What is Coccidiosis in Cats and How is it Treated?
When you have animals, it eventually becomes second nature to watch them in order to make sure that they seem happy and healthy. The truth is, you can pick up on a lot of things by simply observing your animals, especially after you’ve had them a while and developed a close bond with them. It doesn’t take very long to learn what’s normal for that particular animal and what isn’t. It doesn’t matter if you have dogs, cats or horses, you can use the same techniques to gauge the overall health and mood of that particular animal at any given time.
This can be important when you think that something might be wrong. If you have a cat, you already know if that cat prefers to lay around and snooze or get up and play. You know whether or not the cat is affectionate on a routine basis or if she would simply prefer to be left alone. Regardless of her personality, you know what’s right for her. When you start to notice that something seems a little off, it’s important to pay attention to that feeling. After all, who knows her better than you?
There are a number of diseases and infections that cats can get, and one of the more common ones is called coccidiosis. This might be a term that you’ve never heard of before, and that’s okay. To be honest, there are a lot of cat owners that have never heard of it. However, it’s important that you learn what it is because it might mean the difference between you having a healthy cat or one that becomes very ill. Fortunately, this is something that can be effectively treated, especially if it’s caught early. That’s why it’s important to pay close attention to your cat and take action immediately if you think that something isn’t quite right.
In this particular case, the infection is caused by a parasite, the Coccidia. This is a parasite that infects the intestinal tract of the cat. It can show up in other animals as well, including dogs, horses and cattle. If you have one pet that is displaying symptoms, it’s important to get all of your pets checked because you might be dealing with some type of parasitic infestation. The parasites invade the intestinal tract and cause all kinds of havoc, leading to things like nausea, vomiting, lethargy, and a general disinterest in things that your cat usually likes to do. In the end, your cat doesn’t want to eat and if she does, she’s likely to get sick. She’ll probably have diarrhea and she might even display changes in her personality. In much the same way that people act differently when they don’t feel well, animals can do the same. If you have a cat that’s normally affectionate and she suddenly becomes more standoffish, this could be the reason. That’s why it’s so important to have your pet evaluated by a veterinarian as soon as you notice that something has changed.
If you suspect that your cat has contracted this parasite, the good news is that it can be treated effectively, as previously mentioned. The key is getting treatment quickly. In extreme cases where treatment is significantly delayed, there is a chance that damage to the intestinal tract could be done. The treatment in such a case would ultimately be determined by the amount of damage that’s already been done. If you’re looking at a worst-case scenario, it could mean that you would have to put your cat to sleep. Fortunately, it never has to reach that level. Instead, you can have your cat effectively treated early on and in most cases, they make a full recovery.
If you do think that your cat is displaying these types of symptoms, it’s important to remember that things like nausea and vomiting can occur with a wide range of different illnesses. A parasitic infection is just one possibility. That’s why it’s important that you get them to the veterinarian and allow that individual to make a definitive diagnosis. It’s almost impossible to make a diagnosis without help from a veterinarian. You might think that your cat is suffering from one thing and it could be something entirely different. That means that in all likelihood, the treatment regimen will also be different. Fortunately, this doesn’t have to turn into a tragedy and can easily be treated with regular veterinary visits.