Study Reveals Just How Dedicated Modern Day Cat Owners Are

Cat HotelSource: © Shutterstock

There is always a long running debate over who makes the best pets, dogs or cats. People can fiercely argue their points on all sides. Some will say the dogs really can’t be beaten. They are always waiting for their owners and have become a man’s best friend. They are loyal, trustworthy, and cuddly creatures depending on the breed. For their part, cat owners can make the same claims. They will also point that cats are lower maintenance and that they do not require much attention. Both are equally correct, which is why the debate seems to rage on. What is not so often discussed is who makes the best pet owners. One recent study reveals that cat owners are very dedicated to their pets. There are many reasons for these, and they each warrant serious consideration. Are cat owners the most dedicated? You will have to be the judge of that, but here is a summary of what one recent study has revealed.

The Reality

If you are a cat owner, then the chances are that you are already well aware of just how dedicated you are to your pets well being. This is because you truly believe that cats are the most special creatures on earth. They are really amazing in many ways. This makes you want to show your love for them at every possible opportunity. Because they are so adorable, cat owners often go overboard to spoil their beloved animals. This is how much they adore them. It also reveals just how dedicated the modern day cat owner really is. Many people would love to be able to just stay at home with their cats all day, much like mothers do with their children. Until that day happens, they will continue to rush home in the evening to continue to spoil their pets. This is the finding that a recent study has uncovered.

Time Spent

One way to determine how devoted a pet owner is would be to actually look at how much time they spend with their special animal. In fact, you should take a moment to consider that for yourself. Do you spend every waking moment with your cat or dog, or do days go by and you wonder when the last time you spent any time with them actually was. This is what you will need to do if you are to look at how devoted a cat owner actually is. This study found that today’s cat owner spends an impressive 1,016 hours each and every year with their cat. If you stop to think about it, that is really rather impressive. If you do that math, you will find out that this comes out to about 20 hours per week. You might find that this is more than you spend with your own child but, hey, that is on you. This is also impressive considering that cats are typically much more independent than dogs.

What Does This All Mean?

It is not difficult to know where this study is heading. Cat owners, like their pet counterparts, are really rather special. Cats are easy to get to know. They are cute, adorable, and cuddly. This makes people want to spend time with them. There is always a long running debate over who makes the best pets, dogs or cats. People can fiercely argue their points on all sides. Some will say the dogs really can’t be beaten. They are always waiting for their owners and have become a man’s best friend. They are loyal, trustworthy, and cuddly creatures depending on the breed. For their part, cat owners can make the same claims. They will also point that cats are lower maintenance and that they do not require much attention. Both are equally correct, which is why the debate seems to rage on. What is not so often discussed is who makes the best pet owners. One recent study reveals that cat owners are very dedicated to their pets. There are many reasons for these, and they each warrant serious consideration. Are cat owners the most dedicated? You will have to be the judge of that, but here is a summary of what one recent study has revealed.

More Information

This study also discovered that many cat owners would rather spend time with the cats in their free time than they would with some of their friends. How do we know this? We know this because they tend to take an average of seven pictures per day with their cats. Now, that is really something to consider. If you are a cat owner, then the chances are that you are already well aware of just how dedicated you are to your pets well being. This is because you truly believe that cats are the most special creatures on earth. They are really amazing in many ways. This makes you want to show your love for them at every possible opportunity. Because they are so adorable, cat owners often go overboard to spoil their beloved animals. This is how much they adore them. It also reveals just how dedicated the modern day cat owner really is. Many people would love to be able to just stay at home with their cats all day, much like mothers do with their children. Until that day happens, they will continue to rush home in the evening to continue to spoil their pets. This is the finding that a recent study has uncovered.


Earlier, we mentioned how many pictures cat owners take with their pets. You might wonder what happens to all of those pictures. Interestingly enough, more than four out of ten cat owners have framed pictures of their cats in their home. Even more telling this is that roughly 84 percent of the cat owners surveyed for this study consider their cat to be a part of the family. As such, they purchase the lucky pet a gift on a regular basis. That shows you just how dedicated they truly are.

image sources

  • Cat Hotel: © Shutterstock

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