10 Things You Didn’t Know about The Thai Lilac Cat Breed

Source: © Shutterstock

In the early 1990s, word started spreading about a pink cat. According to the whispers, this wasn’t a dye job gone wrong, it was a natural phenomenon. As it turned out, the rumors were true. Enter the Thai Lilac, a pink hued cat with bags of appeal, startling intelligence, affection for days, and, of course, a fabulous coat. Although by no means as common as a standard moggy, the Thai Lilac’s popularity is growing by the day, and for good reason. To find out more about this incredible cat, keep reading.

1. They have heart-shaped faces

One of the most striking features of the Thai Lilac is its gorgeous heart-shaped face. Combine that with a well-developed muzzle, a large, flat forehead, short, slightly downward curving nose, large, nicely rounded ears, and wide set, slightly slanted eyes, and you’re looking at one very pretty face.

2. They’re muscular but never coarse

Unlike the slender Siamese with whom they’re often compared, Thai Lilac’s have medium sized, strong, semi – cobby bodies that while muscular, will never look thick-set or coarse. Their athletic appearance is enhanced by their curving backs, medium tapering tails and well-proportioned legs. As is usually the case, the males are larger and less dainty than the females, weighing up to 15lbs in contrast to the females 8lbs.

3. Their eyes can change color as they age

A Thai Lilac kitten will usually have yellow, amber, or amber-green eyes. As they age, the color begins to change. By the age of two, most Thai Lilacs will have developed the clear green eyes of an adult cat. Large, expressive, and slightly slanted, their eyes are unquestionably one of their most appealing features.

4. They come from Thailand

It doesn’t take a genius to work out where Thai Lilacs come from (clue: it’s in the name). As cattime.com notes, the history of the breed can be traced to 1989, when a pair of Korat cats managed to produce a litter with one pink kitten in its midst. The kitten was given the name Jenanca Lilac Lilee, and thus, a new breed was born. The distinctive appearance of the Thai Lilac is believed to result from recessive genes in the Korat. Usually, breeders will try and ‘breed out’ any traits that aren’t in line with breed standards. But in this case, things were different… it’s not every day you accidently happen on a pink cat, after all. Rather than try and suppress the gene, breeders began to actively encourage it. Soon enough, Jenanca wasn’t the only pink kitty on the block.

5. They’re low maintenance

Who doesn’t love a pink cat, especially when that pink cat is as delightfully low maintenance as the Thai Lilac? Their soft, short haired coats need no more than a weekly brush to keep in pristine condition, while their robust constitutions keep them free from any niggling health conditions. That said, they do (like all cats) need regular vet checkups to stop any problems developing, while keeping them up to date on their vaccinations and flea treatments should be considered par for the course. Make sure you have a scratching post or two dotted around to keep their claws in good condition (the occasional clip won’t go amiss, either), and be sure to give their ears and teeth a weekly clean to keep them free from grime.

6. They can live for over 15 years

Thai Lilac’s are a remarkably healthy breed, having inherited few, if any, genetic conditions. Providing they’re fed well and taken for regular checkups at the vets, most Thai Lilac’s can expect to live for anything up to (and quite often beyond) 15 years.

7. They’re very sociable

Forget your preconceptions about cats being haughty and aloof, needing no more than the occasional stroke to keep them happy. Thai Lilac’s LOVE people. As catiez.com notes, they’ve inherited their sociability and inquisitiveness from the Korat, and like the Korat, they love nothing more than following their owner from room to room and being involved in each and every conversation. The worst thing that could ever happen to a Thai Lilac is not being where the action is – if something’s going down, you can bet your Thai Lilac will be right there watching. Always ready and willing to make a new friend, they’re great fun to have around.

8. They enjoy having a playmate

While some breeds prefer to be the only child in the house, others like some feline company. Thai Lilac’s are most definitely of the second variety. While they’ll love their human friends, they’ll benefit hugely from having a playmate to frolic with. Thai Lilac’s produce large litters, so they’re used to always having another cat to run around with. All that being said, they can occasionally be a little bossy by nature, so choosing a playmate that’s not going to go up against them at every turn (or turn into a quivering wreck for that matter) is going to be vital if you want to keep the peace. Zooplus.co.uk makes the helpful suggestion of looking for siblings from the same litter. Not only will they already be used to each other, they’re also likely to have enough traits in common to make the ideal pair of playmates.

9. They get on well with kids

Thai Lilac’s make a great family pet. Not only will they get on well with adults, they’ll be a great friend to your kids. Of course, early socializing and training is vital to ensure harmony (something that applies as much to the kids as to the cats), but providing you set boundaries early on, they should all get on like a house on fire. The breed also does exceptionally well with other domestic animals, making them an excellent choice for multi-pet households.

10. The first Thai Lilac Point was born in 2014

Jenanca Lilac Lilee may have been the first ever Thai Lilac, but the distinction of being the world’s first Thai Lilac Point goes to Clairabelle Pixie Dust. Clairabelle was born in 2014 in the UK from two Korat parents. Further matings between the two Korats resulted in a further Thai Lilac Point (a boy named Clairabelle Ninja Rococoa), while a third and fourth Thai Lilac Point have recently emerged from the Jusarka line.

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image sources

  • Thai Lilac: © Shutterstock

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