10 Things You Need to Know about Feeding Your Cat
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It sounds like a simple concept, but did you know that there is more to know about feeding your cat that just to do it on a regular basis? Believe it or not, there are some serious considerations and efforts that you should put into the feeding of your animals, and it’s just one of those things that makes you roll your eyes and say, “I don’t have time for this,” under your breath. The good news is that this is not news that’s going to upset your schedule or your cat’s life. This is merely information that is going to make it more possible for you to understand how feeding your cat works. Read on to find out 10 things you did not know about feeding your cat
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Cats like a Schedule
Cats are just like people in that they like to eat at the same time every day. They enjoy the concept of eating meals at a specific time each day, much the same way that people eat around the same time each day. Imagine what you would feel like if your Monday meal came at 8 am and your Tuesday meal didn’t come until 8 pm; you’d be pretty hungry and you can bet your cat will be, too.
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Cats Don’t Like their Backs to the Crowd
Cats are animals of nature, and they do not like to leave their backs exposed to predators. Even if you do not have other animals in the house, cats prefer to have their face to the ‘crowd’ and their bowls in the open. Bowls that are pushed into corners or against walls are not for your cat. Your cat wants to be able to see what’s going on around him or her at all times, so keep this in mind during feeding times.
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Cats Don’t Like their Food near Litter
You don’t eat in the bathroom, do you? The answer to this question is no. You do not eat in the bathroom. So why would you assume that your cat wants to eat in a bowl that’s positioned right next to his or her litter box? He or she does not want to eat here, and that’s just the way it is. Put your feline’s food dish anywhere you want, but not next to the litter box.
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Two Small Meals a Day is Recommended
Veterinarians of the world recommend that you go ahead and feed your cats to small meals a day. If you feed the cat any more than that, you run the risk of your cat developing health issues. Obesity is a common issue for cats that eat too much, and the same goes for those that are fed continuously. You might think your cat will just stop eating when he or she is full, but this is really just not the case at all.
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Cats Need Meat
Your cat is actually a hunter, which means that they need the protein found in the food that comes in the form of meat. You should carefully consider your cat’s diet and then add a bit of meat to it so that your cat gets all the nutrition necessary to ensure that it’s as healthy as possible. A little bit of meat – one or two forms – a few times a week will make your cat’s diet more complete and a lot healthier.
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Feed Multiple Cats in Separate Rooms
If you have more than one cat, put their food in separate rooms. Cats are going to eat as much food as is available to them, which is why you should not allow them to share their food dishes or even the same room. Many people do not follow this advice and things work out just fine for their cats. However, if you have a dominant cat in the house, it might be that your other cats do not get the right amount of nutrition because this one eats far more than necessary.
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Clean Your Cat’s Water Bowl Daily
Your cat should have access to clean, fresh water on a daily basis. This means you should clean the cat’s dish every single day. You should also refill the water every day so that it’s fresh and tasty for your animal. This is a job, especially since the cat might not always drink all its water. If the cat still has water in the dish, it might be tempting to just leave it there. Don’t; go ahead and just refill the water dish and make sure your cat has all that he or she needs for the day.
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Cats Prefer Plates
Believe it or not, most people use bowls to feed their cats even though this is not the correct dish. They’re manufactured for cats, but cats have very sensitive whiskers. This means that your cat is going to end up eating much better from a plate than a bowl so that its whiskers don’t hit the edges and cause discomfort or pain of any sort. Get your cat a plate; he or she will appreciate this far more than you know.
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Sick Cats have Different Nutritional Needs
If your cat has been sick and/or the cat is recovering from something like surgery, he or she is going to have special nutritional needs. This means that you are going to receive some instructions from your vet and possibly special food from the vet for your cat during this period of time. It’s imperative that you heed the warnings and instructions your vet issues so that your cat can recover the correct way and in as healthy a manner as possible.
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Milk is Not Good for Cats
It’s a common misconception that cats love milk. The honest fact is that milk is actually not good for cats considering the fact that they are generally lactose intolerant. Not all cats are allergic to milk, but many find it difficult to digest this kind of food and that means that you’re going to want to avoid giving your cat milk. Even as a kitten, giving your cat milk is going to be a bad idea that’s not going to encourage good health.
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- cats: © Shutterstock
- cats: © Shutterstock
- cats: © Shutterstock
- cats: © Shutterstock
- cat: © Shutterstock
- cats: © Shutterstock
- cats: © Shutterstock
- cats: © Shutterstock
- cats: © Shutterstock
- cats: © Shutterstock
- cats: © Shutterstock