Do Cats Cry? What to Do About Your Crying Cat
Source: © Shutterstock
If you are a loving and responsible cat owner, then the emotional and physical well-being of your pet should be important to you. One indicator that all is not well with a cat is if they are crying. However, cat’s crying is different to human crying, so it is essential that you learn to recognize when your cat is crying and the possible causes of their distress. Here is all you need to know about cat crying.
How Cats Cry
When humans cry, their facial expression and body language change, they may make sobbing or wailing noises and their eyes will produce tears. The way in which a cat dries is completely different. Although a cat can produce tears, watery eyes are usually an indication of a health problem or an allergen or irritant aggravating their eyes. Tears are very rarely an emotional reaction. According to animal behaviorists, cats will show their emotional or physical distress by vocalizing as it is the only way they can let you know that there is something wrong. The main causes of a cat crying are either pain or changes to their environment.
Different Crying Sounds
Cats become vocal for many different reasons and it is often difficult to differentiate between the various cries they make. Cat behaviorists have studied cats and been able to differentiate between the different sounds cats use and identify what each of these noises means. Cats will often make a yowling noise when they are warning off another cat and claiming their territory. Another reason they may yowl in a way that sounds like crying is when they are trying to attract a mate. The age of a cat is sometimes an indication of why a cat is crying. Just like human babies, kittens will often cry because they are hungry, cold, or scared. Older cats may cry for entirely different reasons. An aging cat may experience cognitive dysfunction that caused them to become disorientated. This leads to the cat becoming distressed and they will then cry.
Checking a Cat for Pain or Health Problems
A cat who is suffering from a health condition or who is in pain may cry. They are unable to tell you that they are not well or that they are hurting, so they vocalize this in the form of crying. When a cat is crying excessively over a long period, this is the most common cause. If you think it is possible that pain or illness are causing your cat to cry, then you can check this out for yourself. Check over their body for any signs of lumps, lesions, or wounds and make sure that their eyes, nose, and mouths are clear of discharge. You also need to make sure that their breathing is normal and that there are no changes to their genitals. If you notice anything at all out of the ordinary, then you need to take your cat to the vet.
Changes in Environment
One of the reasons why a cat may cry is if there are changes to their environment. To find out if this is the case, you need to think about if you have moved any of the cat’s belongings, added anything new to your home or made changes to their food or cat litter. Another change that may make a cat cry include new neighbors with free-roaming pets. By identifying possible changes that may have distressed your cat, you can take steps to make your cat feel comfortable in their home once again.
What You Should Do About a Crying Cat
The first thing to remember is that you should not tell your cat off for crying. If you have not been able to identify the cause of the cat crying, then you should take your cat to the vet. They may recommend that your cat is spayed or neutered if this is something that you have not already done. If the cause of the crying is anxiety due to changes, then this may settle in a few days. It can also help to give them a little security by giving them things they are familiar with, such as a cat tree or their bed. Return any of the cat’s items that you have moved to their usual spot.
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image sources
- Crying Cat: © Shutterstock