Tortured Cat in Afghanistan Rescued, Finds Home in Kentucky

Source: © Shutterstock

It is not uncommon to hear of animal abuse in Afghanistan. Unfortunately it is a regular occurrence there, for people to show cruelty to animals. Tyler Daniels, a contract worker in Afghanistan, had seen it enough while working there and even began to feed some of the strays that would hang around his and his buddies’ office. One cat that began to come around, really caught their attention when they noticed that approximately 3-4 inches of the little black cat’s tail had been burned so severely, the bone was hanging exposed beyond the charred fur at a 90 degree angle. Although the cat seemed in good spirits, he knew he had to get it medical care, especially once infection began to set in.

Tyler took the cat to the vet where it received its shots, was treated for the infection and had part of its tail amputated. This began a 45-day recovery process but the cat made it through just fine. By now, Daniels was attached to the cat he named Bewler, and wanted to get the cat back to the United States to give it a proper home. This, he knew, would be a challenge, and a lot of money but he didn’t let this detour him from trying.

Daniel’s team leaders were into animal rescue and he turned to them for help. A GoFundMe page was set up to help with medical expenses and transporting the cat back to the US. The fundraiser immediately brought in $1,400, however this would not be enough to cover the $2,400 needed for the shipping costs for the three-day trip that would start in Kabul City and go on to Dubai, then to Amsterdam, and finally to Washington D.C. Despite the shortage, Daniels and his co-workers found a way to make it happen and Bewler was on her way home.

Daniels had already planned to be on leave and tour the D.C. while there. This couldn’t have worked out any better for him, as he was able to pick up Bewler while he was there. Before he arrived, Daniels arranged for a puppy rescue mission to pick her up and hold her until he could get there.

Bewler, named after a tool that provides safety for American military bases, is now safe in the United States and doing great. She is as comfortable as any cat could be when showered with love from people who cared enough to go through that kind of challenge to get her to her new home. She will stay with Daniel’s grandmother while he returns to Afghanistan to complete his work contract, but Barbara Padgett says she is more than happy to take Bewler until her grandson can get back home to her. After all, she’s already taking care Daniel’s other cat and his sister’s dog, so what’s one more?


image sources

  • Boyd: © Shutterstock

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