Can Cats Eat Peanut Butter?

Source: © Shutterstock

All cat owners love their cats. They want to do whatever they can to make their cat happy and to keep them healthy. Many people buy treats for their cats. They come in different flavors and cats absolutely love them. There are many dog treats on the market that contain imitation peanut butter. This is the reason that some cat owners will give their cats peanut butter if they run out of cat treats. While the cat will likely enjoy the peanut butter and they will lick every last bit from their owner’s finger, peanut butter should not be given to a cat. There are a few reasons why.

Peanut Butter Contains Aflatoxins

Aflatoxins are cancer causing agents. They occur naturally and peanut butter is loaded with them. Studies have shown that these cancer-causing substances can be toxic to the liver of humans. Also, it has been known to cause liver cancer in laboratory animals. If these animals can get cancer from aflatoxins, chances are your cat could as well. Even the fancy, homemade peanut butter sold in specialty stores contain aflatoxins. To keep your cat safe and cancer free, you should avoid giving him peanut butter. For most cats, cancer is not caught early. In most cases, feline cancer is a death sentence.

Peanut Butter Contains Harmful Fats

If you look at the label of your jar of peanut butter, chances are you will see that it contains trans fats. These fats are added so that the peanut butter will have an extra long shelf life. These fats can result in chronic inflammation, heart disease, and diabetes. Since feline diabetes is so dangerous and deadly, you don’t want to take the risk of giving your cat peanut butter. It is better to make your cat skip his snack time until you can get him some more rather than giving him peanut butter to make him happy. You could end up regretting it in the long run. Treating a cat with feline diabetes is expensive and difficult. It can be avoided by keeping peanut butter out of your cat’s diet.

Peanut Butter Contains Sugar

Most brands of peanut butter are loaded with sugar, which is not good for your cat. Too much sugar can cause your cat to develop a yeast infection, bacterial infections, parasites, and even cancer. The more peanut butter your cat eats, the better the chances are that they will get sick. Too much sugar is also responsible for premature aging in your cat, inflammation, and feline diabetes. Also, the sugar in the peanut butter can feed cancer cells.

Many people think that because peanut butter is loaded with protein and that since it is healthy for them, it should be good for their cat as well. This is not the case. Just because pet treats contain imitation peanut butter, it doesn’t mean that it will be healthy for your cat. If you ran out of your cat’s favorite treats, you should give him some canned tuna or even a saucer of milk. These things won’t harm your cat and they taste just as good.

image sources

  • cancatseatpeanutbutter: © Shutterstock

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