10 Random Acts of Kindness You Can Do For Cats
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There is a lot of attention being given to the concept of random acts of kindness these days, and it has a lot to do with the fact that it makes people feel better. It used to be something that people did just because they felt like doing it in the moment. Now it’s something that people do because they feel that they need to do something good. They make it a point to plan out random acts of kindness so that they can feel good about themselves, so they can post it to social media so that they look good to others and some so that they can teach their kids some good life lessons. But did you know that you can do a random act of kindness for your cat? You can; you can spend time doing nice things for animals who will appreciate it, too, and we have some good ideas.
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Give Litter
Did you know that all it takes to do a random act of kindness for a cat is to donate a little bit of cat litter to a shelter? These are places that take in animals so that they are fed and cared for and free from living on the street, and they need all the help they can get. It’s expensive to care for animals, and they need your donations.
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Give Cat Food
The same goes for cat food; cats at shelters need food so that they can eat. They can’t eat without food, and shelters need your help in buying food so that they can afford to give the cats they take in the food they need for good health. And don’t just stop at regular food; get some special food, too. You never know what kind of cats a shelter might have and what needs they might need met.
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Donate Time at a Shelter
Your time is just as good as your money and your food or litter. You can volunteer to help out at the shelter by cleaning out litter boxes, helping keep cats clean, cleaning cages and feeding animals. These acts are always warranted and always appreciated by the staff at animals shelters because there is not always enough time for them to do these things on their own without a little bit of help from others.
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Foster a Cat
It’s something that your entire family should be on board with, but it’s a nice thing to do. If you like the idea of helping out and doing something nice for a cat, foster one for a while. This is a need that many shelters have when their facilities are too full to take in any more animals. They might occasionally need a family to keep a cat at their home for a few weeks or months while waiting for a forever family, and you can do this for cats out of the goodness of your heart.
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Pay an Outstanding Vet Bill
The next time you go to the vet, ask the cashier if there is a bill you can pay for someone. You can give a budget, you can pay as much as you want. Just ask; there are always people out there who don’t have the money to pay for their cat’s vet bills and still take them anyway because they do not want their cats to suffer. You can make a big difference in the life of that cat by handling that bill for someone.
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Go Play with the Cats at the Shelter
All you have to do to do a random act of kindness for a cat is go to the shelter and play with the cats. It takes virtually no effort to go in and pet cats, show affection and let them climb on you and play with you. It’s also fun. And did you know that the act of petting a cat can greatly reduce your feelings of stress and anxiety? So you get something out of this, as well.
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Babysit Someone’s Cat
Someone who is going on vacation might need somewhere to leave their cat, so why not volunteer to take care of their feline friend for them? This kind of offer is very relieving to cat owners and their animals. Even though cats are fairly self-sufficient, they do get lonely from time to time and they would like someone to have around when their family is out of town. It’s a short-term way to give back and do something nice for someone’s pet.
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Take in a Cat for a Sick Person
Do you know someone who has a cat that’s too sick to care for the cat anymore? For example, an older person on his or her own that needs treatment for a disease or has to go live in a group home. These people have to give up their animals and this is often one of the most difficult aspects of cat ownership for people. Be the person who makes that person feel a little bit better about the change they cannot control; take their cat in and love it for them.
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Donate Cat Toys
Cats need toys, too. So why not go ahead and buy a bunch and then donate them to cat facilities so that the animals have something to play with. They can even be toys that you donate to people who have pets so that their animals have more toys, so that they can provide their cats with a little more than maybe they were able to afford in the first place, and so that you can feel good about your act of kindness.
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Give Cat Food to People in Need
Cat food is not just something that animal shelters need. In fact, cats all over the country belong to people who cannot afford cat food because of job loss and other unfortunate circumstances. These people might have lost their jobs and are struggling to feed their own families, let alone their animals. Take some cat food to the food bank and leave it there for families who are desperately in need for their animals as well as themselves.
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You can also read:
- 10 Great Valentine’s Gifts You Can Give Your Cat
- 10 Ways to Be a Better Cat Owner in 2015
- Everything You need to Know about Pyometra
- Ten Jobs Cats Do Better than Humans
- How Important is it to ID your Cat?
image sources
- cats: © Shutterstock
- cats: © Shutterstock
- cats: © Shutterstock
- cats: © Shutterstock
- cats: © Shutterstock
- cats: © Shutterstock
- cats: © Shutterstock
- cats: © Shutterstock
- cats: © Shutterstock
- cats: © Shutterstock
- cats: © Shutterstock