Dodgers are Selling Cutouts of Cats and Dogs to Fill Stands

The Covid-19 pandemic has done more than affect the health and lifestyles of millions of people around the globe. The event that has caused the lives of thousands has also changed the face of industries and economies forever. One of the industries that were affected by the pandemic off the bat—no pun intended—was the sports industry. Games were cancelled right away. Practices were cancelled as well. For the MLB Association, it meant that spring training was not going to happen for the year. No fans meant that there would be no baseball. It was clear from early on that business couldn’t go on as usual. Whatever was happening with the MLB Association was also happening all across the professional sports platform. Much like many other industries, the MLB had to adapt to the changes that the pandemic was causing within society. All it took was a little bit of creativity, and fans were quick to support and jump in.

One MLB team that has taken the situation by the horns is the Los Angeles Dodgers. If you had somehow glimpsed the stadium even during some of the summer camp games, you’d immediately sense the emptiness with the empty seats. It’s an unusual fare for the usually boisterous stadium, and it’s almost disheartening to say the least. However, the LA Dodgers had a solution that was evident during the home opening game against the San Francisco Giants on July 23. Instead of empty seats, the stadium was filled with cutouts of fans’ faces. It was definitely an incredible way to somehow get the fans involved.

Because of how popular the fan face cutouts got, the LA Dodgers are taking it to the next level. This time, the company is allowing fans to post up faces of their favorite companions as well—their pets. You read that right. For the small cost of $149, you can have the puppy or kitty cutout of your pet occupying one of the Loge seats in the stadium. We know that if you’re a fan of the Dodgers, then your pets got to be as well. There’s no better way to show your support for your team other than posting up your own cutout next to your pet’s face. It’s a fun and interactive way to get involved and cheer on your team while practicing quarantine and social distancing at the same time.

According to the official LA Dodgers official fan cutout page, you even get to take your cutout home at the end of the season. Who knows? You might even get lucky with a couple of signatures on your cheek or even a baseball hit on your forehead. It may sound like the most fun you’ve had since quarantine, but that’s not the best part.

The best thing about buying the cutouts for your pets is the fact that the proceeds will benefit the LA Dodgers Foundation. The foundation was founded in 1995 to support the underserved youth of the LA community. The goal of the foundation is to provide opportunities for every single young LA citizen to grow and thrive. Through quality education, sports programs, and accessible health services, the LA Dodgers Foundation has helped hundreds upon hundreds of young kids in the area. By purchasing a cutout for your pet, you are helping support an organization that has done so much in the local community.

In addition, it also adds so much more excitement to the otherwise empty stadium. We all admire the players and the staff that have made the LA Dodgers such a successful franchise. It’s difficult to imagine players batting for an empty crowd. There’s so much more motivation in seeing faces of fans and their pets—even though they are just cutouts. It’s an inspiring way for players to know that they are not alone in the pandemic. In fact, it’s a hopeful and encouraging outlook during this time, to know that none of us are alone. Seeing the cutouts on the stands reminds us all that we may be far apart, but we are together in this no matter what happens.

So if you’re interested in making your pet a part of it all, grab the camera and take the best picture of your dog or cat. The guidelines here will show you details on exactly the kind of picture you want to take. As a few rules, you’ll want your pet to be facing you straight on and looking at the camera. Don’t send a photo of your pet lying down or doing a trick—it won’t sit right on the stands. Make sure your lighting is good and that your pet doesn’t blend in with the background. You want to be able to see your pet completely. Any personal information such as your pet’s name, your address, or your phone number should not be visible.

There are also photo specifications that you have to follow through from the guidelines. Remember that these photos are going to be blown up quite a bit, so take measures to ensure that the quality of your photo is great. You wouldn’t want your photo to be rejected for any reason. If that happens, the LA Dodgers will contact you for a resubmission.

The global pandemic might be causing a lot of bleakness worldwide, but this is surely one creative way to spread some cheer during these difficult times. Check out the Dodgers’ next game to see your face or your pup’s or your kitty’s face on a stadium seat. You’ll also see all of the other ones that have taken up the hopeful cause.

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