Why do Cats Show Their Bellies and Should You Pet the Belly?
Source: © Shutterstock
Pet owners can’t communicate with their pets in the same way that they can communicate with other humans. However, pet owners can still get a fair amount of information from the sounds that their pets make as well as the body language that their pets show. Unfortunately, interpreting such signs isn’t as simple and straightforward as what most pet owners would like, which is why it can be useful for them to look up those with meanings that they aren’t sure about.
For instance, it isn’t uncommon for cat owners to be perplexed about their cat rolling over to show their belly. After all, that can look a lot like an invitation for them to rub their cat’s belly but following through with that thought can see them making the acquaintance of their cat’s claws and teeth in a very unpleasant manner. This is because a cat showing its belly can mean a number of things, which isn’t even considering the question of whether that particular cat is willing to put up with belly rubs or not.
First and foremost, cat owners need to remember that while cats are predators, they are also prey for bigger predators. Something that has a huge amount of influence over their behavior. For instance, if cat owners have ever wondered why their cat spends so much time squeezed into small spaces from which they can peek out at their surroundings, the answer is that it makes them feel safe and secure from potential threats. As such, it should come as no surprise to learn that cats tend to be very reluctant to show their bellies under normal circumstances. After all, the belly contains a lot of important organs with very little protection, meaning that it isn’t the kind of place that prey animals want to be vulnerable.
Still, there are circumstances that can convince a cat to show their belly. Sometimes, this is because a cat is feeling scared, so much so that they are choosing to roll on to their back so that they can use their claws as well as their teeth at the same time. Generally speaking, interested individuals can tell that a cat is scared by picking up on other telltale signs such as lip-licking, ear-flattening, and the utterances of agitation, meaning that the context of an exposed belly is very important. With that said, it is possible for an exposed belly to mean that a cat is feeling very relaxed instead, which should be paired with other signs of that sentiment. On the whole, cats are not particularly eager to expose such a vulnerable location on their body, meaning that such an occurrence is an extraordinary sign of their contentment with their current situation.
However, when a cat exposes their belly to their cat owner, there is a high chance that it is the cat’s way of expressing their happiness at seeing the cat owner. This may or may not be a sign that the cat wants the cat owner’s attention, which in turn, may or may not indicate that the cat will consent to be petted on their belly.
Should You Pet Your Cat’s Belly?
Essentially, the issue is that even when a cat is happy to see their cat owner, that doesn’t necessarily mean that the cat’s happiness extends as far as to let the cat owner pet them on their belly. Furthermore, different cats have different tolerances for being petted in such a vulnerable location, thus introducing further complications into the process for interested individuals. As such, there isn’t a simple answer for whether cat owners should pet their cat’s belly or not. Instead, the best approach might be for the cat owner to learn more about whether their particular cat enjoys being petted on the belly or not. Something that can provide them with valuable experience when it comes to making similar decisions in similar situations in the future.
Generally speaking, cat owners shouldn’t pet their cat on the belly even when it is exposed. Cats can be pretty wary animals, meaning that a lot of them will be less than thrilled even when they are being petted there by someone who they know. However, if cat owners are absolutely determined to pet their cat’s belly, they should consider starting somewhere else before petting in the direction of the belly. Throughout this process, interested individuals need to keep a watchful eye for signs of discomfort such as either a twitching tail or a movement of the head towards their hand. If they notice one of these signs, they should stop right away before the cat gets agitated enough to take more decisive action against them. With that said, if their cat seems to be fine with the situation, interested individuals should feel free to pet their cat’s exposed belly to their heart’s content.
Please note that interested individuals should never try this kind of thing with a cat that doesn’t know them very well. This is because if even cats that are familiar with them can find the process uncomfortable, cats that aren’t familiar with them will be even more inclined in that direction. Suffice to say that scared cats are also aggressive cats, meaning that there is a non-zero chance of interested individuals winding up with bites and scratches.
Further Thoughts
Ultimately, cat owners should remember the value of understanding what their cat is communicating. To some extent, interested individuals can learn much about their cat’s vocalizations as well as body language through their interactions with them. However, it isn’t uncommon for cat owners to misinterpret what their cat communicates, whether because of a simple mistake or because of an inaccurate assumption based on their experiences with some other animal. As such, it can be a good idea for cat owners to confirm what they have learned about the way that their cat communicates by consulting other sources such as veterinarians, cat trainers, and trusted sites on the Internet.
image sources
- Cat Belly: © Shutterstock