The Most Aggressive Cat Breeds

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According to the ASPCA, feline aggression is one of the most common problems in domesticated cats. Sometimes, aggression stems from medical problems, but in many instances, it simply boils down to breed and genetic behavior. The following felines, although gorgeous and loving, are known as some of the most aggressive cat breeds.

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Sphynx Cats

The Sphynx is known for being one the first hairless cats to become a popular domestic breed, even though they do have a bit of “peach fuzz”  fur. This intelligent breed is sociable and they love to be around humans. However, they tend to become aggressive and demanding if they feel you aren’t giving them enough attention. In fact, their loyalty and dedication is considered exceedingly intense by a few cat experts. If you aren’t at home a lot or have problems with a cat constantly needing attention, the Sphynx is not the ideal pet for you.

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Siamese Cats

Beautiful, wide eyes and distinctive coloring makes Siamese cats one of those most popular domestic choices. They also have lovable personalities and bond quickly with their owner, which makes it surprising that these loving cats are considered one of the more aggressive breeds. However, Siamese cats have a tendency to form a strong bond with just one human while shunning other people away. Their territorial nature can cross over to other animals as well, particularly other cats.

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Singapura Cats

Singapura cats are small in size, but are known for their big eyes and large pointy ears. The Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) described the Singapura cat as intelligent, extroverted, and extremely playful. Yet, their over-cautious behavior towards strangers can lead to aggression if they feel they are in danger. In addition, Singapura cats, well-known for impish-like behavior, are extremely mischievous and require a ton of attention and supervision.

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Bombay Cats

Bombay cats are known for their panther-like appearance and their regal yet quiet demeanor. However, don’t mistake their quietness for independence. These beautiful cats are extremely dependent upon their owners and require a lot of dedicated attention. Their aggression stems for their intolerance of loud noises and sudden movements. Children and the outdoors are not a good match for Bombay cats, as they can quickly become aggressive if they feel insecure or threatened.

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Bengal Cats

Bengal cats have become more popular recently because of their stunning appearance and lively personalities. Bengals look like wild cats as opposed to domestic cats, yet they can just be just as lovable, playful, and friendly as most other domesticated cats. The problem, however, is that Bengal cats are attention seekers and need an exuberant amount of social interaction. If they aren’t given ample socialization, attention, and play time, they can become aggressive, and at times, vicious.

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Manx Cats

Formerly known as Cymric, the Manx cat is one of the oldest cat breeds, originating back to the Isle of Man. They are well-known for either having bobtails or no tails at all. Typically playful, this intelligent breed has been compared to dogs, as they love to run, play, and follow their owners. The downside to this cuddly breed is that they are wary of strangers and will become extremely aggressive if they feel that their owners are in danger. In addition, although normally playful, as mentioned earlier, their cheerfulness usually doesn’t extend to children and/or dogs. In fact, the Manx cat may act aloof and distant.

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American Wirehair Cats

American Wirehair cats get their name from the coarse texture of their fur, which closely resembles the feel of steel wool and grows in ringlets, according to CFA. Wirehair cats tend love people and are affectionate and playful without being too demanding. However, this breed can come off as unfriendly and even aggressive at times if their independence is threatened. However, this sort of behavior typically happens with strangers only.

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image sources

  • sphynx2: © Shutterstock
  • sphynx: © Shutterstock
  • siamese: © Shutterstock
  • singa: © Shutterstock
  • bombay: © Shutterstock
  • bengal: © Shutterstock
  • manx: © Shutterstock
  • wire: © Shutterstock

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One Comment

  1. I beg to differ on the bombay cat. I have a purebred. I owned at one point 6 purebred bombay cats. not one of them has ever hissed. even when you pulled their tails. I also owned more than 15 bombay kitten altogether. It’s all in how they are raised.

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