10 Deadly Diseases You Can Get From Cats

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Cats are cute and sweet and they are very loving, but they can also be filthy animals (no pun intended, I promise). They’re dirty, and they’re nowhere near as clean as you assume they are despite their lack of desire to get dirty and the sheer amount of time they spend grooming themselves. Take it from someone who was recently attacked by her own cat and spent many hours at the vet and the doctor to ensure that all is well, cats are nasty. They are nasty, nasty animals no matter how you slice it; and they can give you diseases that you never thought were even possible. That’s why, when my cat bit me as I rescued him from the mouth of a pit bull, I knew we both had to see a doctor. Both the vet and my doctor informed me that infection was highly possible and that it was very likely that the cat could pass on any number of diseases to me and that meant that I’d need to do some work to ensure that this was not the case. I had to take antibiotics, wash my hands in special soap and take good care of myself. The cat had to go into quarantine, and it’s been a month and I’m still dealing with all the paperwork that goes along with all that. So, that said, here are a few of the deadliest and scariest things your cat might accidentally pass on to you or your family members.

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Perhaps the most dangerous and deadly disease transmitted through cats to humans is rabies. This can come from animals that have been infected by other animals. Foxes, coyotes, bats and other animals that are affected by this virus can spread it to other animals, even your cat. If your cat bites and spreads the disease to you, you could die. In fact, more than 55,000 people across the globe lose their lives annually to this animal-spread disease. It will appear like the flu and become worse as the disease spreads.

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Lyme Disease

This is one is very dangerous. Your cat can catch this awful disease from a tick and spread it to you. If you are diagnosed with Lyme disease, it could be a long road for you. Some people who have weakened immune systems that cause them to suffer more from this than others. Mental changes are very common with Lyme if it is not treated, and that’s something that we have to deal with as it happens. Many people have been diagnosed with this, and while it’s not known to cause death often, it does happen.

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This is a disease that cats come down with that affects their feces. If a human comes into contact with infected feces, the disease can be given to the human in question. While it’s not always deadly and can actually heal on its own at times without medical intervention, it is a deadly disease. Like many of the other diseases that cats are known to spread to humans, this is one that has a way of causing death to those with compromised immune systems.

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This disease becomes an issue for humans when they come into contact with the contaminated water of animals, cats or dogs or other animals that might suffer from this issue. It’s not the only way this disease can be spread, but water is one of the most common places it lives outside the body. When you are infected with this disease, you will likely suffer a number of serious stomach issues that can cause you to become very sick if left untreated. While many people do not lose their lives to this issue, it’s not something they can contain if medical treatment is not sought out as soon as possible.

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Commonly transmitted through infected water, this is a disease that can kill you. It can also cause a number of health issues that you will find difficult to deal with, such as flu-like symptoms and even meningitis. Kidney damage and liver failure are also very common when this disease spreads. Avoid touching water than animals drink if you want to ensure that this is not an issue you have to deal with. It can be deadly, though it can be treated if it’s caught in time. This is why animals that don’t seem to feel well should be taken to the vet immediately.

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This is something your cat could share with you without your knowledge. You will eventually begin to see the signs and symptoms of this appear in your health, and you should seek medical attention right away. You might notice flu or cold-like symptoms but you cannot ignore them if you have been scratched or bitten by your cat. These issues could mean that your cat has been infected and shared their disease with you. While it is not typically deadly, it’s also not something that’s good to have.

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This is something that comes from your cat’s litter and it is especially dangerous for anyone carrying a baby. It can cause pregnant women to lose their babies, it can cause birth defects and it can cause death. This is a dangerous disease that cats are commonly diagnosed with. For this reason, those who do not have to clean litter boxes should not clean them. The more a pregnant woman can stay away from litter, the better for her health, the health of her baby and her baby’s life.

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You might wonder how you can catch this from animals, and it’s entirely possible. It can live in the intestinal tract of your animal and spread to you in many ways. This is not as deadly a disease as many, but it can cause you to lose your life if you leave it untreated. It can cause a number of health issues that might make you feel unwell and if it is left untreated in a person that suffers from something like an affected immune system it could turn into something a little more serious; potentially deadly.

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Cat Scratch Disease

You know it as cat scratch fever, but despite its fun sound this is not a fun disease. It’s not only of the deadliest, but it can kill you if it is left untreated. This is a bacterial infection that develops in the blood and is transmitted from cats to humans through scratches and bites. It could cause serious issues in those who have weakened immune systems, such as people with autoimmune disease or other health issues. This is where it’s most likely to cause death.

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What’s scary about hookworms is that while it’s found primarily in the infected feces of a cat, it can get into the soil if your cat is an outside animal. This is a worm that gets into the ground and can get into the body of a human. While it’s not something that often causes death, it can cause other health issues that could lead to death if you are not careful to get your health issues treated. For example, several abdominal pain and intestinal bleeding are just a few of the many different side effects you could experience with this particular cat disease.

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  • Cat: © Shutterstock
  • cat: © Shutterstock
  • cat: © Shutterstock
  • cat: © Shutterstock
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  1. Fairly good article, however I find it a bit disturbing that someone who has a cat referred to them as “nasty, nasty” creatures. That particular descriptive word could have been omitted. DOGS also are carriers of most of the ailments mentioned in this article. I’ve been in the veterinary medicine filed since the mid 1980’s and have seen my fair share of diseases affecting cats and dogs and I am still here alive and kicking and have never been sick. This is good information to know but common sense (which seems to be hard to find nowadays) should tell anyone to use proper cleanliness protocol even with your own pets. I guess my annoyance with this article is that the writer referred to cats as “nasty, nasty”. Please let this person write one about dogs! 🙁

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