The 10 Funniest Cats from Movies

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Cats have been very varied in how they are represented in film. Do you know why that is? Because they are very varied in how they represent themselves in real life. Some cats are cuddly, and some cats can be aloof. Some cats can be vicious, and some cats can be sweet and lovable. The best cats from movies have all represented their breeds in a very different way. We decided that for today’s top ten list, we would focus on the top ten funniest cats from movies. While some may be animated, and some may be real, they are all pretty much hilarious.

cat-in-the-hat-cat-in-the-hat-movie-11565475-650-433Source: © Shutterstock

The Cat in the Hat: Okay, relax. First off, I know some people disliked this movie because they thought it misrepresented the book. That is very true. But if you watch The Cat in the Hat without thinking of the source material, it is actually kind of a funny movie. Yes, a little childish and grating at times, but Mike Myers has a lot of fun as the titular character, and the viewers pick up on that. Some people were really mad about this movie ruining the book, but the book was a classic, and nothing can touch that. The film is mindless fun, regardless.

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Scat Cat from The Aristocats: Though some children of the 90’s may remember MC Skat cat from the Paula Abdul video for Opposites Attract, but this happened years earlier and is much cooler. Scat cat was a jazz playing cat who was in the Disney classic, the Aristocats, and he was quite the character. Heck, he dressed better than most real people I know. The bow tie just had it going on.

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Meet the BreedsSource: © Shutterstock

Mr. Bigglesworth from Austin Powers: About time a film gave an Egyptian Hairless some love. The thing is, poor Mr. Biggelsworth was actually the butt of quite a few jokes in this series. There were even people who had never seen an Egyptian hairless before the films came out. We, personally, love the breed so we love seeing it get some attention. Even if that attention can be a joke in a movie here and there.

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pussSource: © Shutterstock

Puss in Boots: I think of all the cats on the list, Puss in Boots is my favorite. I know there are movies (and cats) who are considered classics, but this Shrek character just had so much style, grace, and CATittude. Sorry about that last joke, this stuff just writes itself. I know I wasn’t the only person who thought Puss in Boots was one of the best characters from the Shrek series, though. Because Puss got his own spin off movies that are just as entertaining as their source material. Oops. I sometimes forget the source materiel existed even BEFORE Shrek.

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lucSource: © Shutterstock

Lucifer from Cinderella: First off, to name a cat Lucifer in a kid’s movie is quite brave. Second, the cat may have been evil (with a name like that, it’s pretty obvious) a pain to the mice in the movie, but we can’t forget how much humor in the movie this cat actually brought. Don’t forget, it is not a list of “nicest cats from movies.” This is funniest, and Lucifer was a darn funny cat. Plus, he was plump. A big, plump, angry cat that makes us laugh every time.

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miloSource: © Shutterstock

Milo from The Adventures of Milo and Otis: I think this is one of the best animal movies all around. While Milo the cat may have found itself in some life threatening situations in this film, there are also a good deal of laughs.  It is hard to imagine a cat stuck in out nature with a dog, but this movie shows us just that. It shows us how hard it can be, but at times, how fun and funny it can, too. On the plus side, it has a happy ending. You know we love happy endings.

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Si and Am from The Lady and the Tramp: First off, let us address some pesky rumors about how some people see these cats as racist. They are Siamese cats, so to portray them as Siamese is something that makes sense. I know some people think they are exaggerated by today’s standards, but let us all remember, it is just a Disney movie from a very different time. Once you get past that, you realize that these cat characters are quite conniving, but also make for some hairy (and comical) situations for our heroes.

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cheshSource: © Shutterstock

The Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland: No, I am not just limiting this to the Tim Burton reboot. I am talking about all the wonderful versions of the Cheshire Cat that has existed throughout the years. Though Burton’s was good, so was Disney’s. Heck, even game developer American McGee has a great interpretation of this character. Cheshire cat just is hard not to laugh at and hard not to like. Just look at that massive smile and those wide eyes. It is like all the best things about cats, turned up to ten.

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sassSource: © Shutterstock

Sassy from Homeward Bound: Just like Milo and Otis, Homeward Bound is about some domesticated animals that get stuck in the wild and the need to fight their way homes to their masters. Sassy is one of those perfectly named characters. She is just full of sass and attitude. Thing is, she is a cat in the wild and sometimes needs help. Luckily enough, she has two great canine companions who help her along the way. A great character, and a great movie for the whole family.

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binxSource: © Shutterstock

Binx from Hocus Pocus: So one minute, you are a regular boy, just minding your own business. Next thing you know, three evil and incredibly unattractive witches turn you into a black cat. Seems like a pretty bum deal, but sometimes Binx makes the best of his situation. I mean, what else can you do once you’ve been turned into a cat. I’ll be honest. I think I would prefer that. Those witches would be doing me a favor. I wouldn’t have bills or relationship problems. I would just be a cat. Seems like that kid should have just realized how lucky he was. Most of us would LOVE that.

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image sources

  • sam: © Shutterstock
  • cat-in-the-hat-cat-in-the-hat-movie-11565475-650-433: © Shutterstock
  • scat-cat: © Shutterstock
  • Meet the Breeds: © Shutterstock
  • puss: © Shutterstock
  • luc: © Shutterstock
  • milo: © Shutterstock
  • chesh: © Shutterstock
  • sass: © Shutterstock
  • binx: © Shutterstock

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