Cat Infused Yoga Is Beginning to Capture People’s Hearts
Irvington Wellness Center is located in Irvington, Indiana and has been in the news lately, all due to their new Yoga class that has already proven to be an interest of the public and of the clients that frequent the wellness center. Maeve Laverty hails from Dunkirk, Ireland, and you can’t mistaken her for anyone else, with her vibrant, pleasant, Irish accent. She is described as warm and lovely to talk to, and work with.
The motto and quote of the wellness center is: “Yesterday, I was clever and I wanted to change the world. Today, I am wise, so I am changing myself.” – Rumi-
The center is dedicated to their clients to help them build more flexibility, core strength and for their clients to get in touch with their authentic inner selves. And they want them to have fun along their journey, because it’s a process. Yoga is one of the biggest fitness attractions, these days, for many people, in the way of attaining an overall, mental and physical wellbeing. And what better way of achieving this, than to be able to do it with the help of a furry friend. Yes, Irvington Wellness Center is now including cats in their Yoga program and they’re calling it, Cats on Mats Yoga. They just recently had their first session, and the idea is captivating many.
The Irvington Wellness Center is working with the Kitty Castaways Rescue in the effort to help these cats find a forever home through adoption. The Center is donating a portion of their proceeds to the rescue, but to help place individual cats, the center decided to incorporate a Yoga class with some of the cats from the rescue to put people in touch with individual cats.
The idea is two-fold, the cats help to relax people while they intermingle through the room, with the students. Students get to form their Yoga poses around the cats as they wander about the room and go person-to-person, waiting for a rub or ear scratch.
You can actually sign up to specifically be in the Cats on Mats class and it will be held once a month. The cats that are in the class, are all up for adoption and can be adopted through the Kitty Castaways Rescue. Although the cats that are brought in for the class, are good natured, they still have cat wranglers on hand, just in case, to make sure everyone is safe, including the cats. You can contact the center to find out what the schedule will be for Cats on Mats and sign up to be in. So why not do two good things at one time, while you work on a better you, you will be helping out the cats at Cats on Mats, as well as, you may just walk away from the Yoga class feeling better, especially if you decide to adopt a cat you fell in love with, while in the middle of a Yoga pose.