10 Cat Breeds That Don’t Shed
Source: © Shutterstock
People can want a cat that doesn’t shed for a wide range of reasons. For example, they might want to spend less of their time on clean-up, meaning that choosing a cat that doesn’t shed is the simplest and most straightforward solution. Similarly, they might be concerned about their cat triggering their cat allergies, though it should be mentioned that there is no such thing as a truly hypoallergenic cat. Regardless, interested individuals should know that they have plenty of options, meaning that they should look into each and every single one of them.
1. Bengal
Bengal cats are very distinctive-looking. This is because they look like miniature leopards because of their rosette markings. Something that is possessed by no other cat breed. This is no coincidence. After all, Bengal cats were created by crossbreeding cats with the Asian leopard cat, which is named thus for exactly the reason that one would expect based on its name. Be warned that this means that the earliest generations of these animals aren’t 100 percent domesticated, meaning that there are jurisdictions out there that have placed legal restrictions upon their ownership. Fortunately, the rules for later generations of Bengal cats tend to be more relaxed because they have less descent from a wild species. Of course, Bengal cats wouldn’t be as popular as they are if they were just distinctive-looking. Personality-wise, they are supposed to be smart, curious, and confident, which should come as welcome news for people who prefer a feline companion with a go-getter’s attitude. This is particularly true because Bengal cats also have a reputation for a certain degree of playfulness.
2. Bombay
Speaking of which, Bombay cats are very distinctive-looking as well, though interested individuals might not be knowledgeable enough to tell that Bombay cats are Bombay cats. For those who are unfamiliar, these animals are supposed to be all-black, so much so that this coloring often extends to the very roots of their hairs. As such, it is common for Bombay cats to exhibit either no or next-to-no paling. Other than this, these cats can also be recognized by other features such as their sleek coats, their medium, muscular builds, and their green or copper eyes. These features are lasting reminders of how these cats came into existence by crossbreeding sable-colored Burmese cats with black-colored American Shorthair cats. Needs-wise, Bombay cats are more demanding in certain respects than others. In particular, they are very social animals, which comes with a downside in that they can start acting out if they don’t get enough social interaction. Thanks to this, Bombay cats aren’t one of the cat breeds that can be left for long periods of time on their own because they will seek out human companionship on their own initiative. Supposedly, they tend to become more and more independent over time but this is by no means guaranteed to be the case. In contrast, Bombay cats don’t need much grooming, not least because they don’t shed much.
3. Burmese
Unsurprisingly, Burmese cats are descended from a cat that came from Burma, which is now called Myanmar. However, that happened almost a century ago, meaning that it is more accurate to say that the cat breed came into existence in the United States and the United Kingdom. Curiously, American cat breeders and British cat breeders developed different standards for the Burmese cat from one another, with the result that American Burmese cats and British Burmese cats have seen some divergence over time. Still, most cat registries consider them to be two versions of the same cat breed rather than two cat breeds in their own right. In any case, there was a time when Burmese cats were limited to being sable in color, which is a very dark sort of brown. However, other coat colors have become accepted as well, though they are still supposed to be both solid and uniform. In both cases, Burmese cats have short, fine fur with what has been described as a satin-like finish. Something that provides them with much of their charm. As for their personality, they are also very much on the social side of things, meaning that they shouldn’t be left on their own.
4. Colorpoint Shorthair
Shorthair is often used to indicate a short-haired cat breed. The Colorpoint Shorthair is no exception to this rule. However, it should be mentioned that these cats aren’t always considered a separate cat breed in their own right. This is because they were created by crossbreeding Siamese cats with Oriental Shorthair cats. Furthermore, Colorpoint Shorthairs have their Siamese ancestors’ point-coloration pattern but in non-traditional colors. As such, while there are some cat registries that consider them to be their own cat breed, most see them as either a variation on the Siamese cat, a variation on the Oriental Shorthair cat, or a cat that can’t be accepted at all because of their crossbred nature. Regardless, Colorpoint Shorthairs are like Siamese cats in that they can have a craving for human companionship. In fact, it is common for these cats to be described as being extroverted, which is based on their smart, playful, and affectionate nature. Having said that, there are some Colorpoint Shorthairs that show a more nervous sort of personality, meaning that these cats don’t do so well either around strangers or in strange environments.
5. Cornish Rex
The Cornish Rex is a rather unusual-looking cat. It isn’t hairless. However, it has less hair than most of the other cat breeds that can be found out there. This is because a standard cat has three kinds of hairs, which would be the guard hairs, the awn hairs, and the down hairs. Cornish Rexes have just the down hairs, which are both very fine and very short by definition. On top of that, these cats are prone to hair loss, with the result that a considerable number of them will have either a very thin undercoat or be bald over significant portions of their body. When it comes to their temperament, the Cornish Rex is suitable for people with a preference for a bolder sort of cat. This is because they often have very adventurous spirits, meaning that they will explore on their own while being surprisingly good at adapting to new circumstances. Besides this, Cornish Rexes also have a well-earned reputation for remaining playful through their entire life.
6. Devon Rex
Devon Rexes are named thus because they also have an unusual coat that is similar looking to that of their Cornish counterparts. However, the two cat breeds have their respective coats because of different mutations that have resulted in different situations. As mentioned earlier, the Cornish Rex has down hairs and only down hairs. Meanwhile, Devon Rexes are different because they have guard hairs but just fewer guard hairs. These cats are also on the more adventurous side of things, as shown by their penchant for wandering the heights. Devon Rexes are smart creatures. Moreover, their temperament is good enough for them to be taught tricks by interested individuals. Curiously, these cats are affectionate, though they tend to concentrate that affection on a single individual rather than spread it out all around.
7. Russian Blue
Russian Blues started out as a landrace, meaning a kind of cat that came into existence through gradual adapting to the natural as well as the cultural settings in which they found themselves. In particular, it is speculated that they might have originated in the city of Arkhangelsk, which was once the chief port of Russia but was always impaired by the fact that it froze over for a significant portion of the year. The ancestors of the Russian Blue are believed to have been brought over to Great Britain and Northern Europe in the 19th century, with the result that the cat breed was eventually brought into existence in the United States after the Second World War. Appearance-wise, Russian Blues have green eyes as well as short, dense, coats that can range from grey to silver. Supposedly, they are less prone to triggering cat allergies than other cat breeds. As for their personality, well, Russian Blues are smart, friendly, but somewhat reserved, meaning that they can be rather hesitant around strangers. They do have a sense of playfulness though, which needs to be indulged because a bored Russian Blue is also very likely to be a mischievous Russian Blue.
8. Siamese
Siamese cats have been very popular for a very long time. For proof, look no further than the fact that they have been used to create a number of other cat breeds. Originally, the ancestors of the Siamese cats came from Thailand, which was once called Siam. However, there has been so much divergence that Siamese cats are now called Siamese cats while their more traditional-looking counterparts are now often called Thai cats instead. Something that is actually quite useful because the two are now quite visibly different from one another. Regardless, Siamese cats are a classic example of what people like to call dog-like cats. Essentially, they are fond of people, so much so that they have been known to experience separation anxiety when they don’t get to spend enough time with the individuals that they have latched onto. In fact, it is common for people to buy Siamese cats in pairs rather than on their own precisely so that the two cats will be able to keep each other company while their owner is away. Similar traits can be found in a lot of the other cat breeds that were created using the Siamese.
9. Siberian
Siberian cats are another cat breed that can trace their roots to a place in Russia. However, they have been that country’s national cat for quite some time, so it should come as no surprise to learn that they have undergone a considerable degree of development. Still, Siberian cats have retained a very important characteristic from their ancestors, which is that they produce less of a specific protein that is responsible for triggering cat allergies. Something that can make these animals better-suited for those who are concerned about such issues. Other than this, Siberian cats stand out in a number of other ways as possible. For example, they are powerful, well-built animals. Meanwhile, they tend to be on the calmer side of things, which can be attributed to a combination of their boldness and their equanimity. However, Siberian cats do have an affectionate aspect to them, meaning that they are quite capable of making good companion animals.
10. Sphynx
If people want a cat that doesn’t shed much, they can’t do much better than a Sphynx. After all, these aren’t cats that are just low-shedding, these are cats that have either no hair or next-to-no hair to shed. Interested individuals should take note that this does create some complications that are unique to Sphynxes and other hairless cats. To name an example, they lose their body heat faster than their well-furred counterparts, meaning that they are more vulnerable to colder temperatures. Similarly, their skin is more exposed to the sun, with the result that they can suffer from sunburn as well as other forms of skin damage because of that. Still, all of these issues can be managed by determined cat owners. As for what interested individuals should expect from Sphynxes when it comes to their personality, the gist of it is that these cats are another dog-like cat breed. Due to this, they should expect these cats to be friendly towards them as well as curious towards strangers, which are reflective of their smart, curious, and affectionate nature.
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- Cornish,Rex,Kitten,In,The,Arms,Of,A,Man.,Coloring: © Shutterstock