Homemade Cat Treats For the Kitty Basket
Kitty Delights
- 1/2 cup whole wheat flour
- 1/2 cup nonfat powdered milk
- 1/2 canned tuna or cooked chicken
- 1 tablespoon vegetable oil or cod liver oil
- 1 egg, beaten
- 1/4 cup water
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees and grease cookie sheets with cooking spray.
- In large bowl, mash the tuna (or chicken) into smaller pieces.
- Add flour and milk.
- Mix well.
- Add water and oil.
- Mix well.
- Beat egg in a separate dish until eggs maintain a foamy texture texture.
- Add to chicken or tuna mixture.
- Using your fingers shaped this sticky dough into marble sized balls.
- Spray cookie sheet with nonstick cooking spray.
- Plays balls on cookie sheet.
- Flatten and the balls with a teaspoon.
- Bake for 10 minutes and remove from oven.
- Allow the cookies to cool for 5 minutes.
- Flip the cookies over and bake for another 10 minutes.
- Remove from oven and allow treats to cool for 15 minutes.
image sources
- Persian cat wearing bunny ears: © Shutterstock
- Homemade-Cat-Treats-2-7512: © Shutterstock