Rescue Pets Use Their Second Chance at Life for Adventure

Source: © Shutterstock

In many cases, rescue animals have already lived a terrible life before they even arrive at the shelter. Many have either been mistreated or neglected in some way by their original owners. Their miserable life then continues in the shelter, just hoping and waiting for someone to love them and invite them into their home. When an animal is eventually adopted, it is a second chance in life as they can start afresh. Usually, those who find their forever home go o to have happy and fulfilled lives. They are well fed by owners who love them, and they live in a warm and comfortable environment Hearing stories of how rescue animals’ lives have been transformed is always heartwarming. Some of the animals go on to live lives that are even more exciting than anyone could have expected. That is certainly the case for a dog called Henry and a cat called Baloo, says Cole and Marmalade.

Henry began his life in a rescue shelter but was adopted by his human family when he was just under four months old. As soon as his adoptive parents saw him, they fell in love with him straight away and knew that he was the dog for them. His new owners enjoyed an outdoor lifestyle, which was something that they wanted to share with him. They soon began taking him along with them on hikes, and Henry loved these experiences. When his owners opened Henry an Instagram account, he was an instant hit and became known as Henry The Colorado Dog. Although Henry was having an amazing time, he thought he should have a companion to go along with him on these adventures. Thankfully, his humans were thinking the same thing, and they decided to get a cat to join the family. It took some time to find the perfect cat to join the group as they wanted a cat that would enjoy their wild adventures just as much as Henry. Eventually, they came across a rescue cat called Baloo, and they knew he was a perfect fit.

Henry’s owners were hopeful that Henry would like their knew kitten, but they were not sure how he would react. They were hugely relieved when Henry and Baloo took to each other straight away, and they knew they had made the right decision. Now, the family consists of Henry, Baloo, and their two humans, Andre and Cynthia. Together, they enjoy a wide range of outdoor activities, from backpacking to canyoneering. Wherever Cynthia and Andre go, they take Henry and Baloo along with them. To document all their amazing adventures together, Cynthia and Andre launched their own website called Our Wild Tails. On this website, followers can read about everywhere they have been together, the experiences they have had, and see amazing photographs in some stunning locations.

Not happy with simply documenting their adventures on their own website, Cynthia and Henry continued to upload documents and stories onto The Colorado Dog Instagram account. Although this had originally featured only Henry, it now also featured Baloo. The Instagram features some amazing photographs of the pair’s adventures together, many of which have taken place around Colorado. They are pictured sitting at the top of canyons looking down into the river below, reaching the top of mountains, trekking through dense forests, sleeping by a river, and relaxing together in a hammock. There are even photographs of Baloo taking it easy by getting a lift on Henry’s back. Cats and dogs do not always get along due to the many differences between the species, but that is certainly not the case for Henry and Baloo. It is clear from the photographs how much they love one another and how much fun they are having.

The photographs show them constantly walking side by side or in a group with Andre and Cynthia. It would fascinate many people that neither animal strays away when they in the vast expanse of the outdoors together. However, it seems that this is not an issue and that Henry and Baloo are always happy to stay close to Andre and Cynthia. Although there are many cats and dogs who have become famous on Instagram, there are very few that are featured together in such a way. Henry and Baloo are also unusual in that they both enjoy the same outdoor activities as their owners. You will not find many cats and dogs on Instagram that regularly go out hiking together with their owners. Perhaps that is why they have become such a huge sensation online. Their Instagram account has been open for just two years, but they already have a massive following of more than 1.8 million people. Every time they publish a new post or photograph, it can achieve hundreds of thousands of likes within just a few days. They truly have reached celebrity status.

Henry and Baloo’s lives could not be further from their former lives when they had both lived in shelters. Although shelter staff care for the animals well, it does not compare to having a loving family and living in a warm and happy environment. During their stay in the shelters, it is likely that Henry and Baloo would feel fearful and would have had little understanding of what it is like to enjoy a loving home. Thankfully, their circumstances have now changed dramatically and they have what every animal hopes for and more. Not only do they have loving owners and a forever home to call their home, but they are also enjoying some wild experiences that most cats and dogs will never have the opportunity to enjoy. They now have a better life than they probably ever imagined. Even better, they still have many more adventures still to come along with Andre and Cynthia. Who knows what the future holds for this wild pair of animal adventurers?

image sources

  • Rescue Animals: © Shutterstock

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