Can Cats Eat Turkey?

Source: © Shutterstock

Many cat owners enjoy sharing their food with their cats, and they will give them a little treat of the food they are eating. While there are many foods that humans eat that are safe for cats, some human foods are potentially dangerous for cats to eat. It is essential that you check whether a food is safe or not before introducing a new food into your cat’s diet. One food you might consider feeding your cat is turkey, especially if you want to share the treats of your Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner with your cat. So, is turkey safe for cats to eat?

Can Cats Eat Turkey?

Generally, turkey is safe for cats to eat, says The Happy Cat Site. In the wild, cats eat a diet that consists predominantly of meat. Even domestic cats should eat a diet that has a high protein content. Turkey meat is a good source of protein for carnivorous mammals, such as cats. However, there are some words of caution for the type of turkey meat you feed your cat. First, it is best to avoid raw turkey meat, as this can cause digestive problems. Second, you should not give your cat turkey meat that is seasoned, as the seasonings are potentially dangerous for cats. Web MD Pets points out that you should not give your cat spoiled turkey meat, as this can make them very ill.

Finally, the leg meat is quite fatty, so it is best to only feed your cat a small amount of leg meat. Too much fatty meat can upset your cat’s tummy, and it may cause them to gain weight. In turn, obesity can lead to serious health conditions. Therefore, the best turkey meat to feed your cat is the lean breast meat without seasoning. If you only feed them unseasoned, cooked breast meat, you can give them turkey as often as you like. However, do not feed your cat turkey every day, as your cat needs a varied and balanced diet to maintain good health.

What About Turkey Skin?

For many humans, the turkey’s skin is one of the best parts of the meat, especially when it is seasoned and crisp. However, you should avoid feeding it to your cat. Although a small amount of turkey skin is unlikely to do your cat any harm, too much can cause them problems. The main reason for this is that the skin is one of the fattiest parts of the bird. The high-fat content can upset their stomachs and may contribute to weight gain. Another reason to avoid giving your cat the turkey skin is that this is the turkey part that people usually season prior to cooking.

Can Cats Eat Turkey Bones?

If you have cooked a whole turkey, you might have considered giving your cat the bones. However, eating turkey bones is very dangerous for cats, so you should never give your cat a turkey bone, says Found Animals. There are two reasons that turkey bones are dangerous for cats. First, there is a risk of your cat choking on a turkey bone. Second, the bones splinter when bitten, and this leaves sharp edges. The bones’ sharp edges can cause perforations in your cat’s digestive tract, which is potentially life-threatening.

Even if you do not give your cat turkey bones, they may steal them from the trash. Therefore, you should make sure that you dispose of the turkey bones properly by putting them in a trash can with a secure lid. Ideally, you should take the bones straight out to an outdoor trash can rather than the one in your kitchen. If your cat does steal the turkey bones from the trash can and eats them, you should monitor them for signs of sickness or diarrhea. If they begin to suffer from these symptoms, then take them straight to the vet.

Is Turkey Gravy Safe for Cats?

A typical and delicious accompaniment for a roast turkey dinner is gravy. When giving your cat some turkey meat, you may consider adding some gravy as an extra treat or scraping off the turkey and gravy leftovers from your own meal into their cat bowl. You should not give your cat the turkey gravy, and there are several reasons for this. If you have made the gravy using stock from the turkey, then it will contain fat and seasonings, and both are things that can upset your cat’s tummy. Also, the fat can lead to your cat gaining weight. Another way that people make gravy is by using gravy granules, as these give your gravy a richer brown color and a thicker consistency. The main problem with giving your cat gravy that is made with gravy granules is the high salt content. If a cat eats too much salt, it can cause problems with their kidneys. In severe cases, this is potentially fatal.

Other Foods Containing Turkey

Many foods that contain turkey are fine for your cat to eat. However, it is important to check the other ingredients, as it is possible that some are not safe for your cat to eat. Do not feed your cat food containing turkey until you have checked the other ingredients first.

The Final Verdict – Can Cats Eat Turkey?

Overall, cooked turkey meat is fine for your cat to eat, although you should avoid raw turkey meat and seasoned or cured turkey meat. You should also avoid the skin and the bones. While the skin has a high-fat content and may contain seasoning, the bones are sharp and can cause tears in the digestive system or choking. Giving your cat turkey gravy is also not a good idea due to the high levels of fat and salt. It is best to stick to feeding your cat a small quantity of unseasoned turkey breast meat.

image sources

  • TUrkey: © Shutterstock

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