What Fruits Can Cats Eat?

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Naturally, cats are carnivores, meaning meat is an essential ingredient in their diet. But as a cat owner, you have probably wondered whether fruits are safe for cats. And if so, what fruits can cats eat? That said, fruits can add interest to your cat’s diet and offer additional vitamins, fiber, and minerals. However, not all fruits are safe for cats. If you want to add fruits to your cat’s diet, here is an exclusive review of the safe fruit options to feed your cat.

Can Cats Eat Fruit?

Fruits are a rich source of nutrition for humans. They are filled with essential minerals and vitamins as well as antioxidants that are important for the immune system. However, as a pet owner, you should be aware that while fruits are a low-calorie snack for humans, they still have a significant amount of sugar which could be a problem for overweight cats. Another thing to keep in mind is that cats don’t have taste receptors on their tongue, that would allow them to taste the sweetness . So, fruits might not interest your cat. Therefore, if your cat does not like fruits, you don’t need to force it. That said, let’s now look at the healthiest fruits for your cat.


Bananas are rich in potassium, calcium, fiber, vitamin C, and magnesium. Calcium helps support bone health, while potassium is vital for heart health. But although bananas are rich in nutrients and healthy for cats, they also have high sugar and carbohydrates levels; hence should be offered in moderation. Frozen banana slices are a great summer treat for cats.


Apples are rich in fiber and low in calories, which might benefit overweight cats. It is also an ideal low-calorie snack for senior cats as their metabolism decreases with age. Regarding nutrition, apples are filled with vitamin A and C, essential for healthy tissue and bones. Additionally, apples contain quercetin, a natural antioxidant that can help decrease allergy symptoms, protect the urinary tract system and reduce inflammation.


Blueberries are one of the richest antioxidants, potassium, and vitamin C sources, healthy for cats. It is no surprise that some people refer to them as a ‘superfood’ with some commercial pet foods, including blueberry powder. The vitamin C in blueberries helps protect the cat’s urinary health and improve night vision.


Peeled apricots are healthy and safe for your cats and can offer a rich source of beta-carotene, as indicated in their bright orange color and potassium. Beta carotene helps in boosting the immune system and fighting off free-radical damage. Always ensure you remove the peel and avoid the stem, pit, and leaves when feeding your cat apricots, as they can be poisonous to cats.


Mango is rich in potassium, magnesium, vitamin C, and folate. It also comes with niacin, potassium, thiamine, and manganese traces. What makes the mangoes particularly healthy is that they are filled with antioxidants. Before you give a mango to your cat, ensure to peel the skin and remove the pit. While the mango skin is rich in fiber and healthy for humans, it can be challenging for cats to digest.


Pineapples are filled with vitamins and minerals that can help boost your cat’s immune system. However, they contain high sugar amounts, so you should feed them in small pieces as an occasional treat. Also, remove the tough skin and the inner core before feeding.


Pears have lots of vitamins A and C as well as fibers. The significantly bland flavor might appeal to some cats more than the highly flavored fruits. However, per seeds have some amount of cyanide so ensure to remove the seeds, the skin, and the core when feeding it to cats.


Cranberries are reputable for their ability to prevent urinary tract infections. They also have plenty of manganese, vitamin C, and fiber. According to the OXFORDPETS, some cats enjoy their taste while others find them too sour. Cranberries are often included in premium commercial cat foods, so be sure that these berries are healthy for your feline friend.


While cats should not feed lots of citrus fruits, a small piece of orange is healthy. The fruits are filled with antioxidants and vitamin C, which are vital for a healthy immune system and rich in magnesium and potassium. Like other fruits, peel the orange and remove the seeds before feeding it to your cat.


Compared to most fruits, raspberries are low in sugar and rich in vitamin C . they are also filled with potassium which supports a healthy cardiovascular system, and manganese, which promotes healthy skin and bones. Although raspberries are low in calories and sugar, they have tiny amounts of naturally occurring sweeteners known as xylitol. Xylitol is toxic to cats in high quantities, so give the fruit in moderation.


As its name suggests, watermelon is 92 percent water, making it a great source of hydration. Usually, cats do not drink water a lot compared to dogs. Therefore, moisture-rich treats such as watermelon can help support your cat’s hydration. Watermelon is also rich in vitamins A, B6, and C. However, avoid feeding watermelon seeds to your cat as they contain minor amounts of cyanide.


Strawberries are a healthy source of nutrients for humans and cats. They contain fibers, water, anthocyanins, vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, calcium, little niacin, thiamin, folate, and riboflavin. Frozen strawberries are excellent summer treats for your cat. You can also puree the strawberries and mix them with the cat’s food. Just ensure to remove the stem and leaves.


This famous orange melon is rich in fiber, potassium, niacin, folate, vitamins A, B6, and C, which are beneficial for your cat. Folate is particularly vital in enhancing metabolic functions in cats. When feeding cantaloupe to your cat, ensure to remove the seeds and skin and cut it into small pieces to keep it from choking your cat.

Bottom Line

That’s it! We hope you now know the healthy fruits to feed your cat. However, always keep in mind that cats are obligate carnivores, so ensure to give the fruits as treats. According to Kidadl, fruits should only make up 2% of your cat’s diet. Also, avoid feeding the seeds, peels, and pits as they can be toxic, difficult to digest, or cause a choking hazard. Ultimately, if you are not sure fruit is safe for your cat, it’s best to avoid it or consult your vet.

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  • Fresh,Fruits.assorted,Fruits,Colorful,clean,Eating,fruit,Background: © Shutterstock

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