20 Pictures of Cats Who Just Woke Up
Cats are great, even if we are a little jealous that they get to sleep so much. By a little, I obviously mean green with bitter envy; we need more sleep and there are these adorable cats that get to sleep all day long acting as if waking up from their third nap of the day is the most difficult and most challenging thing that any of them has ever attempted. Of course, it does help that they are so adorable. That’s why we aren’t even all that made that we have 20 cats and kittens just waking up – and making it look difficult. Check them out…they are cute.
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Um, no; never mind. This kitten was going to wake up, and then it decided that it wasn’t going to wake up. Now its back to sleep and fighting the overwhelming urge to get up. We’ve all been there and wished we could just doze back off when we know we should be getting up. That’s the luxury of being act – you can. This sweet feline is so tired it didn’t mind using the windowsill for its pillow.
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Source: © Shutterstock
When you are so tired that you cannot wake up, you simply close your eyes and lie back down. This cat makes that look really simple, right? Of course, he does not have an alarm clock. Why fight it if you can go with it? What else is there to do but be as lazy as you want when you’re a cat? If you wake up and you’re still tired, close your eyes and go back to dreaming about chasing the dog and try again later.
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Source: © Shutterstock
Sometimes you are just so tired that you work to move a body part in an effort to get up, and it does not work for you. This cat tried. Look at his paw; he made the effort. Granted he didn’t make it too far before he just had to give in and go back to sleep. Oh well, he gets an A for effort, but playtime can wait. Maybe he pulled a late one the night before chasing mice and he’s paying for it and finding it very difficult to drag himself out of bed.
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Source: © Shutterstock
Ah, yes. Finally, a cat that does its best to represent the human feelings we all have when the alarm goes off and it’s time to get out of bed: Hatred, anger and resentment. Lucky for him, there is no alarm clock to hit snooze on, so roll over and go back to sleep. I’m sure this is really a happy, sweet little kitty when he gets all of his cat naps in for the day.
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Source: © Shutterstock
Sometimes you just want to cover your eyes and pretend as though none of it really exists. That’s what this cat is doing, and it reminds me a lot of what my kids do in the morning when it’s time for them to rise and shine for the day ahead. When there’s no pillow or covers to pull up over your head to shut the world out, the next best thing is a paw. This may be his way of telling the world to leave him alone and let him sleep. Whatever it is, it’s adorable and I want to do the same thing some days.
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Source: © Shutterstock
When you are so tired that you wake up only to go cuddle with your human and fall back to sleep on her diary instead, it really says a lot about how lazy you might actually be in real life. We are just saying. I have a feeling that this little guy must think that this book is the most comfortable spot to be at that very moment. He couldn’t look more content and there’s really no reason to wake up when you are close to your human and sleeping in a spot that feels like it was made just for you. One day he may be too big for that book, but for now, nothing else matter but a good cat nap in a book.
Photo by Imgur
Source: © Shutterstock
This cat seems to want to wake up, but he seems not to care that he’s not actually waking up. He tried, then he decided that he wasn’t as uncomfortable as he might have assumed; so he stayed put. Cats are known for getting themselves into the most precarious places, and some will even doze off in them. This guy doesn’t really seem to mind he’s sleeping between the coils of a heater. It’s warm and he fits perfectly, so why wake up when you can just go with the flow and enjoy the warmth?
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Source: © Shutterstock
No. Just…no. This cat is not getting up. He tried to stretch it out and make it happen, and it did not work for him. Now he will stay where he is and he will like it. Ahhhh….the warmth of the sun on the pavement. It makes for a good nap spot, and while you’re at it, sprawl all the way out and really get into the nap. This guy couldn’t be cuter. You can see the effort in his whole body, trying to wake up and realizing that this is just way too comfortable to make it happen.
Photo by Imgur
Source: © Shutterstock
Does this cat get to use the excuse that he’s trying to get up but he cannot find any solid ground beneath him? Because I’m certain that this is precisely how he feels right now. When you realize there’s no ground below you to wake up and touch, then why wake up at all? Why not let yourself hang from the wires of a cage and catch a few zzzz’s while you’re there? Although to us, this looks terribly uncomfortable, but to this little guy, he can sleep just about anywhere, which is exactly what he’s doing.
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Source: © Shutterstock
Sleepy kitten; she’s trying to open her eyes. Sadly, it is such hard work to be this sweet, this cute and this perfect on a regular basis. And you think your job is hard. Kittens spend most of the day sleeping. They’re growing like crazy, and the time they do spend awake, is full of learning and playing. It’s tough work being a kitten, so when you get the opportunity to go back to sleep, by all means, do it. You have the rest of your life to play and explore, but for now, indulge yourself in a good, long cat, or (kitten) nap.
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Source: © Shutterstock
When you just want to curl up into a ball and pretend that live does not exist, you look a lot like this sleepy kitten. Only, you are not this cute and you have to get up and at least pretend to do something productive. This ball of fur looks like it could be mistaken for a dust bunny, but a live and very furry one. It may take a few tries to come out of this position and actually start to move about again when you’re as tired as this little guy looks. He is so precious, you just want to reach in the photo and grab him to snuggle with.
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Source: © Shutterstock
There’s the “I have been enjoying this spectacular nap and I don’t really want to wake up at all,” stretch we all know and recognize so well from our own lives. Too bad we have to get up – unlike this cat. He can stretch and twist, and find a comfortable box to cozy-up to and make a day of sleeping. This is as cute as it can get when it comes to the positions a can get itself into and still manage to doze off. You know that feeling of stretching and how good it feels. Unfortunately, we don’t always get the pleasure of stretching until we feel good and then drifting back into a deep sleep.
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Source: © Shutterstock
This little one is having some sweet dreams, and she doesn’t want to get up. So she’s going to sit here for just another few moments until she has no more choice in the matter and her hunger overcomes her desire to nap. But until then, a little silly twisted nap will do her some good. After all, she is a growing kitty. When you see eyes closed so intently, you can’t help but wonder what it is that she is dreaming of. Whatever it is, it worth going back to sleep for.
Photo by Imgur
Source: © Shutterstock
There’s a little more of the anger and resentment we all feel when morning comes. The only difference between this cat and myself in the morning is that he looks as if he might actually be yelling. I yell on the inside so as not to wake up any of my kids. Those nails are drawn and teeth are exposed, and anyone who might cross this fellow, might be in for a bit of a surprise. He apparently is waking up grumpy and should be holding a “Do not disturb sign” until he’s ready to be talked to.
Photo by Imgur
Source: © Shutterstock
When I wake up in the morning, I stick my tongue out at the alarm, too. The only difference is that I am positive I do not even closely resemble the sweetness of this cat when I do it. When you hear that alarm go off in the morning, which always seems to happen way to soon, if you’re like me, you yawn and try to absorb the idea of getting up. This little guy looks like he fell back to sleep mid-yawn and forgot to reel his tongue back in. Whatever happened, it made for an adorable picture.
Photo by Imgur
Source: © Shutterstock
Why would anyone even want to wake this kitten? It is a kitten so cute, so adorable and so stinking perfect that I just want to cuddle it in every way possible; that’s all. This kitten is in sheer heaven and there’s not telling just how happy it truly is. Sleeping in a field of softness, it’s no wonder that if it tried to wake up, it would not be easy. If there was ever a spoiled little kitty, it looks like this is the one, and somehow, I get the feeling that even at this young age, it probably knows that it is already in for a life of luxury.
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Source: © Shutterstock
A long stretch, a bed, and a lot of apparent anger and bitterness in his eyes; this is a cat that does not even want to think about getting out of bed. We don’t blame him, either. Sometimes you just have to put your foot, or (paw) down, and tell your owner to back away and let you sleep. That’s exactly what this fella looks like he is doing, taking control of the bed and warning anyone in the room to back off. When you need your sleep, you need your sleep and sometimes it may require a little hostility to get it.
Photo by Imgur
Source: © Shutterstock
Did you see how this cat moved his paw off to the side and tried to get up? Can we blame him for being unable to give it more of a concerned effort than that? I don’t think that we can. Sometimes there is just no reason to push it. If you tried once and failed, why not wait and try again later, much later. This guy didn’t see a need to push it. Once he reached out to attempt to get up and it didn’t happen, he obviously gave in to a bigger calling – Sleep!
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Source: © Shutterstock
Tired kitty stretches are our favorite. This little one is as sweet as can be, and we definitely love how cute he is in his little stretch with his little paws. Oh yea, that feels good. Stretch and stretch, and stretch some more. He is all about getting the stretches out but not actually waking up. He looks too comfortable to move, so his owner just lets him find his favorite position and doze back off into kitty sleep mode. I don’t blame him either, who wouldn’t enjoy watching something so cute, sleeping so contently?
Photo by Imgur
Source: © Shutterstock
It might not be fun to wake up from any kind of slumber, but this cat at least has a nice view to enjoy with his post-nap yoga session on the deck. We all can use a good stretch-of-the-back sometimes and this cat knows how to do it. He’s probably feeling the sun’s rays on his fur and finding hard to get motivated to anything but take a nap in the sun. One way to help get those bones moving again, though, is a good stretch and yawn. This feline makes me want to stretch and yawn just looking at him.
image sources
- annoyed to be awake: © Shutterstock
- cat can’t handle it: © Shutterstock
- cat has to keep napping: © Shutterstock
- cat that can’t get up: © Shutterstock
- cat that wants to go back to sleep: © Shutterstock
- cat wants to stay in bed: © Shutterstock
- cat without a nap: © Shutterstock
- don’t wake him now: © Shutterstock
- don’t wake this kitten now: © Shutterstock
- he’s trying to get up: © Shutterstock
- it’s too much for this kitten: © Shutterstock
- kitten napping: © Shutterstock
- please don’t wake me now: © Shutterstock
- sleeping kitten doesn’t want to wake up: © Shutterstock
- stretching sleepy cat: © Shutterstock
- sweet kitten with tongue out: © Shutterstock
- sweetest sleeping kitten: © Shutterstock
- this cat hates being awake: © Shutterstock
- this kitten wants to sleep more: © Shutterstock
- this kittenis not getting up: © Shutterstock
- tired kitty: © Shutterstock