece today on odd places that cats sleep in.  We figured we would share the images with some of our own descriptions.  Those of you out there who are cat owners totally know what these photos are about.  One minutes your cat is having a great time with you and the next minute they fall asleep on your stove.  How did they get there????  Here are some funny pictures of cats who fell asleep in some weird places.  Be sure to click “next” at the bottom to view all the pics!


Not on the computer yet but pretty close!

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How does that not smell bad????

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Dogs are a cat’s best friend and pillow too!

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Books aren’t just for reading apparently.

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Right in the plant bed! Come on!

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Tunnels are the best place to get a nice nap in.

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Window sills are the best beds.

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Leave me alone, I’m sleeping!

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Just right on the screen if you will.

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Care for some coffee? How about a cat?

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