The Top Five Selling Cat Cold Weather Coats Right Now

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Cats are starting to venture out of the home more and more now. Not necessarily to run around, but many cat owners are starting to train their cats to walk on leashes, just like dogs. And many cats are loving this new found freedom of getting out of the house and seeing the world outside. The only thing is, they are a bit more particular about the weather than their counterparts, the dog. They want to be warm and dry, because they do care. And you care, too. You want your cat to be warm and comfortable when you take him out. Now you can make sure your cat is very well protected during the winter months with the newest, very stylish winter coats available for cats. There is a wide range to choose from, and if you have never purchased a coat for your cat, you may want a little help to find one that’s right for your cat. Well, to start, here are five of the top selling cat cold winter coats on the market today. Take a look.

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5. Soly Tech Winter Pet Cat, Padded Coat – $9.62

How adorable is this jacket? It is a hooded winter coat that will make any cat look cozy and fashionable all winter long. The coat is made of a cotton blend to help keep you cat warm and comfortable when she’s outdoors in the cold mornings, nights, or if she just needs a little warming up, even indoors. The coat comes in an array of sizes and colors so that you can get the perfect size for your feline, and you can choose the color that best accentuates your style or your cat’s hair color. There are two zippered pockets on the coat for carrying a few treats with you while you walk. The hood is warm and comfortable for your cat’s head to keep her ears warm.

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4. PLS Pet skiing Jacket for Cats – $18.90

Wow! This coat for your cat is really stylish and warming. If your cat loves to get outside and take a walk with you, the winter time might be a bit hard on your cat, so be sure to keep him warm. Here’s one way to make sure your cat stays warm and dry while on walks, whether in the snow, or just very cold temperatures. Made of Polyester fiber, it’s waterproof. It’s also durable, fashionable, and lightweight, as well as wind-proof so that your cat doesn’t get blown around and get cold wind in his face or ears. Your cat will still love his walks if he’s warm and dry. You can choose from three colors to get the best one to suit his look and color markings.

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3. Gimilife USA Pet Air Force Warm Coat with Hood – $13.69

 Do you have a love of the military service branches and want to show your support? Even if you just think this is a cool coat, it is. It’s a military Air Force style coat for your cat and is extremely warm. It’s windproof, and waterproof, as well. Your cat will still enjoy getting out in the winter months if he is warm, dry, and comfortable. The design is: a spiral pattern design for the cuffs, three cool badges (two on the back of the coat, and one on the sleeve), vintage metal buckles on the pockets, and a lion-like fur around the hood to keep your feline’s head nice and warm. Plus the entire inside is covered in a warm fleece for optimum warmth and comfort. You can choose from three different colors, and no matter which one you choose, your cat will be a stylish little kitty when he struts his stuff.

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2. PetBoBo Cat Winter Vest Coat – $22.99

This winter coat for cats is a winter vest coat, made by PetBoBo. It is perfect for outdoors or indoors, walking, relaxing, sleeping, parties, pictures and much more. Your cat will stay warm and dry in this cotton, waterproof, windproof winter coat that is meant for anytime and anywhere. Your cat will not only look cool, but will feel warm. This is a great coat for cats who prefer not to have anything on their legs.

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1. SMALLLEE-LUCKY-STORE Woolen Winter Cat Winter Coat with Faux Leather Belt – $14.68

This unique looking little coat for your cat is woolen and it’s warm. Your furbaby will look super cool in this grey woolen coat that sports a warm stretchable turtle neck, and a faux leather looking belt that wraps around its middle, and everything is washable n the washing machine, making it easy to keep clean when you need to wash it. Your cat will feel comfortable and cozy on his walks, and he will be a stylin’ kitty. Want more information about sizing charts?

image sources

  • Waffles-1-of-2: © Shutterstock
  • Soly Tech cat coat: © Shutterstock
  • PLS Jacket for cats: © Shutterstock
  • Gimie Life cat coat: © Shutterstock
  • PetBoBo cat coat: © Shutterstock
  • Smallee Lucky store cat coat: © Shutterstock

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