20 Reasons Cats Are Better Than Humans
Cats are animals that make people very happy. They are kind, loving and very sweet. They like to cuddle and they like to play. They like to be alone sometimes, so they are not constantly up your rear end making you want to scream at them to go away (like your kids, sometimes). They’re great animals, and there is no reason that those who love cats have to become what is known as ‘crazy cat people,’ or whatever. Call cat people what you like, but there is one thing for certain; cats are sometimes a lot better than humans. That makes cat people a lot less crazy than people people, so how about that one? Read on to find out precisely why cats are better than humans.
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Cats Help People Live Longer
It’s a scientifically proven fact that owning a cat is likely to make you live longer than not. That’s right; being a cat person makes you a lot more likely to live longer than those people that like to be around people. Do your friends, spouses or kids make you feel as if you are going to live longer, or do they make you feel as if you want to run into the middle of traffic during rush hour? There you go.
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Cats are Great Companions
People are all right, too, you know; but cats are great. Cats do whatever you want them to do. They go where you take them, and they have no opinion. They’re not going to tell you that they are not in the mood for Chinese takeout when you are. That makes them far better than humans since you can do what you want, when you want and your cat doesn’t care.
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Cats Don’t Judge You
Okay, cats totally judge you, but you can’t hear them to its invalid. They might give you that, “Don’t you think two pints of ice cream over nothing is enough, fatty?” look at the end of the day, but they’re not going to say it out loud. If you can ignore their look of judgment, you can ignore the fact that you are being judged. Humans do not make it that easy.
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Cats Don’t Interrupt
Cats have nothing to say to you, ever. That means when you are telling them the same story over and over again, or repeating yourself or complaining about something, they are not going to ask you to stop your thoughts because they have something to say or because they want to finish watching something on television before being forced to listen to you talk all night long.
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Cats aren’t Needy
They don’t need you to care for them or coddle them or do anything for them but keep their litter box clean and their food fresh. That’s all. They aren’t going to ask you to use your time to run to the bank for them or help them with their homework or do anything else that’s going to interrupt your regularly scheduled programming so that they have time to do whatever they want to do. Cats are just not that annoyingly needy.
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Cats Don’t Hurt your Feelings
They will never tell you that there are too many tomatoes in the salad you worked so hard to pour from that premixed bag or that the cookies you picked up at the bakery are not the right ones. Cats just don’t do things like that, and that’s what makes them the best kind of animals to have around. We kind of love that, really.
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Cats are Stress Relievers
Did you know that the simple act of petting a cat is considered stress relief? Well, it is. When you make a petting motion with your hand, you are relieving your stress and making your life a lot more enjoyable. That’s something to really take into consideration if you are looking for a reason to be a crazy cat person.
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Cats are Forever Best Friends
Your cat is not going to decide that it has a new best friend, or that you have too many differences for him. He’s going to love you forever. He’s your forever friend. People aren’t always so nice to one another, so they sometimes drift apart. Your cat is not going anywhere. Unless he runs away.
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Cats are Really Cute
People can be really cute, too, but they’re not as cute as cats when they’re vomiting their mother’s breast milk all over your shirt, are they? And while we love people, we really love that cats are cute and cuddly and never need to be changed – like, ever.
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Cats Take Care of Themselves
They are immediately potty trained provided you simply show them were to find the litter box. They clean themselves, they sleep on their own and they self soothe when they are upset. I mean, if people were more like cats, I’d be more of a people person myself.
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Cats Don’t Need Your Help
Cats don’t need your help on homework, tying their shoes or doing anything else. They are just there for your enjoyment and pleasure, and they are there for you when you need someone in your life to play with. They don’t need you to clean up after them or do anything for them, and that’s what makes them such great animals.
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Cats Are Always There for You
They’re there when you wake up, they are there when you get home and they are still there when you go to bed. They have no life, so they are always there for you to enjoy. Cats are the best like that, and we kind of love that they’re always there for you in the ways that matter the most.
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Cats Don’t Steal all the Covers
That’s right; they don’t. Okays, so they’re not as cuddly when they sleep as a human might be. And while they don’t steal all the covers, they do have this thing about wanting to lay down right on top of you, which is not always the most fun or the most comfortable. Maybe they’re kind of equal to humans in this manner.
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Cats Don’t Use all the Hot Water
There is nothing like waking up in the morning and taking a long, hot shower to wake you up before your first cup of coffee. Oh, except for that moment when you realize that you cannot have your hot shower because your husband already woke up and took that hot shower and now is enjoying hot coffee while you freeze in the shower. That’s nice.
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Cats Don’t Leave their Dishes in the Sink
Cats don’t use dishes, so they win as a whole. The entire species wins because now you do not have to clean your kitchen when the meal is over. How is that for winning? That’s actually probably the best thing about cats; they don’t use dishes. My kids use 6864 dishes a day between the two who are big enough to actually use dishes.
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Cats Don’t Leave their Dirty Clothes on the Floor
Cats don’t wear clothes, so this is a human-trump moment times two. Not only do cats not leave their dirty clothes on the floor, they don’t wear clothes. This means having cats means less laundry than having humans. Think about that one the next time your ovaries start talking to you.
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Cats Don’t like to Make Plans
Sometimes all you want to do is end the week at home, on the couch without actually doing anything productive. Then sometimes your husband calls you up and tells you that he’s got his mom coming over the keep the kids for the night so you can go out on a date and you’re just so excited…kind of. You really already put on your pajamas and all you want to do is watch Netflix and hang out.
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Cats Don’t Complain
Humans manage to find all sorts of things to complain about. Their chicken doesn’t look like a real dinosaur, or they are made that the wipes you are using to clean their dirty behinds comes from a green container instead of the white one (Pampers Sensitive) and you’re just sitting there thinking, “I’m wiping the bottom of a human old enough to complain that the wipes are not the sensitive kind, and I feel as if this is kind of ironic.” Cats don’t do that.
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Cats are Not Bossy
Cats don’t tell you what to do. They don’t expect that you get anything done in a timely manner. All they want is someone to be there for them in a way that means they get fed and their litter box is cleaned. They aren’t telling you to do it, bossing you around or demanding this or that. That makes them more awesome than humans.
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Cats aren’t Bored
Cats don’t have their own iPad, their own iPhone, their own television, their own DVR, their own Escalade or their own golf cart and still sit around complaining of being bored. In fact, if your cat looks bored, give him or her a hair tie and watch them as they turn into the least bored creatures on earth.
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image sources
- cats are better than humans: © Shutterstock
- cats are better than humans: © Shutterstock
- cats are better than humans: © Shutterstock
- cats are better than humans: © Shutterstock
- cats are better than humans: © Shutterstock
- cats are better than humans: © Shutterstock
- cats are better than humans: © Shutterstock
- cats are better than humans: © Shutterstock
- cats are better than humans: © Shutterstock
- cats are better than humans: © Shutterstock
- cats are better than humans: © Shutterstock
- cats are better than humans: © Shutterstock
- cats are better than humans: © Shutterstock
- cats are better than humans: © Shutterstock
- cats are better than humans: © Shutterstock
- cats are better than humans: © Shutterstock
- cats are better than humans: © Shutterstock
- cats are better than humans: © Shutterstock
- cats are better than humans: © Shutterstock
- cats are better than humans: © Shutterstock
- cats are better than humans: © Shutterstock
- Human: © Shutterstock