A Look Back at Silicon Valley’s First Cat Convention
If you stop to think about it, it seems as if there is a convention for just about every occasion in life. Looking at Silicon Valley, one would typically think that the region is reserved for technology-related conventions and exhibitions. While these certainly dominate the stage, there are many other events that take place here on a regular basis. If a group of people has an interest in something, then there is a special affinity that can be tapped into from a marketing perspective. The more people that are involved in a particular group, the higher the potential is for an actual convention to be held that will bring as many of those individuals as possible under one roof for a couple of days.
It is no secret that many hundreds of thousands of people around the globe love cats. These adorable animals have long been cherished pets and trusted companions. Many people are joined at the hip to their cats, and much of their life revolves around these furry animals. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. When you love something or someone, you should not be afraid to showcase that success. That is exactly what has taken place with cats. Silicon Valley recently tapped into this particular affinity. The Silicat Valley Cat Convention was held recently and it was a resounding success by all accounts. Continue reading to learn more.
What Was This Event?
Since you have probably never heard of such a convention, it would probably be helpful to highlight some of the reasons why this event exists in the first place. You might think that the convention itself would be focused on cats, and you be partly correct. This was not a place to find a pet store where you could look for a new furry friend. In fact, many people noted the lack of cats at the convention in the first place. What you did find was an event focused on all things cats. You could find such items at backpacks for cats, jewelry patterned after cats, cat cartoons, and so much more that you find yourself getting ‘catted’ out before the event was all said and done.
How Was It Structured?
This convention was obviously geared towards individuals who loved cats. A ticket for a single day of the convention could be purchased for $30, but one for the entire weekend could be had for $35. This is what most people appear to have purchased. Interestingly enough, you could purchase a pass for your cat. The price was only $10, but very few people chose to do this. That was an interesting development, but one that is probably understandable once you stop to think about it. Cats don’t really like crowds, and they don’t walk around on a leash. However, there were some attendees walking around the floor of the convention center holding on to their cats, so that was refreshing to see.
The convention itself was designed to be one big party, with cats as the theme. In fact, the announcer would frequently remind people that the event was geared for fun. They even had a huge bar set up on one side of the convention hall where beer, wine, and cocktails could be had for those of legal age. The bartenders were there in full effect, dress all the while in bowties to complete the look. On the other side of the hall was an actual stage where a DJ and electronic music piped out over the loudspeakers. There was a large video screen constantly playing something of a visual nature to help further set the mood. There was also Keynote Kitty always there ready to complete the look and get the festivities moving along in the right direction.
It is no secret that many hundreds of thousands of people around the globe love cats. These adorable animals have long been cherished pets and trusted companions. Many people are joined at the hip to their cats, and much of their life revolves around these furry animals. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. When you love something or someone, you should not be afraid to showcase that success. That is exactly what has taken place with cats. Silicon Valley recently tapped into this particular affinity. The Silicat Valley Cat Convention was held recently and it was a resounding success by all accounts. Continue reading to learn more.
Some of the Notable Happenings
Sunglass Cat was at the event. This is a social media influencer who has attracted nearly one million followers on Instagram alone. This was a popular character amongst the people in attendance at the convention. He has more than 600 different sunglasses alone in his wardrobe, so it was always interesting just to see what look he would have at any given part of the day.
This cat is six years old and is a feel good story of the Los Angeles County Shelter. He actually has eyelid agenesis, which is a congenital condition that has effectively prevented his upper eyelids from developing as they should. Because of this, he is unable to blink, meaning that any debris that comes into his eyes cannot be cleared away naturally. The sunglasses, why they make him look great, actually serve a critical function to keep his eyes safe.
The Silicat Valley Cat Convention was a place where cat lovers could be themselves. They could get carried away and participate in the various events, shopping for some new toys and cat related merchandise, all without friends and even family members thinking that they have gone eccentric on them. Everyone has different interests. Those who love cats would certainly have appreciated this convention. In fact, there were almost too many events to adequately cover them all. Is that a good thing? You would have to be the judge. But, in an area of the country that seemingly has several conventions on any given weekend, this one was unique and should be deemed a success. We will see how much of a success it was when we find out if there will be another one next year.
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