Georgia Man Reunites with Cat He Lost at a Truck Stop in Ohio

Reunited CatSource: © Shutterstock

When a cat goes missing, it is a heartbreaking situation for its owner. Sadly, cats going missing is a common occurrence. In most cases, the cats going missing from their home, and their owners begin a search of the local area. This often involves distributing posters of the missing animal in the hope that the cat is spotted by a neighbor. In some cases, the search is successful and the cat is reunited with the owner. While a cat going missing close to home is a difficult situation, there are extra complications if a cat goes missing in an area far away from their home, and there is less chance of the cat being successfully reunited with their owner. However, there are some miraculous stories of cats and their owners being reunited despite a great distance between them

ABC Action News tells the story of a trucker named Matthew from Georgia. On his travels, he would often take along his three-year-old cat, Ashes, as his road mate. One day in July, Matthew pulled up at the Love’s Truck Stop in Springfield, Ohio, for a pit stop. While he was parked up, something spooked Ashes and he ran out of the back of the truck. Immediately, Matthew began to search for him, but his efforts were in vain and Matthew was devastated. He truly believed that his beloved cat was lost to him forever, especially because he was so far from home.

However, Matthew did not give up hope that he would one day find his cat. According to Latest LY, Matthew continued to search for his cat. He even rerouted many of his work trips so that he could drive through the area to continue his search. Despite his many trips, he remained unsuccessful in his search. Four months had passed since Ashes had gone missing when a cat was spotted t a truck stop in Ohio by a woman called Kimberley. She was concerned because the cat appeared cold and it was only 13 degrees outside. It was so cold that the cat was trying not to put his feet to the floor. Also, the cat appeared hungry and it seemed to want attention.

Kimberley decided that she needed to do something because she was worried that the cat could die if he was left outside alone. Initially, Kimberley and her friend began searching around the local area to see if they could find the cat’s owner. When they were unsuccessful, they had to decide what they could do next to help the poor cat. She decided to take the cat to the Humane Society’s Lollypop Farm, which is in Rochester, New York. Kimberley believed that this was the best place for the cat to get the help he needed. She hoped that not only would the shelter get the cat back to good health, but that they would also help to find its owner.

One of the first things that the staff of the shelter did when the cat was brought into their care was to scan the cat to check for a microchip. Thankfully they found that the cat did have a microchip, and this allowed them to learn about the cat’s background. When the staff checked the cat’s details on the system, they were shocked to learn that Ashes had traveled all the way across the country and that his owner lived 1,465 miles from the shelter. Now that they had his details, they could contact the cat’s owner. They rang Matthew straight away to tell him that they had his cat and that he was safe and well.

Matthew was delighted to receive the phone call to say that his cat had been found. He rearranged his schedule so that he could make the long trip to go and collect his furry friend. He rushed straight off to Rochester so that he could be reunited with his cat. On his arrival, the staff from the center brought Ashes from the veterinarian’s where he had been receiving care to the adoption center to reunite him with his owner. Kimberley and her friend had also come along to watch the miraculous reunion, as the staff at the center had kept her updated with Ashes’ story.

Matthew has described his joy at being reunited with his cat as an early Christmas miracle. Although he had continued to hope that his cat would be found, he can still hardly believe that it has happened. He is extremely grateful to Kimberley for showing such concern for his cat and getting him the help he needed. He is also thankful for everything the shelter did for Ashes. According to Matthew, it is all down to having a microchip that his cat was returned safe and well. Without the microchip, it is unlikely that they would have been reunited. This is something that the shelter has agreed with as they have plenty of first-hand experience of working with cats with no microchips and finding their owners is almost impossible.

This story is the perfect example of the importance of having your pets fitted with a microchip. It is a virtually painless procedure, and it makes a significant difference to the likelihood of you being reunited with your pet if they ever go missing or they are involved in an accident. Both Matthew and the shelter would recommend to everyone that they take the time to get their pet fitted with a microchip. In this case, the story has a happy ending as a cat and its owner have been reunited, despite the great distance between them. Matthew has since returned home with Ashes, and the pair are looking forward to spending the Christmas season together in the warmth and comfort of their home. If it hadn’t been for the microchip, this story would have a very different ending.

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image sources

  • Reunited Cat: © Shutterstock

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