Helpful Tips for When Your Kitten is Teething

Source: © Shutterstock

Much like human babies, kittens go through a teething phase as well. At around 9 weeks old, kittens begin to lose their baby teeth. They’ll be growing their adult teeth from that time on up until about 5 to 6 months old. You can only imagine what kind of pain and discomfort they go through during this time, and you’ll probably notice your kitten try to appease discomfort by chewing and biting on absolutely everything they can—including your fingers and toes. There are ways you can help your kitten through the teething phase. Here are a few ideas on how to direct chewing onto something better for your kitten and also for you at the same time.

1. Chew toys

By giving your kitten appropriate chew toys, they’re less likely to nibble on other things. There are chew toys you can buy nowadays that are designed specifically for kittens to use while they’re teething. Choose toys that are soft for when their gums are extra tender and gradually increase the firmness as their jaw muscles strengthen. Nylon-based teething toys are generally good for them as well.

2. Play nicely

Schedule more interactive play time for your kitten during those teething months. It’s a great way for them to expend their energy and work through their teething discomfort when they’re playing with their favorite humans. Just remember that while they’re teething, ease up on the pulling a little bit when your kitten has a toy in the mouth. You can end up causing more pain if you pull too hard on their teeth.

3. Don’t let them bite you

Even though it might seem innocent or cute at times, never let your kitten bite your fingers or toes. If you let them do it even one time, they’ll begin to think that it’s okay to bite. That’s a habit that you don’t want you kitten to develop at any point in life. The trick is to not let your hands or feet close to their mouths while they’re teething. They’ll only get tempted to nibble on them if your digits get too close.

4. Have chew toys everywhere

Spread chew toys all over your house so that anywhere you or your kitten may be, you’ll have a chew toy ready and waiting. Make sure that these toys are visible to your cat as well. If they can’t see the chew toys, then they’ll go on to chew whatever they see next.

5. Get dental checks

During this time, make sure that you take your kitten to get dental checks more than usual. Do this especially if you suspect that something might be wrong. If your kitten is complaining of too much pain, you might want to make sure that their teeth are growing in normally. There are instances when the dentist might have to extract the old teeth to make room for the new ones. Getting dental checks will ensure that your kitten will not have to be in any more discomfort than they already are.

image sources

  • teething-cover: © Shutterstock

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