Salt Lamps Nearly Killed This Cat Owner so Be Warned
Source: © Shutterstock
If you think about small children, you know that the smallest of things in this life can adversely impact their health and well being. This is why so many parents lie awake worrying at night. So many things, it seems, can go wrong. The kid might put something in their mouth that they shouldn’t, or there could be an unknown toxin on a toy that you were not aware of. You might know even your child has a severe allergy to something until a severe reaction occurs. This is why it is so important to know everything you can about your surroundings in order to protect your family.
The same goes for your pets. There are certain things around your house that can cause your cat’s extreme harm, even death. You might not even notice these things, but it is time that you started to look around to see what you need to in order to better protect your little animals. They do not have the capacity to protect themselves, so it is up to the owner. Take salt lamps as an example. Did you know that too much salt can actually poison a cat? This is an extreme risk that we must be aware of. If you have a salt lamp and a cat, then this is a potentially deadly combination. Continue reading to learn more.
Here Is the Information
If you have a pet and a salt lamp in your house currently, then you will want to particularly close attention to this information. In fact, doing so could quietly literally save the life of your cat. Once cat wonder recent started the day like any other, only to find out that her cat was acting more than a little weird. Just thinking it was an off day, cat and owner went through the day like any other, only to find that the cat’s health went downhill quickly. It was not long before they were rushing down to the local animal hospital where the diagnosis was quickly made that the cat had suffered salt poisoning. The cat ended up being saved, but this happy ending could have been disastrous if it were not for the watchful eye of the owner.
As soon as the vets saw the cat, they knew something was wrong. In fact, the cat was experiencing more than a few neurological problems. These were quite serious. The cat was unable to walk normally. She could no longer hear, nor could she see. The problems got so severe that she was even unable to eat or drink as she normally would because her tongue had stopped working as it should. In essence, all of her senses were wrecked all within twelve hours of the original symptoms being noticed.
Salt Was the Culprit
The troubling facet of this episode was that the veterinarians were initially stumped as to what was causing these issues. They knew that it was serious, but they had no idea how to help the cat overcome them. They ran a battery of tests on the cat, and all came back positive. That is always frustrating because all indications are that the cat is healthy, yet you could take one look at her and know that this is not the case. This is every pet owners worst nightmare. Since an animal cannot verbalize to you what is wrong and what they are feeling, it is up to us humans to take care of them in that regard. The cat owner felt helpless, as did the vets at first.
It was not until some blood test results arrived that next morning that the vets started to figure things out. They discovered that the cat had abnormally high levels of sodium in her blood. This was so much salt that there was no way it could have come food that she had eaten alone. This much salt caused her brain to literally swell up, resulting in all fo the neurological issues that she was experiencing.
If you think about small children, you know that the smallest of things in this life can adversely impact their health and well being. This is why so many parents lie awake worrying at night. So many things, it seems, can go wrong. The kid might put something in their mouth that they shouldn’t, or there could be an unknown toxin on a toy that you were not aware of. You might know even your child has a severe allergy to something until a severe reaction occurs. This is why it is so important to know everything you can about your surroundings in order to protect your family.
The same goes for your pets. There are certain things around your house that can cause your cats extreme harm, even death. You might not even notice these things, but it is time that you started to look around to see what you need to in order to better protect your little animals. They do not have the capacity to protect themselves, so it is up to the owner. Take salt lamps as an example. Did you know that too much salt can actually poison a cat? This is an extreme risk that we must be aware of. If you have a salt lamp and a cat, then this is a potentially deadly combination.
Salt Lamps
The cat owner was left wondering how in the world her beloved cat has consumed that much salt. Thankfully, the vets were able to treat the cat because they caught the issue in time. However, it was important to determine the culprit so that it did not happen again. The owner quickly discovered that it was the result of the salt lamp that was in their living room. The cat would lick the base of the lamp, as cats are known to do, and that would result in so much sodium being ingested.
So, the moral of this story is that salt lamps might look nice, but they can kill your cats. This goes for dogs and any other pets that you have in the house. Too much salt can harm humans, so you know that animals are at risk as well.
image sources
- Salt Lamp Cat: © Shutterstock