Heroic Cat Saves Family from Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Source: © Shutterstock

Prissy is the name of the heroic cat that saved her family from carbon monoxide poisoning in Holly Springs, North Carolina, according to ABC WTVD. Prissy the Siamese cat, belongs to the Wild’s in Holly Springs, and it was her actions that alerted her family, including two young children, to something that could have cost the Wild family their lives.

The incident began Tuesday evening with Susan Wild, the mother, accidently leaving the family’s car running in the enclosed garage of the family home. She had just returned from the grocery store, put the garage door down and went on in to the home, forgetting to turn the car off. The car ran all night without her knowledge and by Wednesday morning, the fumes from the exhaust, which are the odorless, colorless carbon monoxide fumes, had begun to seep into the home.

Prissy, the family cat began acting out; very strangely. The cat’s behavior woke up one of the Wild children who just happened to be napping, and she went to her parents’ bedroom to let them know that the cat wasn’t acting right. As soon as the little girl told her parents about Prissy’s behavior, the girl passed out.

The incident made Susan leave the house and go outside to call 911 for help. The whole Wild family ended up going to the hospital for treatment of high levels of carbon monoxide poisoning, however, they were all fine in the end. The Wild family are all ok and this includes Prissy, the heroic cat. They are now back at home and all continuing to do well, and the cat has been dubbed a hero for her alerting her family to the fact that something was not right by her behavior, which alerted the child.

The Wild family is very grateful for their cat’s attention to a problem that could have ended much worse. They could have all been killed or have had much more serious issues related to the poisonous gas, especially because this gas is goes unnoticed to humans.

Because carbon monoxide is odorless and colorless, it is always advised that you have a carbon monoxide detector in your home, especially in homes where carbon monoxide poisoning is a greater risk due to certain features and equipment that may be in the home and put out carbon monoxide.

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image sources

  • Siamese: © Shutterstock

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