Consider Getting Your New Pet Through A Ragdoll Cat Rescue
Source: © Shutterstock
Many people have fallen in love with the Ragdoll cat breed and for many good reasons. These adorable felines are like putty in your hangs when you pick them up, and give you tons of love each and every time you walk through the door. They are loyal animals that stick by their owners no matter what the situation is. Playful yet very docile, these animals would make a great addition to anyone’s home. Because of their popularity now, many breeders are producing a large amount of these animals every year. But this has caused a problem because not all of these animals find loving homes to belong to. Sadly, many breeders who can’t sell their kittens while they are young they end up turning the adult animals over to shelters. But luckily, if you want one of these beautiful animals there is a way that you can help.
There are Ragdoll Cat Rescue facilities In Many Different States
While getting your new pet from a breeder is not a bad thing, helping an animal in need is great way to give back to the animal kingdom. By getting your new feline friend from a Ragdoll Cat Rescue, you are providing a loving home for an animal that may never know what it feels like to have a home. Most of these animals are adults but you can often find kittens from time to time. If you had your heart set on a kitten a great way to find one at a rescue is to comb the internet. Many of these facilities have online pages where they post new animals up for adoption. Even if the animal is out of state, you can arrange to have them shipped to you for the cost of a plane ticket. But no matter what the animal’s age you chose, make sure to provide it with lots of love and a safe home.
Make Sure To Take Your New Pet In For a Checkup
Many of these animals will be kept in a kennel like environment which can lead to health issues. Upper respiratory infection, feline AIDs and feline leukemia are common problems in these environments. So before you allow your new animal to be around other pets make sure to have a veterinarian evaluate them. This will help prevent your other animals from getting sick and it will give you peace of mind. While most animals will be healthy and strong, it’s always a good idea to have them checked out to be sure.
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- Ragdoll Cat 11: © Shutterstock