10 Important Signs of Cancer to Look for in Your Cat
Cats are very much like people in that they are susceptible to certain diseases that can prove life threatening. Cancer is one of those diseases. It’s unfortunate and it’s quite sad, but cats can be diagnosed with many forms of cancer. Some are genetic and some are not nearly as bad as others. However, this does not make the knowledge that your cat has been diagnosed with cancer any easier on anyone involved. Your cat’s life is one you likely value. Many forms of cancer that cats are diagnosed with do not come with a happy ending. This is not to say that your cat’s cancer will take his or her life, but many times it’s beyond the everyday capabilities of a vet to give your cat the kind of treatment needed. Specialists can help but if you’re not near one, it’s not going to help. Additionally, you might not have the funds to make this possible. Regardless, you should get your cat to the vet as soon as possible if you recognize any of the signs and symptoms so commonly associated with feline cancer.
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Weight Loss
One of the biggest indicators that there is something wrong with your pet is his or her sudden weight loss. Cats going through cancer are a lot more likely to suffer from weight loss than just about any other sign or symptom. And while it’s not uncommon for your cat to lose weight for other reasons, an unexplained drop in weight is never a good sign and should always be treated by the nearest vet as soon as possible.
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If your cat seems to be in pain, it’s a good idea to get the cat to the vet. Pain could be from anything and it’s always a good idea to get the cat to the vet so that you can make the decision to test for cancer. Pain with cancer can indicate that a tumor is growing and it can help you narrow down where and what the cancer is effecting. It’s not a fun realization to find out your cat has cancer, but it’s best to find out as soon as possible.
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Sudden Changes in Bathroom Abilities
Cats that are not feeling well often have issues using the bathroom. If this happens for a day or so and then changes back to normal, it’s probably nothing to worry about. However, if this issue pursues longer than a solid day, you should get the cat to the vet. Even if it’s not cancer, it could be something else that’s causing the cat to feel ill and it might need to be treated as soon as possible. Sadly, it’s a very common side effect of cancer.
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Lethargic Behavior
Cats that become lethargic do not automatically have cancer. In fact, no one that becomes lethargic has to have anything wrong with them other than the typical cold or flu. However, a cat that becomes lethargic and stays that way for longer than a day or two could be showing signs of several forms of cancer. Again, like all of the other issues on this list, it’s best to get the cat to the vet right away to get to the bottom of the real issue.
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Injuries that Do Not Heal
One of the most common indicators of cancer is the fact that your cat might not heal when it’s injured. This happens when a cat has cancer that is attacking its body and compromising its immune system. Even small injuries, such as scratches, could become worse rather than better. When things aren’t healing as they should, it’s a good idea to get the cat to the doctor to have it checked out.
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Here’s the deal; sometimes cats smell. They get in and out of litter boxes all day long and they lick themselves clean. However, they’re not too bad so if you notice that your cat has taken on a distinct odor that’s far from pleasant, it’s time to call the vet. Hopefully it’s just a dietary change issue and not something more serious, but that doesn’t mean that this should be left untreated. A smelly cat is hardly a good thing (unless you’re Phoebe from FRIENDS).
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Changes in Appetite
Most all animals and people have off days here and there. We might not feel well. We might want sleep more than food. We might have an upset stomach, and it doesn’t mean anything. However, we don’t always have changes in appetite that last longer than a few days. If your cat is suddenly vomiting everywhere, not eating his or her food and appearing to lose weight because of it, it could be indicative of cancer.
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Breathing Issues
Whether it’s frequent coughing or what sounds like a shortness of breath that just won’t go away, sometimes breathing issues that aren’t normal can be a cause for concern. Sometimes it’s just a little something going on with the cat. Sometimes it’s more than just a little something. Any breathing issues that occur in your cat should be handled by the vet immediately. Difficulty breathing is not something one should ever delay having checked out.
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When you hear that someone found a lump, your mind immediately goes to cancer. It’s never a good sign to hear this, and it’s never something that means anything good. Even if it turns out to be harmless and not at all cancerous, it could mean that your cat should be checked out more carefully and more often. There is a great deal of concern surrounding a bump or lump in or on the body of a cat. Let your vet determine what’s wrong.
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It’s not something you want to talk about, and it’s not pleasant. However, there are many body parts and bits and pieces on a cat from which he or she can release discharge, and you absolutely do not ever want to be placed in a position of having to see that. If you do notice discharge that doesn’t seen normal, call the vet. It doesn’t automatically mean cancer, but it’s not good.
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