‘The Cat Man’ Helps Save Thousands of Feline Lives around Phoenix
Source: © Shutterstock
An area of Arizona, Sun Lakes has been dealing with a cat problem for years. The strays are everywhere and Bob Snow, a resident of the area, has been trying to help the cats and the city, for 13 years. The 82-year old man has donated his own time and money to help rescue cats, and his efforts have earned him the nickname, “the feline phantom,” and “The Cat Man.” But the majority of the people just know him as 82-year old Bob Snow of Sun Lakes.
Sun Lakes has one of the worst problems with stray cats, and primarily due to the fact that cats only have litters of kittens when it’s warm outside, which is why there is such a big problem here. It is such a mild climate in Arizona, 10-11 months out of the year, that cats seem to always be having kittens, which causes the number of strays to continually be high.
Snows has dedicated his own funds and his time, trying to rescue the strays. What he has done for the past 13 years is to drive around and “trap” strays to get them to . He sometimes heads out five days a week looking for strays. He takes them to the local shelters where the cats can get fed, fixed and medical attention that will nurse them back to health. Sometimes these strays are put into foster homes while some of them are taken back out to where they came from, but now, they are healthier and they are spayed or neutered so that they no longer will play a role in the growth of the stray problem.
Snow says that it is a lot of work, but it is well worth it and satisfying because he knows he is not only helping the community, but he is helping all of these cats who have no one. Snow has said his work has paid off. He knows that he has helped thousands of cats over the years, and not just helped them, but his work has saved lives.
It was said by the AAWL, Arizona Animal Welfare League, that many of these cats do not have a chance without Snow’s intervention and that he does not know the impact that he has made across the Valley. But it is felt like the cats do know. And thanks to Snow, these cats do not need to use any of their nine lives right now, and this is all thanks to “The Cat Man.”
image sources
- knxv cat man _1496809341941_60762482_ver1.0_640_480: © Shutterstock